

Seiten Sosuke who also is known as The Renegade in the distant future loved guns when he was a little boy, infact when he was just ten he asked his father who's name was Reinhard Sosuke to teach him the how to use guns.

So he and his father would train every day. Seiten's aim with a firearm was improving each day rapidly to the point, where he could run around whilst hitting every dummy in the head with a handgun. Which was really impressive.. but all things have a sour ending of course.

One day his father opened a package which had a vintage flintlock that he wanted to give Seiten as a birthday present, he looked at the flintlock, as he grabbed it. He looked for any signs of damage as he didn't want his son to get some fake flintlock. As he looked down the barrel to inspect for any damages but little did he know that the gun was loaded his finger slid over the gun's trigger but he accidently gave too much force and a metal pellet shot right through his head and going out the back, killing him on the spot.

He didnt have a single second to react to what was coming. Seiten of course heard the noise, he quickly went up to his father's room and saw his father on the floor with a hole on the back of his head. He realized his Father was dead. Blood was everywhere, as even some bits of his father's brain were on the ceiling and some on the hole in his head. Seiten was too shocked to even move, he just stared at his father's dead corpse blankly with widened eyes... he couldn't even cry.

His mother, whose name is Mai Sosuke, went up to investigate as she went inside the room, as she did, she saw her husband's dead body on the ground, she gasped in fear. She then saw Seiten staring at his father's dead corpse, Mai quickly grabbed him and dragged him out of the room. Seiten was still unable to react, he was too shocked to the point where he couldn't move his body. The only thing he was feeling was an overwhelming feeling of despair, he just saw the one and only person he ever looked up to was dead on the ground. Eventually they got over Reinhard's death, but they became more and more poor since Seiten's father was the only one with a job and his mother wasn't they had to sell the mansion and all the cars. The only thing they kept from their old house was the flintlock that killed Reinhard's as a memorial for him.

They moved to a small apartment, since Seiten still had to finish middle school. When he finished middle school, he turned 15 and started to immediately work as a cashier so that he could support his mother. Seiten and Mai were having difficulties with the rent and so Seiten decided to start working early which made him not attend high school. 

One day as Seiten was working at his convenience store, he suddenly heard something happening outside so he came out to inspect what was happening, he heard it coming out from an alleyway. As he went to investigate, he saw a man in a purple zip-up jacket with a high-collor, white hair that was propped up and a black blindfold over his eyes. He was killing weird creatures that looked as if they came out of a horror movie. As he was watching the fight the man with a blindfold over his eyes turned his head to Seiten, almost as if he saw Seiten and the man asked

»Hm.. can you see them?«

As he asked that the man completely destroyed the last cursed being with a tiny red ball, then he started walking towards Seiten while asking again

»Hey, did you see it?« Seiten swallowed hard while backing up each step the man took. Seiten could feel the man's power from the other side of the alleyway. The man suddenly appeared infront of Seiten saying while leaning a bit 

»Hey. I asked you a question, so answer it.« The man said and Seiten responded 

»Y-Yeah.. I did see it. B-But what the hell are those.. things?« Seiten asked, but the man completely ignored his question and looked thoughtful 

»Interesting, so you can see cursed spirits huh?« The man muttered. 

»So it was a cursed spirit? What's that?« Seiten asked, as the man replied 

»It's a creature which is formed from negative emotions. The more of the same emotion there is, the stronger they are. Hey, listen kid. Would you be intrested in becoming a jujutsu sorcerer?« 

The man asked and Seiten thought of it 

»Jujutsu Sorcerer? Someone like you?« Seiten asked where the man responded 

»Yeah, Jujutsu Sorcerers are individuals secretly trained and employed by the government in Japan to defend humanity from cursed spirits.« 

The man said. 

»Fine. I'm in, my name is Seiten Sosuke, what's yours?« Seiten asked while holding his hand out. 

»That's great kiddo I'll enroll you to Jujutsu High as quickly as possible also, the name's Gojo Satoru.« 

The man who's name is now Gojo shook his hand. 

»Alright.. I have two questions, first, what is Jujutsu High?« 

»Jujutsu High is the base of operations for Sorcerers and also where you learn to become one.« 

Gojo answers as Seiten nods and asks 

»Okay.. second, do you get paid for excorsizing cursed spirits?« Gojo nods 

»Of course, you are paid according to what grade you are and what grade curse you excorsized.« Seiten nods again. 

»Okay, I'll be in your care Gojo-Sensei.« Gojo laughs slightly as he pats Seiten on the shoulder 

»Already calling me sensei, I know that you'll be a great student! I can tell by your determination. Also before I go let me tell you about this too... you cannot tell anyone about the existence of jujutsu or cursed spirits, got it?« Gojo said seriously as Seiten nodded. 

»Got it Gojo-Sensei, I won't say a single word you have my word. I look forward to your guidance.« 

Seiten said happily as Gojo chuckled »Right right. But for now go get some rest. I'll pick you up tomorrow, also let me give you my phone number so you can text me your address later. I still have unfinished business around so I'll have to get going okay?« Gojo said while he wrote his number on a strip of paper and gave it to Seiten who took it and put it in his pocket. 

»Alright I'll send it in a few minutes, see you tomorrow Gojo-Sensei« Seiten said as Gojo vanished which made Seiten widen his eyes a bit but shook his head as he walked back home, when he got home he went to his mother and said excitedly 

»Mom! I got a new job! Ill be able to take care of you better now!« Mai chuckles as he goes to hug him. 

»That's great!« Mai smiled warmly at Seiten before continuing 

»Now go take a shower and go to sleep, it's midnight and you need energy for tomorrow.« Seiten nodded as he went to take a quick shower, after he was done he went to his room and looked outside to see it was already midnight. He got in his pajamas and then hopped into bed. He looked out the window while thinking about his future, as he was thinking his eyelids slowly closed as he went to sleep while knowing that tomorrow was a new beginning.

Hey! Im pretty new to this stuff, But i wanted to try it. So now im here! I always wanted to create a story about my own fictional character living his life, So. I said why not, and now im here! I am still a beginner though, so take that with a grain of salt! :p Anyways. I hope you enjoy my work. Have a great day/night

SenseiBorgorcreators' thoughts
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