

( " " - Speaking )

( ' ' - Thinking )


Cursed Energy = CE

Cursed Technique = CT

Cursed Spirit = CS


I forgot to mention in the last chapter that the reason why Tsumiki and Rin aren't in the same class is because each grade has different classes for example 3rd grade A | 3rd grade B | 3rd grade C and so on )

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter ✌️



"She only has one day left" The Docter next to Rin told him

Rin looked at his mother with an indifferent face

"Your reaction….. That's it?" Rins mother said

"What do you want after all this time?" Rin asked his mother with a frowning face remembering all that she had done.

"After living a life of indulging yourself by sleeping around with other men… They learned that you were about to die, they abandoned you too and this is where you washed up, someone like you is.." As Rin was about to say something the Docter said "Sir you're going too far with your words toward the patient."

"What did you send that letter for" Rin was talking about the letter that his mom send him about her having cancer and that she was gonna die soon due to that, "No reason. I just felt lonely.." Rin looked at her with an irritated face, he clenched his fists, he frowned at her but a second later Rin calmed down and took the chair next to him, he sat on it, he crossed his hands, and said "I despise you, I can never forgive you, but I also know that you loved me even though you didn't show it" Rin decided that even though she was the worst mom he could have, she still didn't deserve such a lonely death



2012 August

Saitama Junior high





"Sigh, you're at it again," Rin said to Megumi as Megumi was beating up all the bullies, not that he cared but Megumi might accidentally kill one of them and since he's the one responsible for him he would be the one in trouble, for example, every time he goes out to hunt some CS ( Cursed spirit ) things always get a little messy like walls being broken even a house was demolished once because of him, and since Gojo is responsible for their money Gojo as punishment cuts half of their money if they do something stupid like that.

"Meg lets go I still have things to do" As Rin said that they left school and walked home after a few minutes they made it to their home "Do you want me to make something for you guys," Tsumiki asked, Rin replied with " No thank you, I'll be in my room."

As Rin made it into his room, he went to sit on his bed and sat in a mediation-like pose.



The past 3 years have been quite good for me I've learned many things, for example in my past life I remember animes such as Naruto and Hunter x Hunter I know that Naruto has this thing called chakra points and so did nen but, Cursed energy is different you shouldn't think of Cursed energy like points that connect each other, no you should think of cursed energy as a whole body full of water, what this does is it allows me to output my cursed energy faster, let's say I think of my body as points although it does have its benefits like better control, it also has its 0,5 Second delay of output and you might think does 0,5-second delay really matter? Well, no not exactly, but that's only for a beginner, I already have quite the control over my CE ( Cursed energy ) so it wouldn't make a big difference anyway.

Also, I realized that you shouldn't think of the body, mind, and soul as separate parts, no you should think of the body, mind, and soul as one and the same, it helps me gain a better understanding of CE ( Cursed Energy ) there's also one other thing I've progressed massively in the past 3 years, my trait.

I like to call my trait: Zero Gravity, what it does is it allows me to make inanimate objects weightless, thus only inanimate, this doesn't work on living beings, and the activation required for this is physical touch, when making the object weightless it flies, to stop it's flying a hand sign is required, the hand sign is as followed, Placing my thumb at the base of my palm and holding down my index finger at my thumb, when trying to letting go of the said object I just stop concentrating on it, if used right this trait can be the ultimate support to my CT ( Cursed Technique), the only weakness this trait has is that it requires insane mental strength.


"Rin! Can you go to Inageya ( Supermarket) I need some ingredients for tonight's meal" Tsumiki asked Rin

"Haaahh, Meg should go instead of reading and watching things all day, sigh, never mind I'm not up for discussion." As Rin said that he left to go to the local market store



After he bought the said ingredients for Tsumiki he left to go home, but he noticed that something was following him, nonetheless, he acted normal and casually walked home, Rin suddenly took a right to the corridor, and the thing that followed him was confused because it was a dead end and Rin had disappeared from its vision, but before it could comprehend the situation its head was smashed into the ground…


I took a quick right to the corridor I jumped all the way up to the building and went all around to appear behind the creature I quickly grabbed its head and smashed it into the ground, it was extremely weak with just one smash to the ground it died, yet again I grabbed it by its head and I looked at its appearance, it had 4 eyes, two at the side of its head, one at where the nose should be, and one above its nose, it also had three hands with 3 fingers, and two legs. 'hmm this thing is way too weak to even hurt a human, it's only noticeable feature is it's spying capabilities, but even then why would it wanna spy on me, unless… Yeah, that should explain it.




Well, that was quite the information dump wasn't it, SORRY!!!

What did you guys think about the curse following our mc, why did it follow our mc, was it because of its own will, well if you want to find out, KEEP ON READING!!!

Give me your thoughts about what I could do better, and what did you guys think about this chapter Good? Bad? Interesting? Well, let me know.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, see y'all in the next one👋

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