
Chapter 1

Shiki Tohno, a 15 year old boy with grey blackish eyes. He wore glasses to make himself approachable as he had special eyes to say the least. No one else could see them but he could. The haunting red lines that spread all across the place even in the air.

They spread everywhere when he was careless about his emotions. He normally kept them restrained however when his emotions flare up the red lines appear without wanting to. People see his eyes and a scared, the eyes that record the eventual death of all things. They saw the eyes looking at their eventual death.

His experiment on a rock taught him that he was to be careful. The rock split in half while he used a plastic knife. Shiki usually wore the glasses which would dull the effect of the eyes should they subconsciously activate.

He was smiling in a room with his best friend, Itadori Yuji, in the occult research club. Shiki was only here because Yuji was here otherwise he would be in the going home club. Yuji begged him to stay and wait for him so Shiki obliged. He didn't know whether he should tell Yuji that his grandpa's end was coming soon.

Each day his lines grew in amount signalling his end was coming. He shook his head to get rid of his thoughts. He was cursed with these eyes, he just didn't know why he had to deal with it. He had taken 7 years to even control these eyes even then if his emotions flared then they would activate.

Yuji and the others soon finished their conspiracy theory as they all said.

"The body is buried at the rugby field!"

Shiki shook his head as he thought "Fools. The student president would be even more mad now." He sighed as the student president cut down their theory without any mercy just like Musashi and his wooden stick.

Shiki saw the president about to reprimand Yuji so he decided to do it himself. "Yuji, you're part of the track club and not the occult research club. It's time we get going."

Itadori's eyes became pacmen as the thought processed a bit before registering in his brain "Wait I'm part of the track club... Registering... Loading..." Itadori looked at the two angry club members "Itadoi?" He tilted his head in confusion.

"But I wrote occult club on the form though?"

The door opened as a voice rang through "I rewrote it!" It was the track and field coach. He looked at Itadori and gave him a look that made him look like a wise sensei asking his student for help in some shounen manga.

The coach stared at him "Itadori..." He gave a sharp face that had seen thousands of battles "We need you if we're to take over the country." Itadori cut it down immediately without a second thought "Enough I said I'm not joining!" The heart within the coach shattered but his outside remained strong. The man died inside while standing.

The coach tried to salvage the situation "How about this, a fair battle. If I win you join track and field if you win you join the occult research club." Shiki laughed as he watched Itadori become seriousness "Say no more. I'm in!"

On the rugby field was a boy with spiky hair as he looked at a strange creature. "Oi is there a dead body here or something?" He peered up but didn't let the curse know that he could see it. He thought "Hey isn't it at least second grade?"

"Is it thanks to the cursed object? Better hurry up and retrieve it."

The boy looked at a picture on his phone showing a box and a wrapped up object. "Special grade object. What a pain.

Itadori watched as the coach threw the ball up to 14 meters. He smirked as he thought he would win. Shiki knowing Itadori shook his head as he waited for it. A loud clanging sound rang through their ears. Shiki nodded "Well there it is." Itadori slapped the coach on the back "Let's go I win."

The two friends assured him that he didn't need to attend the occult club and that a sport's club would be better. Itadori scratched his cheeks "We'll I've got my reasons and I need to leave at 5 so."

Shiki sighed as he knew what Itadori was talking about. He sighed as Itadori ran off. Shiki still had some things he had to do. His eyes caught on to the boy who had bumped into Itadori slightly as he seemed to want to talk to him. Shiki dismissed it as he walked back to the school.

Yuji didn't send back any messages, this was more than enough to know what had happened.

Shiki sighed as he started leaving the classroom. He swore he could hear a scream then again he did see red lines everywhere that when cut would bring death to anything so didn't seem crazy at all.

What did concern him was Yuji running towards the school with same boy who had bumped into him. He started walking out as it wasn't his business. Itadori Yuji was a friend there was no questioning that. Would he be sad if he died? No. Shiki had accepted it at this point that everything had an end. His eyes had proven that.

He heard a crashing sound coming from the glass as his eyes widened. Yuji had just crashed into the building and was fighting something? Shiki quickly ran into the school as he went up to the school building.

There was a multitude of noises on the school roof. He quickly ran up only to see Yuji with strange markings and he swung his arm only for the strange creature to completely rip apart. Megumi looked at the new boy as he recognised him as Yuji's friend.

"Stay away!" Shiki started trembling, not from fear. No he was trembling from trying to kill his friend. His instincts were threatening to dismember and cut the lines all across him body. Sukuna heard this as he turned to the boy.

Shiki asked calmly "Who are you? You're not Yuji even though you look like him." Sukuna cackled "I'm Ryoumen Sukuna." The hand grabbed the chin only for Yuji's voice to be heard "What are you doing? This is my body."

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