
Chapter 23 Mafia Fiasco

"Love your enemies, for they will tell you all your faults." ~ Benjamin Franklin

"You are not working as hard as you should be doing, you faggot." Garreth whisper yelled.

"I didn't bring you all the way from London for you to sit in your hotel all day and tell me shitty stories." He continued, he looked beyond upset.

"I am trying my best-"

"Your best isn't good enough, just do what you have to do, I wouldn't like sending your father a box of your remains." Garreth lit a cigar facing putting his left arm on the silver railing of the balcony.

"I'm warning you and I don't like warning people. Just talk about Mr Darcy or Romeo and Juliette or whatever you writers talk about, Yes?" He said in a calmer voice.

"Yes, Mr. McCarthy." The young man faltered.

"Good." He said with that ending the call.