
[Chapter 4]

(A/N: Wasn't even planning on posting until I just got to chapter 10 and reached it, this is the only chapter until next week half the people in my department quit making it where I am swamped with work until further notice I will try to do two a week while also updating my others..... Now, Let's.....Motherfuckin'....Go!)


[Jax POV]

There she was standing in all her glory looking down on everyone else with a playful smile on her lips, "Welcome to the opening of Harley's Playhouse!" She said spreading her arms wide a giant grin on her face.

She was beautiful standing there wearing a gown dress that was solid red but as it got to the bottom it shifted from pink to blue, she was always wearing her signature colors. I couldn't help the smile that was taking over my face when I saw her, the itching that I was felling in my chest went away as I saw her smile light up the room.

Mitchell patted my shoulder then led me to the booth where everyone else was, the place was set up like a 20's speak easy but there were modern touches everywhere you looked. My attention though was mainly on the girl who was standing at the top, she just naturally drew in my attention which I was not complaining about, I mean come on it is The Harley Quinn.

Like she could feel my gaze she looked over and I was happy to see the shocked face she had, when she noticed her blunder she cooled her expression and smirked at me before twirling away. Smirking to myself I ordered a Jack and Coke and waited until I had the chance to talk to her, at the moment she was just sitting at the top watching everyone.

Thirty Minutes Later.....

After hanging with some friends for awhile I looked over to see Harley walking around downstairs, she had guest at the top earlier but now she is meeting and greeting people in the club. Excusing myself I walked right over to her, coming up behind her I whispered close to her ear, "So can I have your next dance beautiful?"

Tonight was a live singer so it was like a lounge for the night, her body stiffened some hearing me come behind her but she let nothing show on her face. "And why should I do that Mr. Covington as I remember we aren't really that close." She said turning around and giving me a smile.

"C'mon I know you feel the attraction to." I tell her with a cheeky smile.

That got her visibly confused, "What do you mean?"

Looking into her eyes I saw that she wasn't joking about it so it seemed like I was the only one who was feeling this, it actually made it more fun that way I loved being the chaser. "Well never mind then, come on one dance won't hurt will it?" I said reaching out to take her hand.

She looked between it and my face three times before sighing, "Make sure you keep your hands above my waist or you will end up as Bruce's dinner tonight?" She glared at me before taking my hand.

I smiled and took her to the dance floor, it was already full of couples as a new up and coming singer was on the stage trying her hardest, at the moment it was slow dancing music. We joined the rest of them dancing, I listen to her words and kept my hands right at the top of her waist, "So how are you enjoying the new city?" I asked as she watched the room.

"It is fine, kind of like Gotham with all the bridges and stuff connecting the island." She said looking back at me, "So how do you know about Gotham? Did you come from there too?"

"Nope luckily my past place wasn't that dangerous I wouldn't have lasted a day insulting someone and getting myself killed." I chuckled, I wasn't going to tell her that her world was fictional, "It is just the being that brought me here gave me the chance to go there but I didn't take it."

"I see. When I got here it gave me all the information on the world, how far do you know into the world then?" She asked probing me for answers.

"You know for a woman who was even reluctant to dance with me you sure have no problem asking me every question you can about me." I said while twirling her around, we were getting some looks but no one was coming to interrupt us. All she did was raise a brow, "Fine, I know about things happening in the dark. Not everything about every little person but most of the big players, like Thanos."

I expected her to ask who that was but she raised a brow, "You know about the mad Titan too? Now I really want to know how far your knowledge goes, care to join me up top so we can have a more private conversation?"

"Not really, I am enjoying you in my arms and there is not guarantee that I will have that chance if we go up there." I said pulling her closer since I really didn't want to let her go at this moment, to me she felt like a missing puzzle piece that just felt right.

She rolled her eyes, "If I promise to sit near you will you come up there with me?" she asked with a raised brow.

"Nope, sit on my lap and then I will agree."

Glaring at me she thinks it over a moment, "Fine but if your hands go somewhere that they shouldn't then you won't be needing them any more." she said pulling away and walking towards the stairs.

I was following right on her heels, staying right behind her she kept getting stopped by others to talk about something. I could tell that some of these guys were even gang related from the tattoos on their hands or wrist, they even had their bosses here from the amount there were.

Finally we made it to the top and it was actually a lot quieter, downstairs we could hear voices no matter where we were but here it was like something blocked all the noise. She was standing in front of the couch then motioned for me to sit down, walking over I plopped down on the seat and she gracefully sat right on my lap.

We didn't start talking immediately about what we knew, "So why a club of all places?" I asked after we settled some.

"Don't get me wrong in a heartbeat I will rob, kill, and steal. But I also wanted something that is mine, I don't just want to be know for my bad side but also for something amazing I made myself." She said with a little smile on her lips.

"Then why not just fix the amusement park you now own?"

"Because that would take years to do. Sure I can do it with the money I have but I would need to wait on all the permits then higher people to fix the place up. I will do something like that later." she shrugged while watching everyone below.

We were on the seat that was closest to the rails so she leaned over and rested her arms on the rails watching them all, her butt was in the right place and the little movement made me hard. I wasn't some lustful idiot but she was just that attractive, it was a wonder how the Joker could ever treat her bad she was to much of a siren.

"You going to control that or do I need to cut it off?" She asked looking back at me, her Hyena Bruce also looked over and growled at me hearing the words cut off.

"*Sigh* What do you want me to do huh? Whoever sent you here did something to me and it made me attracted to you like nothing else, all the other girls in here to my look like trash compared to you." I said telling her truthfully, she didn't feel this but I did so why not tell her.

"HA that guy screwed you over. You are going to be obsessed with me while I feel nothing for you." She laughed and before I could react she did some beautiful move and was now sitting on the seat next to me instead of my lap.


[Harley POV]

Hearing his words I knew that he was screwed, a month ago I already promised not to be with anyone, one night stands were fine but anything beyond that was not going to happen. But this was also a chance for me to get myself my own Harley Quinn, just without all the other benefits that came along with it, I am sure he would be hooked if we slept together.

As for me I didn't need the trouble of having to deal with someone who could be lying to me, I am sure that being screwed him over but it was just a hassle to me to be with him. "Well so are you going to tell me what you know now?" I asked him leaning closer and putting a finger under his chin.

He looked a little upset and I am sure that it is because I am no longer in his lap, that member was impressive, "What you think I am just going to tell you everything I know without getting anything in return? Just because there is this connection doesn't mean that I am going to just give you everything."

There was a flash of pain in his eyes before he hid it and took his face away looking down at the dance floor, I have seen that pain before it was in my own eyes when The Joker sent me away. Suddenly I felt bad, I remember what it did to me when The Joker did that stuff to me then threw me away and here I am doing the same to someone who has been nothing but honest to me.

"Well this seems to be going no where, I thought we were going to have an honest talk but you just want to gain through manipulation." He said before standing, "It truly is a nice club Harley. I hope it takes off and becomes as big as you want it to be."

I watched as he walked away there was nothing I could do but sit there frozen, I wanted to call out to him but didn't do it since there was something in me holding back from doing it. When he disappeared downstairs I realized that I shouldn't have been trying to play games with him, 1) he had information I could use, and 2) he was being a nice guy, and those didn't come around me often.

When I tried to look over at the table where his friends were I didn't see him, then remembering that little teleporting power he had it made sense he could leave without anyone knowing. Sitting back I thought about what to do, I still had a meeting with him Monday maybe then we could come past this, and next time it would be without manipulation.

Taking my drink and downing it I put back on my business smile and made my way down stairs, I kept talking to all the gang and mob bosses who wanted to get the information I had. There were some who even threatened me but a trip to the back room and they weren't ever seen again, smiling I enjoyed the rest of the night.

After closing me and Tandy went back to my apartment, she was staying with me until she made enough for her own place, but she was growing on me I might let her stay.

Soooooo I don't know what I am doing but I am enjoying it.

FallingStarssuxcreators' thoughts