
Jujutsu Kaisen: Clan System

After spending twenty years constantly fighting to survive and roaming in the cursed spirit world, Gavin finally managed to escape and return to the land of the living. However, he found himself not in the real world of planet Earth, but in the world of Jujutsu no Kaisen Anime and Manga. Also, In order for him to continue existing in this human world, there was only one thing he needed to do: find a host body to possess and complete its desire. Ding! [ The host was called upon by the desire of a person who lacked cursed energy. To this person, the Zenin Family should work together instead of being divided. ] Ding! [ The host is bound to the Zenin Family, which means that if the family perishes, the host will cease to exist and won't be able to return to the world of the living. ] Suddenly, the system added something. [ It is advisable for the host to live a low-key and simple life; otherwise, the daily rewards that the host has received or might receive in the future upon completing a task or mission from the system will be non-existent. This also applies if the host seeks fame or status. ] If you guys like this fanfic, check out my Strongest Gaming Family System too.

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7 Chs


As the super giant human uttered those words, his voice boomed like thunder, resonating within the vast expanse of the unknown world.

"I want a perfect Zenin family, and just live a simple life is enough..."

He declared with conviction.

It was then that Gavin, a lone wanderer in this mysterious realm, was shown a luminous system screen that materialized before his very eyes.

The screen emitted a resounding chime.


[ Does the user desire to make the dying soul's wish come true? ]

Gavin blinked his eyes, momentarily stunned by the sudden appearance of the system screen.

He gazed at it with a blank stare, trying to make sense of what was happening.

He had heard of systems before, but he never thought he would encounter one in this desolate, otherworldly place.

As he examined the screen, he felt a strange familiarity with the name Zenin family.

It was as if he had read about them before, in a manga or anime perhaps, in his previous life.

But how could that be?

Gavin wondered.

"Is this really a system?"

He asked again, as he felt like things were incredulous, like he was living in a dream.

Gavin knew about systems, about how they could help the protagonist live an easy life and become too overpowered in certain light novels, mangas, and stories.

He blinked several times, trying to recall the details of what he had read.

Gavin wanted to know more, he was curious, he wanted to relive what it was, but he's not sure what it was, he died too long ago and he's not sure, but based on his count, it was twenty years.

It all felt so hazy, like a distant memory that he couldn't quite grasp.

As he pondered the nature of the system, Gavin's mind was filled with questions.

"If I have a system, why did you only appear now?"

He asked aloud, his voice echoing across the barren landscape in his imagination.

It had been twenty years since he arrived in this world, and he had experienced countless hardships and dangers in his quest for survival.

He had endured the loneliness of being the only human in this realm, feeding on scattered souls to sustain himself, always walking and escaping from the unknown creatures that stalked him.

So Gavin asked again.

"Why only now?!"

Gavin's mind was still reeling from the shock of his encounter with the giant human.

He felt a strange mix of confusion and excitement, unsure of what to make of this new development.

He knew he was still in that dangerous world, but the fact that a human was standing before him was impossible.

Yet, there he was, a dying towering figure with a presence that has gotten his attention.

Lost in thought, Gavin muttered to himself,

"Hey system, why did you only appear now?"

He ignored the super giant human in front of him, focused on the system that had suddenly manifested before him.

He couldn't help but wonder why he only received this gift now, after all the dangers he had faced in the past.


He repeated, his voice tinged with frustration and disbelief.

"Why system, why?"

But the system remained silent, offering no explanation for its timing.

Suddenly, a low growl interrupted Gavin's thoughts.

He turned his head to see a group of bug-like creatures scuttling towards him, their sharp mandibles clicking in anticipation.

Gavin gritted his teeth, his hand instinctively reaching for a weapon that wasn't there.


He muttered under his breath.

"I'll grant it."

Gavin didn't care about the specifics of how he had been sent to this world or how he had received the system.

All that mattered was survival, and if granting the dying man's wish was what it took to avoid being devoured by these creatures, then so be it.

Suddenly, the system rang in Gavin's head once more, replacing the previous screen with a new message.


[ The host accepted the rule! The host will be born, please wait! ]

Gavin felt a warm sensation engulfing him, and he couldn't help but wonder what was happening.

He was surrounded by a familiar dark energy, and he sensed that someone or something was approaching.

As he watched in awe, a soul emerged from the body of the super giant human.

The soul floated towards Gavin and slowly entered his chest, causing his body to flicker and fade.

But as the soul settled within him, Gavin's body materialized once again, stronger and more vibrant than before.

Suddenly, Gavin's vision started to darken, and he felt disoriented.

He struggled to open his eyes, but when he finally managed it, he found himself staring at an unfamiliar dark ceiling.

He tried to move, but his muscles felt stiff and unresponsive.

Then, as if by instinct, Gavin took a deep breath, inhaling deeply before exhaling loudly.


He repeated the process several times, as if he had never breathed before in his life.

Slowly, Gavin's senses started to return to him.

He could hear the sound of his own heartbeat, beating as if telling him welcome to this world.

A familiar yet unfamiliar world.

Gavin continued to test his body, moving his arms and legs until he could do it with ease.

He then erupted into laughter, feeling a sense of relief and joy at his newfound strength.


He laughed, feeling the weight of the world lifted off his shoulders. But his laughter was cut short when he heard a growl from the side.

Gavin's heart skipped a beat as he turned to see the giant head of the bug-like creatures looming over him.

They were still there, standing near him, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of fear wash over him.

He was bigger now, stronger and more powerful than before, but the creatures were still a threat.

As he tried to gather his thoughts, the system appeared again, congratulating Gavin for accepting and becoming a new curse spirit and a half human.

The system explained that because Gavin his soul was originally a human that turned into a curse spirit after being in the curse spirit world, he was reborn as a half-human, half-spirit entity after taking the body.

Gavin was surprised by this revelation, but he tried to make sense of it as he listened to the system's next words.


[ For the successful reborn, the host will be rewarded by the system that the user is familiar with. Please choose: ]

The system said, presenting Gavin with four options.

[ 1. Sword Dance. ]

[ 2. Tail Glow. ]

[ 3. Amnesia. ]

[ 4. Cotton Guard. ]

Gavin thought for a moment, weighing his options carefully.

He knew that he needed to choose wisely, as the system's reward could mean the difference between life and death in this strange new world.

After a few seconds, he made his decision.

"I choose Sword Dance."

Gavin said firmly, his voice filled with determination.

He knew that a strong attacking ability would be crucial in this dangerous world, where danger lurked around every corner.

However, immediately, Gavin corrected himself.

"I chose the Cotton Guard!"

He had a sudden realization that he was now in the world of JuJutsu no Kaisen, a manga that he had read in his previous life on Earth.

Although he remembered everything from Earth when he was reborn as a cursed spirit and a human just now, he was familiar with the Zenin clan and Jujutsu no Kaisen, and knew that he was in the world of Jujutsu no Kaisen not his Earth world.

Jujutsu no Kaisen world, a world full of danger, and he needed to be prepared for anything that came his way.

Earlier, he was ecstatic at first, but the sight of the fly heads cursed spirit looking over him reminded him of the harsh reality of this world.

Fortunately, they didn't make any aggressive moves towards him, he assumed that they were likely shocked to see a cursed spirit like themselves being born in a human.

Gavin took advantage of the situation and quickly chose the Cotton Guard ability.

What is a Cotton Guard? It was a familiar thing to him in his last life on Earth, called 'Pokemon,' where this Cotton Guard move ability sharply raised his defense by three times.

With his experience in the cursed spirit world, he knew he could beat these bastards with an ability.

He closed his eyes and focused on the system, feeling the energy flowing through his body.

He could feel his spirit power rising, coursing through his veins like a wildfire.

Suddenly, he felt a surge of power, and he knew that the ability had been activated.

When Gavin opened his eyes, he saw a shimmering sword surrounding him, feeling like it was blessing him.

Gavin was speechless, he realized his mistake as he saw the shimmering swords surrounding him.

He had blurted out Sword Dance instead of Cotton Guard, but he decided to make the best of the situation.

"Whatever, this ability can sharply raise my attack three times, this can do."

Gavin said, trying to sound confident. He knew that this ability would be useful in battle, but he was worried that it wouldn't work without a weapon.

However, to his surprise, the ability worked even without a weapon.

Gavin could feel his body surge with power, his muscles bulging as his strength increased threefold.

He smiled in satisfaction, knowing that this ability would be a valuable asset in any battle.

"Come on! Don't be shy!"

With his new ability, Gavin felt more confident than ever.