

POV Amano Haruko

"Mom~ I improved it... take a look at this...~"

Just like that Kazuhiko improved his talisman just as he said after five months passed, but the problem his the talisman he created was excluded even more dreadful aura than before.

When I asked about this, he said that he infused his own negative emotion into it to unify the negative energy he gathered from curses.

And made them emit a presence similar to that of a high-grade curse.

"Huh?! Did you integrate traces of your own negative emotions into it?! What kind of negative emotion does a kid like you have to form such a dreadful talisman?"

When I asked he was perplexed before he answered pouted expression with some hesitation, "I just felt the feeling of betrayal yesterday dad deceived me about buying pudding for me but didn't... I integrated that emotion... within it...."



Just because Susumu didn't buy him pudding yesterday, he felt this much of negative emotions and created this dreadful talisman?

This punk!

Did he create this to curse his father?!

For pudding...

Another thing is, he also learned about sealing techniques this month.

Due to his sealing of cursed energy in this talisman, all the curses around the house freaked out and went far away.

But the very ominous energy that came out of that talisman bothered me.

According to him if even the sealing was removed slightly, it would attract a large amount of curses from the vicinity.

It was like a time bomb.

I snatched away from him without any hesitations.

This talisman was too dangerous to leave with him.

"Whaa~ Mmoom~ please don't take it away~ whaa~"

I took it without batting an eye at his crying figure.

I am not going to fall for his tears in this matter.

I need to quickly get rid of this talisman.

So, I bought it along with me when I was about to go to sell my cursed tools.

Even though this talisman looks so ominous, I bet there are some crazy people there who would give some money to buy this talisman for sure.


"As usual, quality was top-notch! I will give you a hundred thousand yen for it!"

Inside the private room, I showcased my cursed weapon in front of the masked man.

Even though I knew the real value of my product would be at least double this value, I nodded my head without hesitation.

What I currently need is a stable source of income and produce my identity as a weapon maker.

The man in front of me was at least trustworthy when it came to the business that would fetch him a good amount of money.

I also took out the talisman my son created and placed it on the table.


The man's first reaction was fear.

He freaked out for a moment and thought I had bought him some kind of sealed cursed item to him.

"What the hell was that?! My heart stopped for a moment! Please warn me before taking out something like this again..."

I can understand, I also had the same reaction when I first saw this talisman. 

I calmly explained to him how to use the talisman, even though he looked confused.

"I didn't know Lady could even create such a talisman. But unfortunately, I don't know its true worth. With your permission, may I auction it off in my name? I will give you 70 percent of what I earn through this talisman, and the balance of 30 percent would be mine, obviously."

He was very clever, knowing that I didn't want to expose my identity, and taking advantage of that.

But I accepted his deal without being bothered about it that much, and he made a vow right away.

I also didn't know the talisman's real worth after all.

Either way, it shouldn't have held such high value.

How could the talisman my two-year-old son made on his whim in a single day hold high worth anyway?

After I came out of that place, I called Susumu.

*Ring* *Ring*

"Moshi moshi~ Susumu, I was waiting for you at the usual spot. Come and pick me up. Ah! I nearly forgot! Susumu, buy some pudding for Kazuhiko on the way, and don't forget to keep your promise to buy him pudding ever again..."

"Huh!... why?... Did something happen?"


Upon my return home, I was met with an eerie silence from Kazuhiko, my son.

He didn't even acknowledge my presence, as if I was a complete stranger.

It was clear that he was upset with me for taking the talisman from him.

I made several attempts to break the ice, but he refused to engage in any conversation, either avoiding eye contact or simply walking away with a pouting face.

To ease the tension between us, my husband thought of buying a lot of pudding for Kazuhiko, but it didn't change anything.

He was still upset with me.

I couldn't help but think how strange it was that he had become so angry with me.

My husband commented on the situation, saying, "Heh~ He seemed to be angry! Who would have thought that Mama Boy would be angry at his mother one day..."

I just grunted in response, feeling helpless and unsure of how to handle the situation.

It took me a whole week to make Kazuhiko forgive me.

I realized that taking the talisman without his permission was a mistake, and I apologized to him sincerely.

Thankfully, he eventually forgave me.

After ten days had passed, I went to sell my cursed tool to the same masked dealer.

As soon as I met him, I couldn't help but notice the bright glimmer in his eyes.

He seemed to be looking forward to our meeting that day and was even more enthusiastic than usual.

I showed him the cursed tool I had made in the past ten days, and he examined it with a passive expression on his face.

When he offered me the usual deal of a hundred thousand yen, I nodded in agreement.

However, his next question caught me off guard.

"Lady, did you bring that talisman with you again?"

I had almost forgotten about the talisman.

Had he sold it already?

Why was he asking for another one?

I asked him if he had found a dealer to sell the talisman.

He replied with a huge grin on his face, "Yes, My lady~ I didn't realize until now that you're such a skilled talisman maker... That talisman sold the moment I posted it!"


Author's Note:

Greetings, dear readers! I hope this message finds you well and immersed in the world of my fanfiction. I cannot express enough how grateful I am for your time and dedication in reading my work.

As an aspiring writer, I pour my heart and soul into every chapter, striving to create a captivating narrative that resonates with every one of you. However, completing this fanfic requires my passion and the support of wonderful individuals like yourselves.

If you find yourself enjoying this fanfiction and would like to contribute to its completion, I humbly ask for your support. Your generosity will enable me to dedicate more time and resources to this project, ensuring that it reaches its full potential. Every contribution, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in bringing this story to life.

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Once again, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your time, dedication, and support. Your enthusiasm fuels my creativity and inspires me to continue writing. Together, let us embark on this journey. Thank you, and I eagerly anticipate collaborating with every one of you.

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