
chapter 1 I died? sort of

When something seems too good to be true, it is. Like a beautiful girl wanting to give you money for drugs and an invite back to her place. I, like most guys in my position, should have thought about that instead of getting high and laid. My name is Eric, I'm a twenty seven year old homeless drug addict, who is currently holding a sign asking for money. Today hasn't been a great day, it's raining and few to no one is stopping to give change. I had just enough luck to score a little something something so I'm not throwing up or shaking... too baddly anyway. When here comes a nice car with a beautiful woman behind the wheel. Normally the nicer the car the less likely they are to spare a dollar (messed up right?) so I try not to get my hopes up. As the car pulls up to the light I try and look cheerful and smile and as the window rolls down I can't help but hope to catch a break. "Hey hun, bad day?" she says. I guess I failed at looking alright, but I try to be honest without sounding desperate. "Not my best day, but I've had worse." Not seeing any money or her checking her cup holder or purse for change I get ready for a speech on getting sober. "Are you busy? I'm not from the area and I don't know any dealers here, if you can help me I'll help you out too?" Having been on the streets a while my first thought is of a sting opp and this could be a set up. I hesitate so she says with a model perfect smile "I'm not a cop you can frisk me for a wire." She leans forward showing me her low cut shirt and lots of pale beautiful skin and cleavage. "Depends on what your looking for?" I take a second to admire the view and look around before checking out the rest of her and her car. The car isn't brand new but clean inside and out nothing special or having any of the hints it might be an undercover. She is wearing a blue men's button down shirt tied in a knot just under the perviously mentioned very nice breasts and short cut off jeans, and wow is she a knockout. Long legs red hair and lots of pale flawless skin. My reaction catches me off guard, usually I wouldn't notice a naked supermodel when dope sick. Don't get me wrong I'm not gay but when I'm feeling like this all I can think about is drugs. "I need a pack and a ball, I'll split them with you and you can even watch me use some if that makes you feel better?" (a pack is 100 bags of heroin and a ball is a 8 ball of coke). She used the street names, which cops don't do because it cant be used as evidence so no red flag there, and using the drugs where I can see is usually proof that there not cops. I agree but still can't be too careful, especially when we are taking felony amounts. Still something are too, "come on in I'm getting wet just looking at you." she said with a small smile a wink. The wink had me looking at her eyes and the next thing I knew I was sitting next to her thinking she's so hot and flirting with me, how lucky. As we pull up to my dealers spot she hands me a wad of cash without counting it. Stunned I'm waiting for the catch or trick. Wanting to fall into a trap or if she was legit lose a good connect (slang for dealer or person you can be a middle man for), I gave her back a little less than half of it. "Honesty! that's sweet of you." I do try to be honest as I can and told her so, leaving out the part where I am bad at lieing a would probably get caught now or later. "I'll be right here, try to hurry I'm anxious to get back to my place." I got out and when up the tenant building stairs getting a look from the lookout and some of the other junkies that wait around the spot to rip people off. I got what I went for and pocketed the change, I try to be honest but there is no telling what tomorrow will bring. Getting back in the car I tell her where she can park and we can use. "My place is only a few minutes away, but you can go ahead if you can't wait." Red flag! Something must have shown in my expression because she grinned and said with a little laugh "stop worrying so much, here give me a bag." At a red light she opened it and sniffed it. Trying to play it cool I say "I wasn't worried about that, you sure you want me in your place you don't even know me?" She laughed for real "I think I'll be safe with you, I can tell your type." "What type is that?" I ask. "Be positive." she said with another little laugh. As she pulls into a driveway I'm a little surprised at the nice house, it's an old colonial with a rap around porch and a widows walk porch on the roof. "Nice place." I said surprised by the house and big yard. "You should see the bedroom." another wink and smile. "After we get right, you can use the shower, I have some clothes an ex boyfriend left. They may be a little tight I think you are bigger than him." she said looking up and down me with that same smile. Leading me inside I got to really appreciate her, um assets, thinking this can't be happening. She is about 5.4 110 pounds of drop dead gorgeous, and all my doubts disappear when she says "I'll give you a little time to clean up but take to long and I'm coming in after you." Her smile is wicked this time. We get to her room and I get a shot ready and she sniffs a little of both drugs. "This always gets me in the mood. Go get in the shower, but you better hurry or I'll start without you." I need no more motivation than that and get going scrubbing till I'm pink and shaving so fast I nick myself a couple times. "Here these should do." she says right behind me holding a t-shirt and jeans. I jump startled and add another nick to my face. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you. Are you ok?" looking at the spot of blood on my face. "Yeah just a scratch." as I wipe the blood off with a finger. "It's rude to keep a girl waiting." She said looking me in the eyes and taking my hand. wow those green eyes you could get lost in. She brought my hand up to her mouth and sucked on my finger. All coherent thoughts left the planet while looking in her eyes. She leaned in and kissed me long and intense till I had to come up for air. I was out of breath as she lead me back to her room, but she wasn't even breathing hard. Pushing me back on the bed she quickly stripped and I took off the shirt but she climbed into me as I went for the pants. Kissing me again I started feeling a rush better even than the drugs, stronger too, maybe too strong. As she kissed my neck I was going to say I have narcan in my bag because I was starting to worry about an overdose. Having had a couple close calls I try to pull myself together. That's when I feel an agonizing pain right where she's kissing me. Adrenaline from forcing myself to worry suddenly gets supercharged from real pain and the fog lifts from my mind. I realize she is biting me! This is no love bite either, from the corner of my eye I see blood, a lot of blood. "Erg-huh" I half groan and try to yell. Trying to push her off is useless my arms feel heavy and she was gripping my shoulders so tight her nails were drawing blood. Years of forcing adrenaline to kick in when I needed it, scaring myself or thinking of things that piss me off in order to stay awake long enough to take the narcan (emergency medicine that you inhale to stop an overdose) was the only thing that kept me from passing out already, and I knew if I couldn't move her I was going to die here. I did the only thing I could think of i bit her back, and shattered my teeth. Even having been homeless for years I had done everything I could to keep up my hygiene and was proud not to have any lost teeth or even cavities. All ruined now, I spit out a mouth full of blood and broken teeth. "I'm really going to die here, what the fuck is happening?" I screamed in my head no longer able to make noise. ,The fog was coming back and I knew when I passed out I wouldn't wake up. Life had always found a way to beat me down why should death be any different. Why can't I ever catch a break why am I always getting beat down and screwed over? With that thought that rage a dug up enough strength to try one more time. I bit down breaking more teeth and causing pain even worse than in my neck, but I didn't stop. With my now broken and jagged teeth I bit down harder and harder till a cold wet disgusting liquid filled my mouth, but still she didn't stop. The only reaction she made was a low moan of what sounded like pleasure. That was it I had no more strength I was fading, my vision tunneling, and my last feeling as the liquid in my mouth started to burn was the burning seeping down my throat, and I was gone.

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