
Just A Memory

One Year Old

"Happy Birthday Regulus!" Walburga wished her younger son. She wanted to make his first birthday special to him.

Orion picked Regulus up, swinging him around.

Being them, was their unattended daughter, who was playing all by herself. She was attempting to walk, just like her two year old brother, Sirius, could.

Even though it was her birthday as well, she didn't get any wishes, but she was too young to understand anything.

Mallory gripped the table, balancing herself. She slowly dared to let go.

One by one, both her hands were of the table.

Mallory had accomplished this step already, now all she has to do was walk a few steps.

She lifted her foot up a bit, and then placed it back down, she did the same with the other foot.

She did the process once more.

Mallory had learned tocryin, even before her twin Regulus.

She attempted to walk to Sirius, but tripped and fell in the end, which caused her to start crying. This finally caught her mother's attention.

"You lazy git! Get up girl, stop crying!" Walburga started shouting.

Mallory his behind Sirius whimpering.

Once Walburga had looked back to Regulus, Sirius attempted to calm his sister down.

"Dwere Dwere," Sirius said to Mallory. He had heard his mother say 'There There' every time Regulus had gotten hurt.

Five Years Old

Mallory and Regulus were outside their house, where there was a little space for them to play.

It was December, and the two five years olds attempted to make a snowman, the both were under Sirius' supervision.

Mallory was behind the snowman, wanting to decorate the back as well, while Regulus rolled up snow into a ball for the head.

Out of no where, Sirius came charging into the snowman, bumping into Mallory.

At that moment Walburga opened the entrance of the door.

"Mallory Portia Black, get off your brother this instant! Don't touch him you filthy little squib!"

Mallory quickly stood up, her hands behind her back. She looked down at the ground.

Regulus and Sirius stood next to each other, terrified.

Walburga walked towards Mallory and grabbed her ear and pulled Mallory into the house, to a room where Orion works.

"Orion, I think it's time, I can't have this squib touching our two sons!" Walburga said to Orion.

Orion nodded in agreement,"She is a disappointment to our family, we can't let people know more about her."

Walburga took Mallory to the kitchen.

"You," she spat at Mallory,"You are going to stay here under this cupboard, okay?"

Mallory nodded.


There was a crack and a house elf was bowing down on the floor,"Mistress called Kreacher?"

"Yes," Walburga carried on, pushing Mallory towards Kreacher,"Make sure she helps you with house work, she lives under this cupboard." Walburga pointed to the cupboard in the kitchen,"She must not be seen.. By anyone."

"As mistress says," Kreacher says, still bowing.

10 Years Old

Regulus and Sirius came running down the stairs.

There whispering,"You go!" "No, you go!" To each other.

Finally Regulus lost the little argument,"Mother."

Walburga nodded slightly,"What is it you wish to ask me, Regulus?"

"Mother, we had a dream, it was about a girl, she had brown shorts hair, pale skin and, and she was very thin..."

Walburga froze on her spot.

"Perhaps... You could tell us about her?"  Regulus asked, a bit hesitant.

"I do not know of this girl who came in your dreams," Walburga said sternly,"Maybe it is just a memory. Anyways, Kreacher has put you breakfast. Eat it quickly, Sirius, I have to take you to Diagon Alley."

10 Year Old

Mallory stood behind the kitchen door, spying on her family as they are their breakfast.

It was the day after her brother, Sirius had left for Hogwarts. She hadn't even got to say goodbye to him.

She had remembered the morning where an owl had flown in and gone to Sirius, dropping a red and white letter into his arms.

Her parents had looked so happy, so proud.

Even though it has been one day that Sirius had been away from his home, Mallory still missed him.

She missed seeing his face, she missed the fights between her two brothers, she also missed the jokes he would make even though they weren't that funny. For some reason Mallory was never allowed to go near her brothers.

Mallory blinded as she saw an owl fly in.

"Ah," Orion said,"This must tell us which house Sirius is in."

Walburga rolled her eyes,"I see no point of them sending an owl, Sirius is obviously going to be in Slytherin."

All how a sudden Orion dropped the letter in shock.

Regulus stared at his father.

Walburga picked up the letter and read it.

"He. Is. In. So. Much. Trouble. How can he just disgrace our family just like that?!" Walburga shouted full of anger.

Mallory quickly went back to her work, if Walburga saw her spying, she would be angrier then ever and Walburga would hit her.

Eleven Years Old

Mallory was scrubbing the floor of the Kitchen.

Today was her birthday, but of course, it was celebrated by more work than usual.

Outside the Kitchen, Regulus was running down the stairs.

"Mother, Mother!"

"Happy birthday Regulus dear," Walburga said smiling.

"Look what I got, mother," Regulus said holding a letter.

"That's awesome, dear," Walburga said proudly. A thought clicked into her mind. "Just a second."

Walburga rushed into the Kitchen to see Mallory holding the same letter as well.

She snatched the letter from Mallory's hand and walked out of the room.

Walburga quickly wrote a letter saying that Mallory was to attend Beauxbatons to stop more Hogwart letters from coming in.

"What's that, Mother?" Regulus asked.

Walburga quickly folded the letter up,"Just sending a letter to your Professor Dumbledore to say... Thank you."

Mallory sighed to herself. She wished that she had hidden the letter in her cupboard so she could have at least gotten a chance to read it.

Why hadn't her mother been proud, that she took, had gotten a letter like her brothers?

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