
Jujutsu Kaisen (Fanmade)

Taehyun_Smile · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Childhood (2)

Fushiguro POV

Once we had got to school again we saw so many children smiling and shouting it was way more than before. Once we got to our classrooms the place was more packed and some people went in me and Itadori's place to sit down. I gave them a glare and they pulled a face at me. Itadori had to pull me away from him cause I was trying so hard not to kill him.

The teacher yelled to the class. "There has been an incident in the other school where a fire started. There is no known suspects but in the mean time we are the school closest to them so well will teach them aswell."

I'm wondering why they didn't tell them to go home. And now we have anoying brats here 🙄😒.

When it was break. And me, Y/N, Nobara and Itadori were playing until a kid came up to us. "GIVE US ALL YOUR MONEY." This felt like the most American thing for someone to say.

Y/N put her DS down and gave him a death glare "How about you give us some of yours?" She replied back.

The boy laughed and he looked like he was going to die of laughter. Before her could breath another word I shuffled his legs to the ground while Y/N and Nobara pulled his arms behind the kid. And Itadori knelt on him with one knee.

"I REPEAT AGAIN. Why don't you give us some of your money?" Y/N yelled at him. He was crying and squirming around like a baby. (Baring in mind he he is a few years older than us)

The teacher caught us and put us in the head teacher office. We waited for the teacher to come and give us our punishment. We saw the kid crying in the office. The Told the teacher the boy asked us for money in a rude way so we bullied him back. And he said something unexpected.

"Then why didn't you finish the job?"

Our heads tilted to the side and raised an eyebrow confused. The teacher behind him looked angry and fierce and she looked like she would beat our teacher anytime soon. Our headteacher said a change of words and said.


We were even more confused but the head teacher whispered to us at the end "I won't do any of that but I will call the other kid's parents for threatening you for money."

We felt happier but we pretend to be sad. And he went back to his seat and said "GET OUT OF MY OFFICE!" he slammed the door behind us. Once we got out of sight we were laughing our heads off.

From now on no kid came up to us or dared us.


I'm so happy I found these things called friends. They make me feel a lot better. I love how everyone is scared of us. I can finally get some time to myself without people anoying me. A group of friends came up to us with that person that tried to bully us last time.

They pointed in our direction with a anoying voice yelled. "SO YOU WERE THE KIDS THAT HURT OUR FRIE-!" Before he Finnished the word friend. Fushiguro held him by the hand pulled him over his head and dropped him on his spine. I could see how much pain he was in cause he was crying a lot. More of the people who tried to go near us was either.

Was leg swiped and fell face first to the floor by me

Tackled down by Nobara.

Or kicked from the back by Itadori.

We could see all the boys who tried to fight us on the ground in pain. Or crying. But mostly bleeding. I felt great. But we had to leave the area and scatter around to different places when they called the ambulance. Did we rough them up too hard? Nah they deserved it for trying to fight people younger than them.

When I was walking with Gojo he started laughing at how we beat up those kids and is wondering where we got our strength from to fight that many people. We were just naturally strong I guess.

I opened the door to my house. I saw My mom. Laying unconsciously. With a ton of wounds. I quickly ran to fushiguro's house and screamed from the other side of the door repetitively Gojo opened the door. And he was worried about me. I told him I saw my mom on the ground. Her ran over to my house and saw my mom there just lying down with signs around the house. She was heavily breathing but her eyes we rolled to the back of her head. Her mouth was foaming. I was so scared and traumatized. Gojo had called the ambulance to the scene. I could see sirens and people taking my mom into a stretcher.

(A/N I STG IF YALL THINK OF SOMETHING ELSE AND NO IT WASN'T THAT srry for yelling ik what ppl might think)

I was hugging Fushiguro and Gojo. Nobara and Itadori heard the noise and came to comfort me. Everyone felt so warm.... they made me feel safe from this cruel world. I slept and I could feel myself in a vehicle. I wanted to get revenge on the person who did this to my family. They ruined my life. I have no one else than my mom. She might die soon.

We got to the hospital. They were trying so hard for her to be alive. I literally saw my mother's body suffering with pain. It was just scary. Gojo and my friends were there as support.

I just saw her died in the doctor's care. I bawled my eyes out. They saw the pain I was feeling it was indescribable.

Itadori's POV

It was just sad seeing Y/N like this. Her face was just showing a ton of emotions. It was hard to know how she was actually feeling. It looked like she was crying and laughing. I saw her stand up. I could feel a bad radiation of power emitting from her.

She had a bright thing surrounding her. We were also scared and did not know what to do. But she ran out of energy and fell to the ground. The doctors witnessed all this happen. They were about to attend to her but we distracted them and ran out there. We didn't need the doctors because she just seemed tired. We got to Nobara's house.

We saw Y/N House it was just a crime scene. I will never forget this scary day. We all went back to our houses while Y/N was staying at Nobara's.

Gojo came up to us and said. "I have an idea."

Nobara's POV.

I woke up Y/N and I saw dark circles under her eyes and her facing down. She looked at me desperately.

"I know that wasn't a dream. I don't know how I'm feeling right now."

She looked around and was panicking. "WHERE IS MY DS?!" I ran to the other room and came back to her. She was so scared for a second.

"Can I ask why is that important to you?"

"It was the first and last gift from my parents before they weren't together anymore. And I vow to play on it. For the rest of my life."

She said it so confidently and also in pain. I could tell she could breakdown very easily at the same time she is confident.

"Well we should get going. We don't want to be late to Gojo sensei's house."


I gave her a uniform my mom made and threw it at her. She looked surprised. She loved it I could see it on her face. I gave her the towel and pointed in the bathroom direction. It took her a few minutes. And she wore the uniform and looked very nice in it. I dragged her along to Megumi's house. Where Itadori also greeted us. I can tell Y/N was confused by what was going on.

We all sat down in his house. He told us that he is going to be teaching us from now on.