

Shirou Yusa

Strength: First Grade

Speed: First Grade

Durability: First Grade

Endurance: First Grade

Cursed Energy: First Grade

Cursed Energy Manipulation: Top tier.


Skills and Abilities:

Great Sage: A conceptual intelligence linked to the soul and able to operate as a super-powered computer.


Thought Acceleration: Raises thought-processing speed by a thousand times.

Analytical Appraisal: The ability to analyze and appraise a target.

Parallel Operation: The ability to detach thoughts and analysis of phenomena. Detached thoughts are also under the effects of Thought Acceleration.

Chant Annulment: When using Jujutsu Sorcery, the chant is no longer necessary.

All of Creation: The ability to comprehend any non-concealed phenomenon in this world. Depending on the things the user understands and the information the user knows about, additional information can be inferred. In other words, the user needs to see it (the phenomenon) at least once.

Analysis: The absorbed target is studied and analyzed. Craftable items can then be produced. If the required materials are present, duplicates can be produced. In the case of successful Jujutsu sorcery analysis, the same technique can be acquired. (Innate cursed techniques like limitless can't be copied.)

Cursed Vector Space: The user can manipulate vectors: a fundamental concept in physics and mathematics representing quantities characterized by both magnitude and direction. Vector manipulation encompasses many potential applications, ranging from force and velocity to acceleration vectors. Vectors are pivotal for several fields, including engineering, physics, and applied mathematics. Vectors exhibit significant versatility and are integral to numerous scientific theories and technological applications. With vector manipulation, the user uncovers an extensive spectrum of potent abilities, both practical and theoretical.


Cursed technique Lapse East: Augment or increase vectors depending on the user's will.

Cursed technique Lapse West: Decrease or reverse vectors depending on the user's will

Cursed technique Extention North: Make vectors converge in a single area or point in order to create an attraction field. (Extension of East)

Cursed technique Extention South: Diverge and reverse vectors in a single area or point in order to create a repulsion field. (Extention of West)


Barrier Technique: Above Average.

Maximum Technique: Theorised.

Reverse Cursed Technique: Not learned yet.

Curse Technique Reversal: Not learned yet.

Domain Expansion: In Creation (far from being done)


Overall Level: Special Grade.


Note: with enough effort, he could probably take on anyone who has yet to realize a domain expansion, tho that doesn't mean that he would automatically lose to anyone able to use such a technique since the limit of his ability is merely his own imagination.

In comparison, the current Shirou could take Sukuna on Sukuna as long as he has less than 10 fingers retrieved. Above that it would be impossible for Shirou to kill Sukuna but it would be somewhat possible to defend himself if he is ready to give it his all.

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