
Chapter 3

Whis was the first to act, tapping the ground with his staff.

"Interesting, it seems I can not teleport us out of here."

Beerus immediately grew a snarl, glaring at Yuu, who was still smiling.

"Who are you, and where are we?"

"Ah, as I said before, this is the Uchu Taberu. My name is Yuu Makoto, and I am the owner of this restaurant that travels the Multiverse."

Yuu bowed slightly.

"A restaurant that travels the Multiverse? Preposterous. You are a mere Earthling, and I sense nothing from you. Not even Ki! So I ask again, who are you?"

Beerus raised his hand, gathering energy into it, a dark purple orb appearing.

"Beerus-sama, he is telling the truth."

Beerus slowly lowered his hand before the orb disappeared. He pulls out a nearby chair and sits down.


Yuu, who would normally feel like pissing his pants, thanked the perk he received dealing with Chuthulu.

"My name is Yuu Makoto, and I run this restaurant, which can serve the vast multiverse, and am able to tell you many things, as I also have a small side job of knowing the past, present, and future of universes."

"Is that so? Then it's nice to meet you! My name's Goku, although you probably know that."

Goku held out his hand, as Yuu shook it.

"The grumpy one over there is Vegeta, and those two are Beerus-sama and Whis!"

Whis gave a small nod, while Beerus grunts.

"It is very nice to meet you all! It is nice, since you 4 are my first customers, so I'll be willing to answer you guys 1 question each! I would serve you guys food, but you probably had some back at the boat, didn't you?"

Goku looked shocked as he stared at Yuu.

"How did you know?"

Yuu tapped the side of his head.

"I know a lot of information, enough to help you guys out."

Whis pondered, before asking.

"So we can meet other people here from the other universes?"

Yuu look confused before his face lit up.

"Ah, let me explain really quickly. This restaurant is accessed by multiple universes, but not the universes you are thinking about. Your universe is known as Dragon Ball."


"In your universe, there are 12 universes where it is all ruled over by the Omni-King. Each universe has a destroyer as well as an angel that takes care of it. In this case, you guys are in Universe 7."

Goku felt confused.

"What? I don't get it."

Vegeta scoffed.

"Hmph, Try using your brain for once Kakarot."


"As I was saying, Uchu Taberu can serve other universes. One example is a universe where some people wish to be the Pirate King, and there are things called Devil Fruits. In this universe, there are no Gods of Destruction, no Omni King, and no angels."

"What?! Impossible!"

Beerus stood up.

"The Omni-King isn't something that you can simply shrug off mortal!"

"It's the truth though."

Beerus was now shocked beyond belief, before sitting down again. This time, Goku, Whis, and Vegeta joined him.

"It's hard to believe, but it's true..."

Whis was muttering under his breath now.

"That is one question now, 3 more to go."

Vegeta stood up, his hands clenched.

"Tell me this then, if you know so much. How do I get stronger?"

Yuu scratched his head, before looking at Vegeta.

"The way I see it, there are 3 ways to get stronger for you. In fact, I can think of 3 ways you can even surpass Beerus."

Vegeta's eyes grew wide while Goku stood up excited.

'You mean it?"


"Now wait just 1 minute here!"

Beerus growled at Yuu, who was still staring at Vegeta.

"Those are some bold words. Stronger than me? I am a destroyer god Earthling!"

"Yes, but there are still three ways they can grow stronger than you."

"Oh! You must be talking about the Super Saiyan God!"

Beerus was now excited. Goku and Vegeta were both staring at Yuu now.

"You can tell us about it?"

"Yes, but that will be one of the questions, and I can't tell you about the other 2 methods unless you use your questions for them."

"Then use 2 of our questions and talk about 2 of them. One of them must be about the Super Saiyan God!"

"Alright then, let's start off with the Super Saiyan God, shall we? In order to achieve it, one must simply have 5 Saiyans of righteous hearts who must instill their inner light into one. This allows them to get something called God Ki, which in turn, allows them to become the Super Saiyan God. So a total of 6 Saiyans are needed."

"That's it?"

"Yes, it is a simple ritual that gives the person who received those inner lights the power of the gods. However, there is still something above that."



Goku, Vegeta, and Beerus were now even more shocked, while Whis simply raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan. This form is when you have Super Saiyan God, but train hard enough to get to the next level."

While Vegeta and Beerus were staring at him, Goku simply raised his hand.

"Uhh, what about the other one?"

"The other transformation is if you focus more on your Saiyan potential."


Yuu ignored it and continued.

"Your tails are the key in order to become those transformations. In fact, your tail helps a lot."

"But we removed them."

"I'm sure you can wish for them back or something, but as I was saying, by getting your tails back, you might risk turning into the Great Ape, but the benefits are also interesting. For starters, Super Saiyan 3 will become easier for you to control."


"Yes, but that's not all, by turning into a Great Ape, but being able to go into Super Saiyan 3, you will go into something called the Golden Great Ape. It is the stronger version of the Great Ape. There is, however, even something beyond that."

"What's that?"

"If you manage to control yourself while being in the Golden Great Ape, you will be able to achieve the next step of your bloodline. Super Saiyan 4."

Goku and Vegeta were now staring at their hands. All this power they could have accessed, and they never even knew about.

"T-then, what about the last transformation?"

Goku was now stuttering with excitement. However, Yuu immediately frowned.

"Goku-sama, don't worry about that one. It is something that is nearly impossible to reach and has nothing to do with Saiyans or God Ki. Also, it's not really a transformation but a technique."

"I still want to know though..."

Goku whined. Vegeta, while silent, perked up a slight bit.

"Alright, fine. I will tell you, although Beerus-sama and Whis-sama should know this already.

"Huh, what are you-! You don't mean!"

Beerus was now greatly alert.

"Listen very well, Goku-sama, Vegeta-sama, for if you can reach it, will put you as one of the strongest mortals in all of existence. To get this technique, you must get in a state where you no longer consciously control your body, every part of your body reacts on its own, removing thought/brain entirely from the process, which allows you to function at hyper speeds that are otherwise impossible to reach due to the limiting factor that is a brain processing and returning the signals to the muscles. This has a name."

Whis smiled, while Beerus' teeth grinded.

"Ultra Instinct."

Vegeta immediately went into thought, no doubt trying to figure out how to obtain this legendary power, but Yuu knew it wouldn't be for a long while until they even managed to reach it. Goku on the other hand turned serious. For once, the cheerful Saiyan's face was deadly serious. Yuu shivered slightly. Serious Goku was never a good sign of what was going to happen.

While Whis simply hummed, Beerus on the other hand was now oddly quiet, before he then proceeded to stand up.

"I have decided right now."

Goku and Vegeta immediately snapped up to look at him. Beerus then turned to Yuu, who slowly started sweating. The pressure in the room was now huge.

"Yuu Makoto, was it? As a God of Destruction, I have deemed you too dangerous to exist any longer. You have revealed far too much, and appear to have knowledge that may even be more dangerous."

Beerus lifted his palm up.

"B-Beerus-sama, perh-"


Then pressure grew ten-fold, and Vegeta took a step back, sweat growing on his forehead.

Beerus swiftly turned back to Yuu, who was now scared out of his wits. He knew what this technique was.

Hakai. He would be erased then and there.

Yuu inwardly panicked, before he remembered the perk he gained.

[Perk: Begone (Rank EX)]

Description: *insert face-slap here*

Effect: Allows you to remove anyone you wish from your restaurant. You can choose how long they are kicked for. Has unlimited uses.]

Yuu slowly lifted his right hand, pointing his index and middle finger at Beerus, the rest clenched.

"I'm sorry, but I am going to have to remove you from the premises as you are about to erase me out of existence."

Yuu took a breath, before looking Beerus in the eyes.

"For the next 24 hours, Beerus of the Dragon Ball Universe shall be banned."

Yuu then flicked his hand to the left, uttering only one word.


In a blink of an eye, Beerus and the pressure that was emitted everywhere vanished, leaving a confused Goku, a shocked Vegeta, and a Whis who simply put a hand on his chin.

(AN: Shorter than usual, but it's all I can do. I wanted to try to grab the way the characters talk and act, their demeanor, etc. Vegeta feels like a background character here, since I'm still confused with how he is. He was arrogant at the Saiyan saga, then finally let go of his pride at the end of the Buu Saga, then immediately started going arrogant in Super? I didn't really get it, so I'm going to leave him as a side character more until then I understand more. Sorry about that. Beerus feels arrogant yet easily surprised, Goku has the playful side (until DBZ, in which serious Goku kinda scared me) and Whis felt like a neutral side who didn't really care much. until next time though!)



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