
Just a Conversation


We are reaching the end of this story

How do you feel?





In yourself?


Why is that?

I have achieved nothing

Nothing at all

What do you think has made you this way?


What types of people?


Are all they to blame to your downfall?


Why is that?

Because not all people are bad

Some will hate you for who you are

Some will mock you without knowing the consequences

Some will demand and expect things from you

Then what about the people that are considered good?

Some care too much

Some are busy

Some are nice for the sake of it because they don't want to look bad

Some just don't understand until later on

You make it out like it's a bad thing

Only because it's not their fault

It's the cycle of life


May I ask what you will do now?


I guess just doing things for others

To hope to gain something in return?


To hope they never turn out as failures

Like me.


If my time is to come soon. I wish to have my last requests handed out. I wish for ownership of Sokiro to be handed to the Mangaka Katsugiri. I wish for no one to be sad that I go, it was only a matter of time. Since 2013. I wish for my stories and my identity to be forgotten. Lastly, I apologise to my friends, my family for not being able to be the person they wanted to be.

I'll probably be seeing my grandfather and grandmother soon. Sadly it probably won't be on their side.

To who ever actually finds this message. I also apologise for wasting your time reading this message when you could've been achieving something great in life.
