1 Juliet and Prince Charming

The clock read 8:00. "Four hours until midnight." Envy said to herself, putting her knife back in its place, under the dress. She walked outside moving her messy brown hair out of her face. She walked out of the ballroom and onto the castle's grand balcony. She could see everything from up here. The sheep and cattle all the way out in the fields, to the central square. "What's taking me so long? It's just a simple mission" She thought to herself, observing the sky, gazing at all the beautiful stars that covered it. Her wandering thoughts were soon interrupted by a voice from behind her. "You're not supposed to be out here." She suspected that there was a guard that noticed her outside, and decided to bring her back in. But instead, she was met with someone else. The prince. The person she had been waiting to see the whole night, had finally noticed her? "I know," She replies, adjusting her ballgown. "I'm just getting some fresh air. I'll come back in later." "No. You haven't found anyone to dance with." He replies, walking up to her. Before Envy could say anything, he put a finger to her lips. How did you know? She thought, slowly putting his hand down. She was completely speechless. She wanted to say something to him, but at the same time, had no clue what to say to him. "Well...what are you out here for then…?" She says, trying to steady the shake in her voice.

Well…" The prince reaches a hand out to her... "I wanted to know if you would like to have this dance with me. Her heart raced in her chest. Was this really happening? What would the other girls say? She freezes up in her place wondering if this was really happening. She takes his hand and walks into the ballroom with him. The two danced with each other, which seemed like an eternity. Envy cherished every second, hoping that this moment would never end. It felt like heaven. She basked in his embrace, allowing herself to feel at peace for just a few moments. Everything she was going through just faded away into beautiful nothingness as they danced together. Soon, she started to fall for him. He suddenly meant everything to her. She didn't want to lose him. She couldn't lose him, he was too valuable to her. But sadly, time was ticking away as they danced on. He eventually led her to an enclosed garden with a gentle smile. At 11:45. Only fifteen minutes until midnight.

She suddenly felt numb. This was the perfect place to do it. No one would know that she did it. They were in an excluded, or better yet- abandoned place of the palace. But...why did she stall for so long? She could've poisoned his drink while he wasn't looking- or even throw him off of the balcony when she had the chance! But no. She procrastinated and now had to be faced with the consequences. "Why did we come here?" She asks, lifting her dress, careful not to trip on it as they walked down the stairs together. She watched as the candles blew out, the castle getting ready to wrap up the ball for the night. "Shh...Love. Just one last dance." he said, wrapping his hands around her waist. Envy sighs and places her hands on his shoulders and leans her head against his chest as they dance in the moonlight.

"I love you." He finally says, spinning her around one last time. She looks at the huge clock tower in the distance. It was 11:59. Just one more minute. She looked at him, her prince, her love, that silky black hair, and gorgeous brown eyes. Maybe they could be together in another life. Maybe one day, they won't be separated like this. Everything could be normal. Just him and her. "Love you too." She smiles at him, sadly. The final light in the castle went out, surrounding the both of them in complete darkness. She hugs him tightly. Fuck the assassination- screw overthrowing the king, I'll find a way to be with him- Her thoughts suddenly come to a halt as she feels a dagger pierce her back. Envy stared up at him in surprise, feeling herself starting to fall limp. He catches her in his arms, holding her with such love, and care. He lowered her onto the bench near the fountain. It suddenly felt harder to breathe. It felt like a huge weight was being lowered onto her chest as she struggled to catch her breath. "I'm sorry, love." He says, softly. Leaning in for a kiss. Envy caresses the side of his head with a bloodied hand as she closes her eyes and kisses him back. A few moments later, she felt herself being pulled away from reality. She struggled to stay awake, but she failed and slipped into eternal slumber, dreaming about an impossible reality. She finally fell limp. The prince pulled away, after a few seconds, the light turned on as people flooded into the garden trying to see what happened while they were gone.

"The traitor is dead." He says, leaving her to bleed out on the cold, hard floor.
