
Just Another Reincarnation

A/N: I will be regularly posting (at least once a week) on www.libraryofakasha.com from now on. Reincarnation. The process in which people, after their death, are reborn in a different body. Most people lose their memories and start from zero, with their previous lives deciding their future based on karma. There are, however, some exceptions to that. Those who gathered enough positive karma and those chosen by higher beings have a chance to not only keep their memories but also receive special abilities or even pick the world where they want to reincarnate. Our main character is the latter. After passing a test of the being representing the very concept of reincarnation, Arthur received an offer: "If you agree to deal with the people planning to escape the cycle of reincarnation, I will grant you the means to reach the necessary power. Until then, you can live as you please." With the alternative being losing his memories and getting recycled like other souls, the answer was obvious. This is my first fanfic and i am not a native english speaker, so i am sorry if my story is not up to your standards. Disclaimer: Everything excluding the main character, a few original characters, chapters 1-9 and other made up staff, belongs to their respective creators and owners.

Gutek_YT · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 11: Being popular is tiring


A week ago, after Raku finally caught up to me and Yui, he tried to avoid eating the chili pepper by saying that the race didn't count since Yui didn't run on her own.

Unfortunately for him, none of us were having it. We reminded him that there was no rule saying one person can't carry another, and he was the one that decided on the punishment.

In the end, he ate the pepper, and after several minutes of 'suffering'

he was ready to play some video games with me, while Yui went back to her father, as she wasn't interested in them.

Today, was nearly the same. Everyone else went home or decided to play with other kids, resulting in me and Raku playing games alone.

"Young master, your father is calling for you," said Ryuu while suddenly opening the door to Raku's room.

He was a tall, muscular man and one of the yakuza serving under Raku's father. He had sanpaku eyes and a scar around his left eye, dark brown hair, and a mustache. His attire consisted of a light purple kimono, exposing his right shoulder and the dragon tattoo on it, with a dark purple belt around his waist. (A/N: Sanpaku eyes are eyes in which either the white space above or below the iris is revealed.)

"Don't call me that!!! It's embarrassing!!!" Raku exclaimed, hearing the embarrassing term.

I feel the same when they call me boss... But they don't care...

"I can't, young master. I have to show proper respect to the future master of the Shuei-Gumi. Your father is waiting for you in the main hall." Ryu said and immediately left the room.

"Can Arthur go with me?" Raku inquired after a moment of silence.

Ryuu looked at me for a moment and said, "That shouldn't be a problem."

"Let's go then, Arthur. It seems that my father wants me to meet someone." Raku said while stopping the game and standing up.

I am pretty sure I know who it is, but let's check it anyway.

"Do you know who it may be?"

"No idea. Probably one of his friends brought their kid." Raku said while placing both hands behind his head and setting off after Ryuu.

"I see," I replied casually.

Raku's house was a big, traditional Japanese mansion surrounded by a green wall, with one big ornately decorated gate, with a big sign above it with their clan's name. Roof tiles, similar to the walls, were green and the whole building appeared to be constructed out of wood.

After walking through the veritable maze of corridors, we arrived in front of the doors leading to the place where Raku's father waited for us. There, sitting at the low table, were three people. On one side was Raku's father, a man in his forties with black, already greying hair and bushy eyebrows in a black kimono with white trims.

On the opposite side was a blond caucasian man and a young girl, based on her hair color, his daughter. Even while sitting, it was possible to discern the fact he was tall. He wore a white suit with a purple tie and shirt underneath, while his blond hair reached his neck. He had dark blond, slightly thick eyebrows, and blue eyes.

The girl was wearing a simple white one-piece dress and a red ribbon on her head, tying her long hair in a loose ponytail in such a way that it resembled rabbit ears.

Well, good luck Raku. She will cause you quite a lot of trouble in the future.

The moment I thought that she turned my way, causing an unnatural shudder to run down my back.

My instinct is telling me I just jinxed myself.

Disregarding the bad premonition, at least for now, I followed Raku in his greeting. "Good afternoon," we said while bowing slightly.

"Oh, you are finally here, Raku? And it seems that your friend is with you as well. Hahaha, that's great. This is my friend Adelt from America, and this is his daughter, Chitoge. Since we want to talk about business and reminisce, could you take Chitoge with you? She seems bored." said Raku's father, a man named Issei Ichijo.

"It seems that your son and his friend are well mannered despite their age. My daughter is much more lively, but it's my fault since I am too lenient, hahaha." Adelt said and laughed.

"Hahaha, thank you but it's not all thanks to me. From what my son told me, it seems that his friend, Arthur, has a good influence on him and the other children. Can you believe it? They are even calling him boss, hahaha." Raku's father replied and laughed.

"By the way, whose son is that? He doesn't look like a half-Japanese. Someone from Europe?" Adelt inquired while scrutinizing me.

"Let's not make them wait any longer. Take Chitoge with you and go play somewhere." Issei Ichijo said as if wanting to get us out of the room.

Did he investigate my origin by any chance? Too bad. There is nothing to find out.

"Ok, dad," Raku replied, and the three of us left the room.

"So your name is Chitoge? Nice to meet you. You can call me Arthur." I said as we slowly meandered the hallways.

"Nn." she nodded. "Nice to meet you," she added.

"I am Raku. So, what do you want to play?" he asked.

"Hmmm, I don't know," she replied after a moment. "Do you know a good place to play?" Chitoge asked.

"How about Tegu Plateau?" I proposed. We already went there today, but I can't think of a better place nearby.

"Yeah, that place should be good," Raku confirmed. "And we can find there more people to play with," he added.

"Let's go then," I said, and the three of us set out for our usual playing spot.


"So you are living in a mansion not far from here?" I asked Chitoge once we got to our playing spot.

"Yes! My mom bought it. She is amazing!" she replied cheerfully.

"That's great. If you live this close, we can play often." I said.

"So? What now? I was hoping to find more people to play with here, but it seems everyone went home already." Raku commented.

I looked at Chitoge and said, "Do you mind if we show you around today? I can show you my best hiding spots and the ones you should avoid." I proposed.

"Okey!" she replied cheerfully, but at that moment...


"Ah!!" Chitoge yelped and squatted down, covering her head in fright.

Soon after, I felt raindrops, one by one, hitting my body until it turned into a downpour.

I quickly put my hand into a small backpack and used it as a cover for my Inventory, from which I pulled out an umbrella and opened it, covering the three of us from the rain.

"Are you alright?" I asked Chitoge while extending my hand since Raku seemed fine.

She looked back at me, her eyes teary and her body trembling.

Being this adorable is against the rules... She looks like a scared rabbit.

"You always have what we need in that backpack of yours. Did you steal it from Doraemon or what?" Raku asked jokingly.

"I just like to be prepared," I replied while shrugging. "This was supposed to be a surprise, but I guess I will show it to the two of you first," I added.

"What do you want to show us at a time like this?" Raku asked. "We need to go home," he added.

"Don't worry. Follow me." I said and started leading the way towards my side project, Raku right behind me, and Chitoge still holding my hand.

Soon, we arrived, and what the two of them saw was a pile of giant rocks covered in vegetation.

I brought them here at night when no one was looking. Then, I stacked them on each other in a way that would create a cave of sorts inside and covered in vegetation. Then I waterproofed the inside, adding a single small pool, and stabilized the whole construction to make it safe for others. I haven't learned earth magic but my control, imagination, and power of will were strong enough to substitute. All I needed was to merge the stones into one and make it denser in certain sections.

"Let's go inside," I said while approaching the pile of stones and revealing an entrance covered in shrubs.

"Since when a place like this is on Tenku Plateau?" Raku asked incredulously.

"Would you believe If I said I made it myself?" I asked jokingly, but Raku seemed to consider my question seriously.

"Yeah. You are strange enough for it to be possible," he replied, scratching his head. "Not like I mind it," he added with a smile.

Then, we entered inside, covering the entrance in shrubs again.

The inside was a spherical room with a radius of around two meters. The ceiling was only 1.5 meters above the ground, but for kids, it was more than enough. The floor was mostly even, with some protuberances big enough to sit on. There was a small pool on the left side of the entrance, where water from the ceiling kept pouring in through a small hole. There were also some window-like openings on the walls, through which it was possible to see bushes and other plants hiding them from the outside.

"Wow!" Raku exclaimed. "This place is amazing!" he added.

"Yeah. I wanted to make it our secret hideout. Only for the closest friends." I explained, then turned towards Chitoge and said with a big smile, "Which means now you have to become one of our close friends."

She blushed so hard that her face nearly matched her ribbon, then she lowered her gaze and nodded without saying anything.

We stayed there until it stopped raining, and then everyone returned home.