
Chapter 16: Beauty of Soul

"Sorry Guys, but I'm here to offer you support only if something you can't manage," Megumi said.

Hearing Megumi, Yuji asked, "What? You are not coming."

Megumi nodded, his gaze focused on the unseen threat ahead. "Gojo-sensei told me to only give assistance if you guys are in trouble. And he pretty much handpicked these missions for you guys to adapt to the fighting. So just give me a signal if you need my assistance."

Yuji chuckled, understanding the rationale. "Alright, Fushiguro. We'll manage. But make sure to keep an eye on us, just in case."


As Nobara and Yuji dive deeper into the cursed place, the atmosphere grows more ominous, and the shadows cling to the surroundings like malevolent tendrils. Yuji's senses heightened, attuned to the eerie atmosphere that enveloped them. The duo moved with caution, their senses heightened to the subtle shifts in cursed energy.

As he has recently been hunting curses in his free time, Yuji has become increasingly proficient in finding curses.

Despite the countless curses he confronted and the battles that ensued, the cursed energy he could wield remained at a certain threshold.

And that threshold has remained the same since the day he arrived here. The inability to increase the cursed energy within his body bothers him, slightly.

Because of the collection of dark magic spells, the fight with curses is easy, but the overuse of dark spells can lead to unforeseen circumstances.

The consideration of making another agreement with Sukuna indeed crossed his mind. Sukuna, being a storehouse of immense cursed energy, could potentially offer some methods to increase the growth of Yuji's cursed energy pool. But he dropped that idea because it was less fun.

Of course, that doesn't mean he will stop annoying Sukuna with questions.

On the other hand, consulting Gojo, the seasoned sorcerer and his teacher, seemed like a prudent option. But the problem is most of Gojo's explanations revolve around Japanese food and 'How to do things with style', but he is fun to be around nevertheless.

Which one should I choose? Grumpy Sukuna or Flashy Gojo. While Yuji was bothering with his nonsense questions, Nobara, ever perceptive, whispered.

"I sense a curse ahead. Be prepared, Yuji."

She gestured for Yuji to follow as they moved with cautious steps, closing in on the lurking threat.

In the moonlit clearing, the curse emerged from the shadows. Its grotesque form became visible as it hissed in response to the intrusion. Twisted limbs and a malevolent aura marked its presence, a creature fueled by cursed energy.

Without hesitation, Yuji stepped forward, "Let's end this curse quickly."

Nobara, displaying her trademark confidence, unsheathed her weapon, a collection of nails imbued with cursed energy. "You got it, Itadori. Time for some action."


As the curse lunged forward, its movements fueled by malicious intent, Yuji and Nobara coordinated their attacks. Yuji, relying on his physical prowess, engaged the curse in close combat, delivering powerful strikes to weaken its defences.

Due to his strike being more powerful than he imagined, the curse slammed against the wall.

Damn, is that curse weak or did I grow stronger? Seems like my overtime hunting is giving its results, at least physically. Yuji thought.

Nobara, seizing the opportunity, swiftly approached the momentarily stunned curse. With a confident grin, she swung her iconic hammer, aiming for the curse's vulnerable points.

The impact resonated through the air as Nobara's hammer connected, eliciting a satisfying crunch from the curse. Yuji, surprised by the force of his own attack, couldn't help but smirk at the unintentional collaboration.

As the curse staggered from the combined assault, Yuji and Nobara exchanged a glance, and an unintentional smile came to Yuji's face.

She has a beautiful smile just like her soul. Maybe this mission isn't so bad after all. While Sukuna thought the reason why Yuji fell in love with Nobara was her beauty, for Yuji, what attracted him most was her soul, her pure, beautiful soul.

Unlike normal humans who value external beauty, for Yuji, what matters most is a person's soul.

Of course, a soul couldn't define a human or any living being, but what's on a person's face is not always what's inside them, so he uses this method to evaluate the being in front of him.

Noticing Yuji's long stare, Nobara asked. "What are you looking at?"

"I was just thinking, how beautiful you look tonight."

Hearing Yuji, Nobara tilted her head, a smirk playing on her lips, "Flattery, Itadori? That's a new tactic."

Yuji scratched his head, trying to act like a teenager without experience with women, "Well, it's true. I mean, the moonlight hits you just right."

Nobara flashed a confident smile, "Well, can't blame you for having good taste. But remember, looks aren't everything. You better appreciate my skills with the hammer and nails as much as you appreciate this face."

Yuji chuckled, "Oh, I do. Your skills are as impressive as your looks. It's the whole package that makes you amazing."

Nobara raised an eyebrow, "Smooth talker, aren't you? Just don't let it get to your head."

Oh, don't worry about me; you should worry about yourself.

Yuji, still playing the role of an awkward teenager, "I just thought it's nice to appreciate the good things around us, you know?"

Nobara smirked, "Well, you're not doing a bad job at it. Just don't let that appreciation distract you from the curses lurking in the shadows."

As they continued their banter, Yuji, still in his role as an awkward teenager, grinned, "Don't worry, Nobara. I can appreciate your skills and stay focused on curses at the same time. Multitasking is my specialty."

And this is not my first time trying to flirt. Oh man, it would have been much easier if I had been able to give a strong impression of me, when I first met her.

Nobara laughed, "Good to know. We wouldn't want you daydreaming about moonlit beauty when a curse is about to sneak up on us."

Yuji mock saluted, "You got it, team player here. Moonlit beauty appreciation on hold, curses beware!"

Their playful exchange echoed in the night as they pressed on with their mission, the moon casting a gentle glow on the path ahead and the shared camaraderie between Yuji and Nobara growing stronger with each step.


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