

The summer of 2022

*Swish~ Swish*

(A girl with a bad standing outside a house feeling the wind)

'Hana I'm here!'

Hana: *Turns around*

You're late!

The boy: I'm sorry i fell asleep and mom didn't wake me up on time!

Hana: Did you even tell her to wake you up?

The boy: well i guess i didn't hehe.

let's go

(both of them start walking)

Hana: (This boy right here is my friend since Childhood Heeseung, maybe what people Childhood sweetheart. he's so sweet and always takes care of me, but the problem is i don't see him as a friend anymore or maybe i never did)

Heeseung : *Keeps talking*

Hana : (He's so talkative yet i never got to know how he really feels about me. Am i just a friend to him or he also has feelings for me as I do?

it gets more confusing as i try to figure it out!

Hana: (Argh I should just leave it as it is for now i can't do anything anyways!)

Hana : Did you finished your Mathematics homework Heeseung?

Heeseung: Yes i did it all! it was so fun!

Hana : PLEASE don't act like a topper Maths is the only thing you're good at!

Heeseung: Well i can't deny that

*both laugh out loud"