

A bright glint of red appeared as the man began to open his eyes.

Slowly as his eyes opened the light dimmed down until revealing bright crimson eyes, despite no longer bright, they still looked to glow in the dark of the area around the male.

He found himself laying in a bed of roses around him, they seemed to hug around him as if accepting a long lost friend.

As he twitched his fingers the roses began to descend back into the ground below, disappearing into the grass.

Even as the roses disappeared there was still a sea of red around him. He didn't move to stand, he simply shifted, his form seeming to levitate forward until he was on his feet.

The man was.... Otherworldly to say the least, either it be in beauty, or in how handsome he was he was like a God.

Chiseled frame and perfect muscle ratio, he was naked but as he stood there, examining his hands darkness seemed to form around him before he began to equip what looked to be an old fashioned outfit. As it finished appearing around him gloves appeared over his hands as he simply looked up from his hands.

Looking out over the forest he stepped forward before he seemed to break apart into what looked to be shadows. Vanishing forward as he traveled at incredible speeds through the shadows to appear a top of building, rising from the shadow.

The darkness like liquid and fog rolling down him as it didn't bother his clothing. Once the darkness hit the ground it scattered out, slowly disappearing.

He looked forward, his crimson brow furrowing slightly as he watched over the night city. Raising his hands he removed the glove from his left hand. His pale fingers reached forward as he seemed to be looking for something before he appeared once more vanishing into shadows, just to appear in an ally, no eyes even as he appeared in front of someone seemed to see him.

Stepping forward he walked out of the ally, continuing to walk past others, no one seemed to notice him.

His hair fell around him untamed crimson curls past his waist. Even as he walked his hair never seemed to get in the way. Stepping through a door it opened before he walked through it, a few looked at the door as it opened in confusion but for some reason felt it was just the wind.

Stepping around a few people he soon entered what looked to be a kitchen where a woman was standing holding a slightly bleeding finger. Scrambling around to look for something in the kitchen with no one else in it.

Stepping forward the female suddenly looked up as she seen something move, growing still with shock as she seen the man before her, she could get no words out as she stared at him. His voice, deep and smooth, a hint of refined tone to it.

"I am deeply sorry M'lady, however I must bother you for a drop of blood, in return I shall heal your wound."

The woman could only nod dumbly as he took her hand. The blood running down her finger began to slow before it began to pull from her finger, refining into a drop of blood as he leaned forward to press his lips gently to the tip of her finger where the cut was for it to slowly heal, no blood or blemish remained.

She was wide eyed to the show of healing before her eyes dazed softly. As soon as they refocused she looked around confused. ''What was I doing? Oh! The potatoes!" She then hurried back to the potatoes.

The man was still standing there but he sunk into another shadow with the drop of blood following him.

As he entered the shadow, within it's darkness he parted his mouth slightly to show the sharpened fangs that were much larger then the human's. Letting the blood fall to his lips his eyes closed as he began to ingest the memories of the woman, smaller things at first, simple roles, rules, laws, bits of her life that he needed information of.

Soon the knowledge deepened until it continued to look through the memories of blood, all the way to the memories of her ancestors. The further back he went the foggier it got, the blood wasn't the purest, but it was still enough to get what he needed. As he finished he slowly rose from the shadows, just enough to expose his upper torso as he looked off into the distance, his voice speaking lowly.

''Kuoh Town, hm? I seem to be a long way from home... This world is different from my own... For now, let us head to the other of my kind here..."

(MC Picture is the cover, but I'll put it here as well.)

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