
First desire.

I don't remember if i had believed in it before dying. Even now, it is still a vague outlook on life, specially after seeing the afterlife. Or....i suppose this is to be the afteralife? But then again, this could be a different world thing. Apparently there is this thing called hell. It is a realm made for people who sin against either themselves, their bodies, or others.

The concept itself is satisfactory. It would probably be excruciatingly difficult to actually declare an action as a sin, as the actions might have neen caused by environment, growth, parents and other outsider's interference, or just coincidences. However, the concept itself, is certainly satisfactory.

Just something about having the knowledge that some people will eventually be burned alive, over and over and over again.

Of course, this doesn't stop people from doing the deed. The perfect example happens every morning at this place.

*whack* *creek*

A black object, hit the corner of a dojo, beaten and thrown around. 

"And another one." Exclaimed someone with a satisfied feminine voice.

Soon enough, dust cleared to reveal the thrown object. A boy with the height of 4 feet or so, with long, straight black hair and eyes. His face was clean of any marks. A farcry from the fat, ugly bastards that are sometimes seen around here.

Or the equally disturbing, short ugly bastard with weak knees and sweaty palms.

This figure, was of course, Akira. Everybody's favorite loser-san.

'2 months. 2 whole months of this and i still can't beat her.' He thought to himself as he stood back up and looked at his opponent, ready for round 11.

The other person was a girl of lesser height, with bangs covering her forehead, and otherwise long hair tied from behind. She held a staff twice her own size and held it on her shoulder.

This has been going on for quite sometime. 

"Let's go for another one. We still have some time." Akira suggested.

Of course, the suggestion was met positively as the girl swung her staff over her shoulder and held it in both her small hands.

Which looked hilarious by the way.

So the duo continued their battle.

At first, it wasn't that easy. The training was relentless. Whether it was out of spite or duty, is a matter of itself.

Starting off as a nobody, it didn't take anything more than 2 month for Akira to beat all the children around his own age, or those a few years older. Though, none of them knew too much about cursed enegy, some had a year or two, of training.

There is always that person who will work day and night for 3 years and still be average in his art, but there is also that person who will take over the art for 2 months, and suddenly his skills eclipse the most exprienced artists.

Such is the difference between a true prodigy and an ordinary person. At this point, the only person that could actually challenge him was Maki. And she herself improves with each spar.

Thus the feelings of the cosplaying sorcerers, was quite obviously damaged.

'In the end, this place quickly outgrew its' uses.' Akira thought to himself, before focusing on the adversary in front of him.

He had already learned how to infuse some of his cursed energy into his body, allowing him an incredibly easy victory against anyone if he ever wishes to just brute force the battle.

But Maki herself never used cursed energy, so he didn't do it either. Not that he uses it too much either way.

'Well, this feels more like an actual spar too.'

Lunging at Maki, he went for a swing to the left, only for it to be a feint as he changed his handle on the wooden sword, flipping the sword and changing his direction to the right.

Maki was originally going to respond with a thrust of her staff, but immediately changed it and swung the weapon from the other end in order to intercept the attack from the other direction.

Such was the advantage of a staff. In a 360 degree radius, it can intercept attacks from 2 directions.

Their weapons clashed only briefly, before the staff effortlessly parried the sword away.

However, despite being parried, Akira didn't lose his balance. He had already given up on his attack and hadn't put much strength into it, knowing that it wouldn't change the result anyway.

He went for a sweep with his legs, attempting to throw her off, which was a plan that successfully failed.

Maki stumbled backwards due to her left leg, receiving the kick, but just digged her right leg into the ground and found her balance with a single leg. Essentially brute forcing it.

Perhaps it wasn't the most elegant way to deal with that situation, but in the first place, she was an instinctive fighter, not necessarily a skillful one. 

And as you would expect, she retaliated by one handing her staff and throwing a punch in Akira's face, which he dodges by tilting his head to the side, grabbing her arm to pull her into himself, this time successfully ruining her balance.

'From this distance, the staff is practically useless.' Or so that's what he thought.

But while Maki's arm and staff were restricted, her skull was still useful. So, as she was hurled towards Akira, she headbutted him hard enough that he was thrown to the ground, before pointing her staff at his head right afterwards.

"That was getting a bit close, but it seems i am still on top." She said while panting a bit.

'Fucking superhuman physical strength that seems to come out of her ass.' Those were the beautiful thoughts of the downed opponent.

"It seems so. Would you...you know, take the staff away? My head is hurting." And those were the words that came out of his smiling face.

"Ah yes."

As she said that, another girl came with a wet towel, and threw it into Akira's face.

This had become a bit of a new routine for them. Women still aren't allowed in the dojo, so every morning before the sun comes out, they gather here.

'You know, she never participates in spars like Maki does. She has talent to use weapons, but doesn't try to handle them at all. She seems to just enjoy watching me get beaten around.' Akira thought to himself as he peeked at his other companion from under the towel.

'Thank god. I can't deal with a reality in which every girl is a brute like Maki. It is good to know there is still some hope in this world.'

"It's 6 now i think. We should probably get going before we get caught." The other companion, Mai mentioned with a somewhat innocent tone.

"We should. Thanks for letting us in Akira, see you again later. Ah and there is a little bit of blood around your nose." Maki said.

Sitting up, i touched my nose and around it, to see blood stains on my fingers. 

'Well that's gonna take some time to clean.'

"You're welcome here as long as the monkeys don't catch you. I quite enjoy these mornings." I responded, as they picked up their stuff and got ready to leave.

The monkeys in this case doesn't refer to a different species of mankind, but rather the very same species, but just very much more disturbing. 

'That and i need to vent out sometimes.'

Waving their goodbyes, Maki went off her own way, while Akira made his way to the restroom to clean his face.

Standing in front of a face mirror, it was evident that his injuries weren't too severe. Even if he isn't actively using it, the mind does tend to reactively activate his cursed energy, if its' spider senses start tingling. Such as when another person's head, that somehow has the mass of a school bus, is hitting him in the face.

Cleaning that up, he makes his way back into the training hall, and sees the mess they had made.

The mess he has to clean.

Though it seemed he wasn't alone in his cleaning duties.

"Hmm, Mai? Didn't you leave?" He asked, confused.

The girl, who was diligently cleaning the room, looked at him with a tired smile and answered:

"I have been thinking about this for a while, that Maki makes a mess out of the place. You will have to forgive her, she gets too excited for her own good. Anyway, i don't have any duties to attend to at this point, and girls are allowed in the dojo so long as they are there to clean it." 

Akira was initially a bit surprised. Girls usually run away as fast as possible the moment they see a messy floor that needs their attention. So he asked:

"Are you sure? This is kinda my job you know? And i know you will get really busy during the day too. Shouldn't you just rest a bit?"

But Mai simply dismissed his concerns by waving him off and saying:

"Well if you are really worried, then hurry and give me a hand. This dojo is massive."

Looking over, another towel drenched in watercould be seen along Mai's childish figure.







[As a rule from now, this pattern of dots(.) Means the POV is changing. This fanfiction is only written in 3rd, or 1st POV so if the chapter was told in 3rd POV, but then you saw a pattern like this, that means it is switching into 1st POV, or vise versa, if it was originally 1st POV.]


I walked over to grab the towel before getting to work alongside her. We really just had to wet the towels a bit, before running through the dojo. It wouldn't be "perfect clean" but it would be "normal clean".

It would still take an hour or so, before this place gets crowded, so we should hurry. While servants are allowed in the dojo, they still wouldn't come here voluntarily, as their treatment wouldn't get any better. If anything, it gets worse since the people training here don't have the best mental state while getting beaten by their trainers. I don't pity the women, no point in attempting to correct someone's life, if that person is honestly comfortable with their current life. I just don't really fancy the scene of someone screaming their lungs out on a woman just because they are a sore loser.

And i dislike these donkeys that cosplay as noble sorcerers in general, so there is a bit of racism in it too.

While on that subject, it does seem that my cleaning companion is also an advocate of male dominance. While Mai constantly complains and shit talks them behind their back, she never actually says nor does anything to oppose them. Quite literally the perfect wife, if only for men who are a fan obedience. Which would include 100% of the men i have seen till now.

"I have noticed you don't seem to be too interested in spars and battles in general." I say that, as an honest attempt to satiate my curiosity, without stepping into the bear's foothold trap.

Hearing that, Mai stopped her cleaning duties and looked at me for a second, surprised that i would be intrested in that. She soon shook her head and said:

"I don't think i have what it takes to use fists, and i am not good at weapons either. I don't have the talent that Maki has. Besides, i am not too interested in fighting anyway."

'That is a lie. You checked the weapons quite curiosily when you first came here. It is obvious that you have some kind of intrest, and while you were messing around with the weapons, you didn't lose balance, and moved with versatility. You are obviously talented in fighting too.' I thought to myself, but didn't bring it into my mouth. 

I am good at reading the mood of someone. At least i think so.

"I think i am just better at doing simpler things. Cleaning, cooking, laundry, stuff like that. I enjoy a simple life like that. I don't need those huge, pointy wooden sticks in my face." She continued.

Taking a moment to process that, i realized her mindset is different from me, and that i can't truly understand her, if this is happiness for her, then i can't deny it.

Yet, there is just something that is missing.

"You would spend your whole life serving these donkeys that cosplay as sorcerers? The very same people that wouldn't care if you end up dead?" I said with confusion evident in my voice that was lacing with a decent amount of venom.

This was a problem here. The nature of that simple life, dictates that she would have a master or a husband of those sorts. Somehow, the image of her future disturbed me.

She bit her lips and clenched the towel in her hand, then took a deep breath before answering me.

"I don't really like them either, believe me. But i don't think i have a lot of better options. I want to spend my time with friends, not with ones that scorn me. But i also can't imagine myself as anything else. I am meek, weak, i am not as headstrong as my sister, and i don't have talent as a sorcerer. I hate my birth place as much as the girl nextdoor, but i can't do anything about it." She said, while closing her eyes at the last sentences.

I..... could not refute that.

Sometimes i forget, the only reason a practical orphan like myself, isn't mocked too much is because of my talent which is apparent from my cursed energy.

Not everyone has recieved a whole deck of different cards to choose from.

So i sat next to her and stretched my hand to pat her head.

*Magical Patting sounds*

"I am sorry." I said, with as much sincerity as i could muster.

She opened her eyes in surprise and looked at me. There seemed to be a few tears welling up in them. 

Now, i was about to hug her as i thought about the future. I thought of her as a tall, busty housewife with a big ass, who would patiently take care of the house and welcome me home with open arms every afternoon. I thought of my child, a daughter by the name of "Makima" who was named so, because her mother is such a sis con. Her joyful smile as she would retell the story of her school today. I saw ourselves eating a tasty dinner that would put even a certain counter guardian in shame, i saw my wife, Mai, giving me a mischievous smile as midnight approached, and we entered our bedroom. I saw myself gagged and bound by chains to the bedroom, with wounds on my body that were the reminders of Mai's whip, that she used to lash at me. I saw her sadistically smiling face as she ravaged me, and the only feeling i could feel was sheer pleasure. My face contorted in absolute ecstasy...

Wait what? 

Anyway, someone just had to come and ruin the moment. Shaking my head to snap out of it, i looked towards the doors.

A maid had entered the dojo, and saw the scene.

She proceeded to quite uncaringly, bow to me before relaying her message.

"Akira-san, the clan head request your presence in his house."

Stopping the sacred head patting, both myself and Mai looked at the maid with confusion.

"Did he mention why he wanted me to come there?"

Probably not, right?

Surprisingly however, the maid did respond.

"He mentioned that certain equipment has been attained for your training with your cursed energy."

I never asked for that. What is this old man thinking? Trying to curry favors with me.

Thinking of a possiblity, with old men and young children, my body shook unconsciously, but i brushed that thought aside.

'Think more clearly, the guy has 10 maids around him. Obviously his sexuality is to women. You are safe.' I kept thinking to myself, to calm the red alarms in my head.

"Well, i guess i will see what this is about. See you later Mai. Oh and you don't have to stay here for cleaning duty." I said as i stood up to follow the maid.

"Umu, it's clean enough anyway. Hope you manage to maintain your integrity by tomorrow." She said as she waved her hand.

My body shook once again at her words, but her pure, smiling face assured me that she didn't meant what i thought she had meant.

With that, i gestured for the maid to lead me there to meet with the head.

On the way, i started playing with the bits of cursed energy i could confidently manipulate. This was weird for me, as i hadn't gotten used to this energy running inside me yet. The only thing i can do, is to focus some of it on one of my attacks in a battle, and then watch the ground beneath the enemy explode, albeit with a bit of a time lag.

This alone was good enough to beat up the kids, even those who could use this energy to defend themselves, couldn't do anything against my 'battle strategy'. 

Let's be honest though, my control sucks massive dinosaur balls.

The only reason i could even beat the kids was that every bit of my cursed energy, eclipses their whole cursed energy reserves by a large margin.

It's common sense that a medium sized sword can't block a giant hammer.

No progress with my technique either.


Sometimes i can't help but think if i am actually learning anything at all. Somehow the feeling is nostalgic. First life expriences perhaps?

"We have reached the place Akira-sama." Informed the maid.

Getting out of my thoughts, i looked forward and saw the double sliding doors that opened to a gigantic traditional Japanese house.

I have been here multiple times and still can't understand the point of the massive house space. It lookes grand though.

I nodded towards the maid to her thing before we could enter.

"Zen'in-sama, i have brought the child you requested."

She was responded by the old, grumpy and annoyingly condescending voice i had come to recognize as the head's voice.

"Bring him in then."

The door slid open as we entered and saw a peaceful scenery. A calm wind seemed to be dancing around the hall which was clean without any stain on it, and in fact i would have called it a perfect morning scenery, if it wasn't for the smell of shit and alcohol.

The source of the smell? The old man with the....bottle? Whatever that thing is, in his mouth. Sipping on the contents.

My eyebrows went up a bit at the scene, as it was quite literally early morning, and probably not the time for this.

The maid had no visible reaction to the scene though.

Finally done gulping his drink, he turned to us and with his eyes, gestured the maid to the door.

Receiving her command, she bowed her head before leaving the place and closing the door

Now alone, he grinned at me before lokking to an small chest at the back of the room, and moving towards it to open it.

Some sounds of shuffling came from there, before the old man came back with a box of sorts that seemed to be wrapped up cheap by ribbons and papers.

At second glance, they seemed to have some cursed energy running in them.

He threw the box into my lap and sat there with eyes full of amusement at what i would do.

Only for his amusement to turn to dissapointment when he observed my next action.

Which was mothing.

No way i am opening some weird papers that came from a god forsaken box in a shade old man's room.

I just continued looking at him with my raised eyebrow until he let out a sigh and shook his head, before saying:

"What you have there, is some theoretical knowledge on cursed energy and blood manipulation. It has been brought to my attention that your cursed technique follows that category of techniques, and so i brought it to you, in hopes that you would find that to be useful."

Now, curiously looking at the small item wrapped up in papers, i wondered how old this thing actually is, for it to contain studies about cursed energy control. Probably the first subject that had been studied in sorcerer's society.

"I would be willing to give you that and more, as i see potential in you. However, it won't be a one sided deal. Tell me boy, what do you know about a pact or contract?"

There it is.

Still, a pact? Never heard of it. Something tells me i shouldn't admit my lack of information though. So i go with a logical assumption.

"I think i know enough. It's like a deal between sorcerers right?"

With a huff, he smirks again, his previous amusement coming back into his eyes.

"That's about the gist of it, yes. I want you to make a deal with me. I will provide the means and weapons required to enhance your talent, and make you into a proper sorcerer of the clan. You will promise never to harm one who possesses the blood of Zen'in." He explained.

That was.. .....not acceptable. I don't really know the rules of the pact, and if i will recieve any punishment for breaking it, but if he is the one proposing it, then it should have some authenticity to it.

It is overall a fair trade, except for one thing....

"I will accept a non-killing condition but not a not harming condition." I finally responded.

I mean.....i would like to punch naoya's face. So, a little bit of harm has to be acceptable.

He didn't look opposed though, if anything, he looked pleased. I fee like i am missing something.

"That can be done. Then, in exchange for your education on Sorcery, you won't kill any one with our blood in their veins, is that pact acceptable?" He asked.

Putting the pros against the cons, it really does seem like a fair deal, but he is too pleased with it. His smile is almost unnerving.

I took a moment to consider the contents of the pact, yet couldn't find anything in it that would tilt the advantage towards his, or my own favor.

Looking at the supposed scrolls of theoretical knowledge in my lap, i couldn't help but thibk that the deal was objectively fine. I do need some way of learning how to use my powers anyway. And if i ever find out the trick behind this pact, it would have to be through studying cursed energy and pacts anyway.

When i do find the trick....well that's a problem for future Akira.

"That pact is acceptable."

The moment i said that, i felt....restricted. suffocated. Like i was strapped to the ground with little to no room for breathing. And as the soon as the overwhelming feeling came, it was gone just as fast.

Letting out a breath of relief, i encountered the man who at this point, was barely holding his villainous laugh, and watched as he waved his hand and extracted the passive cursed energy that was lingering on the papers and the ribbon. Finally allowing me to safely open the now harmless ribbons.

And lo and behold, there is a bunh of scrolls and old books. Not sure what i was expecting, but this was disappointing.

I let out yet another sigh at the thought that these books are just the beginning, and decided to leave already.

"Head sama, if your business with me is over, then may i leave?"

"Oh yes, you are free to leave if you wish.....GULP.....Just tell me whenever you finish the current scrolls." He said while sipping his drink again.

I stood up and got ready to leave, before i remembered a certain conversation i have had with my friend. I turned back to the old man and asked:

"Head-sama, i have noticed that many clan members have personal servants, yet some don't have that kind of luxury, myself included, why is that? Is there a requirement for people to be assigned personal servants?"

He tilted his head and looked at me curiously for a few seconds, before shaking his head.

"There is no requirement for being a servant and the household has many servants taking care of it, and by extension, those who live in it. But the only people who are assigned personal servants are those who have become true sorcerers. If you want a maid then become one, and then prove your strength." He explained.

I nodded my head and bowed before excusing myself. My destination would be my house as i would need to start taking these studies seriously.

In my head, i thought back to the girl who simply didn't want to fight.

'If this is the kind of life she wants, then as a friend, the only thing i can do is help her get the best of it. I will be selfish, but i can't stomach the thought of her being a maid for these old men.' I thought to myself.

I didn't know when, but a small, almost unnoticeable, yet blissful smile become apparent on my lips as i thought of my imaginary future life.

"It would seem i have grown to care for them." I whispered to myself. Now actually having a goal and future to strive for.