
First Meeting

Elena's (POV)

I was walking through the jungle to find some herbs yeah like a eight year old like me well it is cause of my ill mother well anyways let's go back to the story I was looking for a certain herb called cloensn it is a rare herb which I was looking for and when looked to my right I saw it right there a small like flowery structure I went there and grabbed it and that's where I heard him.

??? (POV)

I was climbing trees and going on another and then another like a monkey and that's when I saw a small girl who looked probably seven or eight and while looking I fell down but she didn't seem to notice. So, I went and asked her

What are you doing? she looked at me with shock and said ummm nothing you don't need to worry 😣. I looked at her expression and started laughing softly she looked at me with a confuse expression and said do find anything funny I stopped laughing and asked her do you know who I am. A normal human-being she said I said I'm the prince of Mahal.

Elena's (POV)

I looked at him with pure horror I was talking to the sole heir of Mahal I started sweating very bad he said then no need to worry it's ok he said while smiling at me he then said why do you even need herbs red-head girl Oh umm I-I'm uhh need them b-b-because umm of my mother *Elena' s mind* oh no I told him shoot shoot shoot what do I do should I make a run for it or just hide somewhere uhhhh what do I do uhgggggg. So, that's why you need it he then snatched the herb and said if you say your name then I will give this herb he said smiking I became pararysized and them stammered if y-you t-tell me your n-n-name I will t-tell mine then what I heard was shocking he said his is Kai and then I blired out my Name Elena he then give me my herb and said Elena I hoped to see you in the future he kissed my hand took off I was about to faint when i remembered mum and ran back to our house.

Hey guys so I hoped you like the first chapter if you liked I'll make the second chapter ok bye guys

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