
Ep. 85 - Quick Trip, Evolution, Problem

"'Kay guys, I'll get the stuff we need for the bloodlines. When I'm back we are evolving."

"Sure, go ahead. But you are bringing Merlin with you, otherwise I am sure you'll come back home without your other eye." said Ruby.

"Very well then. Actually, the universe I want to go to, as an archetype, probably has a few things that could strengthen our Spirits, so that's a pretty good idea."

I opened up a portal and stepped through with Merlin. We found ourselves in space. Ah, Martial God Asura… What a shithole. They cultivate for so many years and can barely achieve True God Realm… How humiliating must it be to meet someone who became an Origin God in barely two years? I don't know, after all, only the gang was faster than me, and only because I increased the concentration of Profound and Primordial Energy in the Tower. Ah, on that note, the energy in the Tower was switched to Omni Energy, so Neo's cultivation obviously went fast as fuck boi. She is the Incarnation of Imagination now. Ah, my dear daughters are so strong, I am so proud!

"So, are you going to continue thinking about stupid stuff or should we do something here? Do you seriously want to wait until some old monster comes and hurts you?"

"Come on! I got hurt ONCE since we know each other and you all act like it will always happen! It was my fault, nothing else. Nobody will be able to harm me from now on, so don't worry. At any rate, yes, we should take the knowledge from this universe and also create our own bloodlines already, so that we can test them upon getting back to the Douluo universe." I said and used Omniscience to learn not only everything from this universe, but everything from all alternate universes.

"Oh? These guys have Spirits as well? Let's take them!" Merlin said and activated 'Universe Merge' to merge the Spirit Realm from all alternate universes and timelines, then used 'Universe Copy'. Since she did that, I used 'Universe Heal' on the Spirit Realm inside my own Inner World, so that the Spirits would now be to my personal preference and some concepts would be changed, and 'Universe Hijack', so that I basically created a contract with all Spirits there. Now, I could theoretically manifest any of them, but why bother? Oh, I also introduced Omni Energy in the Spirit Realm and sent every being inside a cultivation technique, which would imprint loyalty to me and the gang into their very existence, making revolts or betrayals absolutely impossible.

Oh, I also started pumping out this universe's energies, including that Source Energy, and fused them with Omni Energy. Heh, now I am a God even by this universe's standards. I saw several people coming to my location, but I didn't want to deal with them, so I wiped this universe from existence. Not. My. Problem. Anymore! P.S: Fuck you, Chu Feng.

"Now, we have all the time in the world to create our bloodlines. I already stopped time in the Douluo universe, so there's no need to worry about that." I said to Merlin, who was currently taking care of her nails.

"Good job, dear! Well, if we have all the time in the world…" she said with a very alluring voice. Needless to say, I didn't do much for the next few days. Godly stamina and law usage are fantastic! Fantastic I tell you!

Anyway, after having spent some quality time with Merlin in the void, I started wracking my brains. I have visited several different universes with a bloodline system, so I know what to make, more or less. Basically, it is infusing your own genetic information with knowledge, power, a personality, if desired, and so on. I obviously don't want my bloodline to change my present personality, neither would the gang. I also don't want some sort of little voice in my head telling me to kill everything in sight, or any other type of voice, for all that matters.

I spent probably a few million years perfecting my bloodline archetype, which will be the basis for all of our different bloodlines. Basically, it will fuse with our existence, take information on our desires, our powers, our personality, and create a personalized bloodline on its own. Pretty darn convenient if you ask me.

I tested it on myself first, just to make sure that I didn't fuck something up. I felt 'something' changing in my very existence. Bloodlines are strange things… It's not like sexual reproduction where you get a little from both parents… It's more like you pass a copy of everything down to your children or inheritors. It isn't just genetics, it's a concept on its own. Oh well, it worked. I used Omniscience and found that it is the perfect bloodline for me: exponentially increased mental capacities, increased intelligence, reading speed, thirst for knowledge, perfect memory, and don't even get me started on the law aspect of the bloodline. I could learn about a single law and will automatically make progress in all other laws, though not as much as the one I studied. For example, I don't need to study and comprehend laws anymore since I already did so for all laws, but if I consume a God, I won't have to fuss about which law they are cultivating since I will get a massive boost in general.

Eh, my explanations suck. TLDR: the bloodline makes me super intelligent, gives super memory, makes comprehending and advancing laws a joke. Pretty nice. I decided to name it 'Origin Knowledge Seeker Bloodline', seems fitting enough. Oh, it only took 14 million years and a bit, so that's pretty short. God, my sense of time really got fucked up...

"Merlin, the bloodline works perfectly. Here, get yourself one as well, then we will return and evolve." I said and gave her the knowledge she needed to change her bloodline. She closed her eyes and started changing her bloodline. It also took a little over 13 million years, and she got massive boosts to any kind of mental fuckery and support-style laws. Plus magic, obviously. You know, 'Mage of Flowers'...

At any rate, after a short stay that barely lasted over 30 million years, we returned to Douluo Planet. Once we stepped through the portal, I had time move again.

[Welcome back, Master.

You have satisfied all requirements for the evolution. Should I put it on hold, or start it immediately?]

So glad I modified the Voice to make it more 'human'. 'Put it on hold for now. I will share a couple of things with the gang then evolve.' And I also gave it the ability to read my thoughts, so it is easier for us to communicate.

[Of course, as you wish.]

"Ok, so… I went, I saw, I conquered, I destroyed, I created… I have completed the bloodline. Here, take the knowledge. We should do as usual where we evolve only up to five at the time, just in case something goes wrong. Me and Merlin are done already, so… Weiss, Ruby, and Yang will get their bloodlines. We evolve real quick, then we'll go through the rest of you." I said to the gang. Like this there would be enough people to defend themselves from foreign Gods and check on us if anything goes wrong.

I gave my three wives the bloodline and let it do its magic. Of course, I am not waiting for a few million years while the world outside evolves and does interesting shit, so I created a time-dilation area. To the outside, the three of them sat down to meditate and stood up in less than a second.

"Voice, start the evolutions for the five of us."

[As you order, Master.

[Conditions met. Proceeding with Omni Energy calibration… Error: Impossible to measure. Searching for reason… Reason found: Energy levels are too high. Master's current body can barely withstand this energy. Calibrating Divinity… Error: Divinity about to evolve, Master's current body can't contain expected energy levels. Searching for solution… Solution found.

Proceeding with Evolution… Calculating possible evolutionary paths…

Existence: Tula-28 - Reincarnator, Exo, Guardian, Master of Soul, Magister of Magic, Adventurer, Mechanical God, Origin God of Primordial Knowledge, Origin Empyrean of Original Knowledge, Demon Empyrean, Omni Energy God, Origin's Incarnation of Knowledge, Owner of the Spirit Realm, Origin's Knowledge Seeker, Legendary Cartographer of Douluo, The Headmaster… Current race: 'Origin's Incarnation', 'Knowledge' variant

Best Evolutionary path found. Proceeding with Evolution.]

And I blacked out as usual, but not before seeing three other energy cocoons around me.

I woke up some time later, I don't even want to think how many googols have passed.

[Wakey wakey, Master.

Evolution complete. Current race: 'Concept Origin', 'Knowledge' variant.

New Skills acquired due to race change. Honestly, Master, they are too many. I will list only the important ones.

Incarnation Skill - 'Origin's Incarnation of Knowledge' - evolved into: Origin Skill - 'Origin of Knowledge'

Incarnation Skill - 'Incarnatio' - evolved into: Origin Skill - 'Arche'

Incarnation Skill - 'Origin's Librarian: Amat-Mamu' - evolved into: Origin Skill - 'Custodian of Omniversal Knowledge: Amat-Mamu'

Divine Skill - 'Ultimate Strategist: Patton' - evolved into: Incarnation Skill - 'First Incarnation of Strategy: Patton'

Remaining Empyrean and Incarnation Skills - fused into: Origin Skill - 'Creatio Ex Nihilo'

Changes continue. Calculating… No need to inform the Master.

Skill granting ended.]

"Amat-Mamu, Patton… Tell me everything." I said, basically in a trance. And this was the worst idea I have had to date, probably. Ok, maybe not the worst. I was immediately assaulted by an ungodly headache due to the information from a seemingly infinite amount of universes flooding my mind. And shit hit the fan really hard.

[Warning! Energy levels are approaching maximum limits that Master's body can support! Divinity is evolving! Threat to Master's life detected! Searching for solution… No ideal solution found.

Searching for suitable alternatives… Alternative found. Proceeding with forceful evolution.]

"Fuck m-" and I blacked out yet again.

[Warning! Error in evolution process. Searching for solution… Solution not found.

Calculating… Possible solution found.

Sacrificing all Skills at and below Divine Rank. Redirecting energy towards evolution process… Error solved. Evolution into Unique Species triggered. Continuing evolution process.]

I woke up again after an unknown amount of time.

I was immediately engulfed by several people. Obviously, it was my wives and friends. My daughters just snuck their way in.

"Goddammit! Chill! What happened? How long was I out for?"

"You fucker!" shouted Yang, punching me hard.

"You were evolving for an entire fucking year!" said Loki, trying to strangle me.

"And there were inhuman screams and cracks in your cocoon and it looked like a fucking horror movie!" said Ruby.

"What the hell did you do?!" shouted Weiss

"Calm down! I don't even know! I remember I evolved successfully, then… Shit, I'm stupid. Amat-Mamu, explain."

[You really are one lucky mother-fucker… This idiot just absorbed the information on all energies, technology, and such from all universes in existence. And I mean all of them. He basically overcharged his Energy and Divinity, leading to a forced evolution. He's lucky he had enough Skills to sacrifice, otherwise he wouldn't be here. He's been out for all this time since he evolved in a Unique Species. The Voice can fill you in on that.]

"Tula… I swear to everything that I love that, if you ever do something like this again and survive, I will kill you myself. Good thing you're safe." said Jaune.

[That shouldn't happen anymore, Master Jaune. Master Tula here only acted on instinct after completing his evolution into the Origin of Knowledge, nothing more, nothing less. After his evolution into a Unique Species, this should never occur again.] said the Voice

"What am I now anyway?"

[You are a 'One-Eyed Seeker of Truth'. A completely unique existence. As you should know thanks to your newfound powers, you are the only one of this race in all possible alternate realities. While your power level is vastly superior to Concept Origins such as the other Masters, you are still considered on the same rung of the 'evolutionary ladder', as you called it previously. The only real drawback is that your eye will never be healed since it became a part of your race.]

"Huh, cool… Wait! And Merlin?!" I shouted and checked my soul. I fell to my knees.

"Where. Is. Merlin?" She isn't in my soul. I can't even feel the connection anymore. "Tell me where Merlin is, and I won't freak out… Otherwise leave this universe for your own safety."

"Calm down…" I heard from behind. "I am right here."

"Why can't I feel the connection to you? Do you have any idea how badly I was about to freak out?"

"Well, you obviously can't feel the connection. I am you now. A literal part of you, though I can still materialize my own body."

"Voice, explain now or I will reset your personality to zero!"

[Yes, Master!

Mistress Merlin finished her own evolution shortly before you became a Concept Origin. She was supposed to become the Concept Origin of Love, but your stunt caused an error and a forceful evolution for her as well.

To prevent the complete destruction of the existence of 'Merlin', I had to anchor her to your own existence, which is much more stable and powerful. You can now consider Mistress Merlin one of your Skills, similar to Amat-Mamu, just much more powerful, with independent thinking, and the ability to materialize her own body. Plus some other nifty little abilities.

I should also inform you that because of this process, Master became the Concept Origin of Love as well. To put it simply:

Evolution complete. Current existence: 'Two Existences, One Body'. Current races: 'Concept Origin', 'Love' variant, 'Concept Origin', 'Knowledge' variant, 'One-Eyed Seeker of Truth' superspecies. Current bloodlines: 'Flower of Love, Thorn of Protection', 'Origin Truth Seeker Bloodline'. Evolved from: 'Petal of Love Bloodline', 'Origin Knowledge Seeker Bloodline'.]

"God fucking dammit, this is getting too hard to even try and understand. Can I just sum this shit up as: 'I am OP, Merlin is safe, and I will have to wear this sick eyepatch for the rest of my life'?"


"Cool. Guess that's done now. I need a barbecue, so we will have barbecue. And I need to destroy a couple of universes that should have never existed to relieve my stress. Ugh, I shudder just thinking what Grimm in those universes were capable of…" Yeah, not-so pure things. Totally bestiality.

"I don't even want to know. Just glad you're alright." said Weiss

"Still need to stick with you until the end of time. It appears 'time' still has some life left."

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