
Number 1

- A Lucky Attendant -


- 7:00 AM -


Running out of my small apartment, I tried to stop a cab and fix my skirt at the same time. I will be doing my makeup in the cab, I don't have much time to do that in the apartment. I am already late to work, as a flight attendant. I should always be early but this is normal for me, my alarm either messes up or I don't get up when it rings. I still manage to get to work before I get fired. Because I'm so good at my job and with a touch of luck, I still haven't been fired.

I Sasha McQueen, is nicknaked the lucky girl. A lot of people think I am lucky because of all the privileges I get. Also, most times my company puts me in a private flight with very rich and famous people instead. I get gifts and also become friends with some of them. I am glad to have a work environment where everyone respects me a lot. This has always been my dream and it took me a lot of work to get here. Thankfully, I was persistent and never gave up.

I finally stopped a cab and got in. I have a flight today and it is a private one. I have been told this person is super strict so I need to be groomed before going with them. Like I don't know what to do even if the person is that rude. I started doing my makeup in the cab and combing my hair. There was a huge traffic on the way, luckily for me, my cab driver took a shortcut. He must have seen how much of a hurry I'm in.

I had packed my hair like I always did before the car stopped. My dressing was complete, almost all the cab drivers in this city should know me by now. My parents always talked to me about being late, I never worried because I had them. Now I am living on my own, they live in another city which is next to ours. I moved here a few years ago because I found my dream company here. I wanted to work with the biggest flight agency in the country and this one was the best.

I was lucky to get my job on my first try. I live alone, though I have my best friend Annie here who works in a hotel. Our jobs are a bit similar. Only that I work with the flight agency while she doesn't. Unlike me, her parents and younger brother, Matt stays here. She also lives in her own apartment like me. I have a younger sister, Melanie who stays with my parents. She comes to visit whenever her school is on break.

Life hasn't been at all easy since I now help my parents financially. I don't really have a good love life, except the fact that my ex boyfriend cheated on me months ago and now I'm back to being single. He probably thinks the world revolves around money, so I would be fine even if he cheated on me. I showed him that things don't work that way. The world doesn't revolve around him and he needs to understand that. Maybe someday he will find someone better than me if he can understand what he did wrong. But knowing the kind of person he is, he probably won't stop. I should have seen that before letting him into my life.

Enough of talking about my sad love life. I already let that happen, but I won't make that mistake again. I will avoid toxic people like him no matter what. I sighed as the cab came to a stop. Why do I always think about this every single time? I should focus on the task ahead of me. I wasn't told the name of the person who I am going to serve with my colleagues.

All I know is that we will wait till his business is over the next day, so we can come back to sunshine city. We would be going to Hawaii, I've been on a flight there once. I always wanted to come back during my vacation whenever I have saved enough money for myself. Though we will leave the next day, I will take the opportunity to quickly check around before leaving. I have a passport anyways. This is why I love my job, I love traveling and I have been going places because of this.

"You are late again Sasha. Seriously, don't you ever check your alarm before you sleep. You know today is very important." My supervisor, Camille said as I stepped in.

"I'm sorry. I was caught up in traffic and I couldn't come on time. You also came through the same road right, I mean didn't you see the traffic?" I asked in pretence, I always do this to get away with whatever I do. I always have something to say which always amazes Camille.

She shook her head, "Why did I think you would have nothing to say today? Get ready, the flight will leave in two hours. You should prepare and make no mistakes. Remember, this person is very important and has a lot of effect in this city. I hope you don't mess up."

I chuckled, "Why do you keep hoping I don't mess up? Aside from coming late, is there any other thing that I have ever done to mess up? You sound like I mess up all the time."

"Yes, I know you don't mess up. But this is different. You don't understand..."

I held her hand stopping her. "Dear Camille, this life is too simple for you to be so serious. Nothing is going to happen, I'll go prepare now."

I heard her sigh and mumble, "If only she knows what I am talking about, she wouldn't be so relaxed." as I was leaving.

I totally waved it off and prepared for my flight. I made sure I warmed up and received lectures from even our CEO, I was shook. He hardly has time to groom employees and now me? I'm not even at a high level yet. I began to wonder who this superman is that I am about to serve? Why is everyone so worked up about him? Can't they just say no to him if they are this uncomfortable?

I would never accept something j am uncomfortable with all in the name of pleasing someone.

"I don't know what this whole thing is about. I am not even the only flight attendant going there, yet everyone is acting like I am the one who will mess up." I said to my colleague, Hannah.

She shook her head, for the umpteenth time, someone is always shaking their heads whenever I talk about this. Everyone has refused to let me in on what is happening. If they badly want me to behave, they should tell me what the fuck is going on.

"You don't understand, do you? If only you knew." Hannah replied.

"Since you know so much, why not tell me? We are colleagues and we should have each other's backs. Come on, tell me what is going on already? Who is this person?" I asked curiously.

"I can't tell you anything. I am the only one who knows this, the others we are going with doesn't know anything about it. Just be patient, you'll see that soon enough. I just want you to be careful please." She warned me.

I got frustrated that I almost pulled out my hair in anger. "I don't care anymore. Should I just quit my job? Is that what you all want me to do?"

"That's not..."

"Never mind. I'm leaving." I said and walked away from there. I found a corner to sit down and think about my life. I have never been so pressured since I started my entire life. Why on earth am I being pushed to the edge to be so perfect with something I already know because of this?

I got my bag and decided to go home. I don't want to mess up and put the company in trouble since they are all so scared of this great guy. I am risking my job today, maybe they won't fire me after all. I was stopped at the exit by the security, Camille came running to me.

"What do you think you are doing Sasha? Where are you going? You are supposed to get ready for the flight in ten minutes." She scolded me.

"Really? I am not going anymore. You all are making me uncomfortable by pushing me to the edge to be so perfect! Who is this idiot person that you want me to kill myself for? Is he or she God? Or are they powerful witches? What on earth is wrong with all of you?!" I vented out my frustration.

This is the first time I am going against them, Camille looks so shocked and unable to say anything. I need to know what this whole thing is about. What the hell!

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