
Joy and Happiness

Joe Chen is not a handsome guy, but is always mistaken as one.... David Ji is the best friend who made it that way because of a silly friendship vow.... Joe secretly loves her best friend.... Kenji Ji saw Joe despite her handsome facade and had loved her for years.... Christine Wei came into the picture because she fell in love with David.... David fell for Christine.... What will happen to Joe? Will Kenji confess? Who will David choose? Will Christine persist? ***** Okay, so now what? Who’s going to end up with whom? This is a story of joy and happiness of friendship and first love. Come join them as their hearts get dizzy with overwhelming happiness and knife-like piercing pain in this roller coaster of emotions. Which pair would you ship? ***** Credits to the couple's picture who inspired the cover.

Izavelle_Brielle · Teen
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


Monday came. The family was having breakfast. Madame Lila, who was a very busy woman, excused herself first due to some business emergencies. The table was left in silence. Kenji was observing the interactions between the best friends. David was a picture of a happy man while Joe was pretending that everything was okay. Then, David's phone rang.

"Yes, I'll pick you up," he said immediately after answering the phone. It was obviously Christine. Kenji looked at Joe and saw her swallow her food hard. "I'll be there in ten minutes, see you," he said and hung up. He looked at Joe. "Joe, I'll be picking up Christine…"

"Don't worry, I'll ride with Kenji," she said and flashed a beaming smile at David.

"Cool," David stood up and gave Joe a pat on her shoulder. Then, he took his keys and quickly left.

Kenji waited until David was gone then he turned to Joe. "Was that a real smile?" he teased.

Joe looked at him and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know what you mean," she said nonchalantly.

Kenji snickered and rested his chin on his hands. He watched Joe as she gobbled up her breakfast. "Wow.. What a lady," he said sarcastically

Joe swallowed her food and pointed the fork at Kenji, "Mind your own business, will you? Breakfast always makes me feel so good."

Kenji smiled, "I see. So should we ask for a second helping?"

Joe glowered at him as a response. "Stop playing around. I don't want to be late for my first class. My professor is so strict," she said and drank her juice. She stood up and motioned Kenji to get up, "Let's go."

Kenji chuckled as he followed her lead. He opened the door of his car for her before going to the driver's seat. He fastened his seatbelt and looked at her.

"My car is not new," he teased her since David was the one with a new car.

Joe glared at him, aware of what he was trying to do. "One more word from you and I'll fart loudly," she threatened. "Just so you know, my farts are deadly!"

Kenji started the engine laughing, "Gross! Now that is not too ladylike."

"I'll fart now!!!" Joe screamed at the top of her lungs.

They ended up laughing as Kenji drove. At least now, she was able to laugh and joke around, even if it is for only a moment. Kenji knew what he must do. It will be his mission… his role: MAKE JOE HAPPY… MAKE JOE LAUGH…. MAKE JOE SMILE!


David looked at his girlfriend with examining but adoring eyes. He was watching her draw another dress design. Christine is a beautiful sight to behold. Her hair was in a ponytail but because she was too focused on her work, she was unaware of some strands that were falling down her face.

She scrunched her forehead and looked at her work critically. She pursed her lips and drew some more. David smiled. Christine is definitely gorgeous! He could not help himself. He walked towards her. Knowing he was approaching, she looked up and said a quick "I'm almost done, just give me five more minutes."

He chuckled and tucked her stray hair behind her ear. "Don't worry about that. I'm not bored," he told her and smiled.

She giggled, "Really?"

He nodded, "Yup, it is very entertaining watching you."

"Awww… you're so sweet," she said and gave him a peck on the cheek. "I love you, David," she added and then continued on with her sketch.

David moved behind her and hugged her from the back, "Really?" He rested his chin on her shoulders.

Christine chuckled and nodded. "Yup," she said and looked at him.

David smiled. "Okay. Now, continue with your work," he said without letting go.

"How can I work with you clinging on to me like that?" she teased.

He scrunched his forehead, "I thought you were good at what you do? That means, no matter the distractions, you should be able to work still, right?"

She rolled her eyes while chuckling, "Well, sometimes it is difficult. Especially if you have your boyfriend's chin resting on your shoulders."

"Should I leave you then?" David asked her teasingly.

Christine smirked. "Nah… I think I'll be fine," she said and continued working on her drawing.

David kissed her temple.

Christine sighed defeatedly. "Fine, I'll stop working," she said and closed her drawing book and turned to him. He hugged her by the waist and pulled her closer while she placed her arms around his neck. "What do you need?"

He chuckled and bridged the gap between their faces with a kiss. She responded. They only parted after hearing footsteps coming closer to where they were.

Christine smiled at him, "Where do you want to go today?"

"Anywhere you like," he replied.

She looked at him and kissed him once more. "Beside you? Oh look I'm already there," she giggled.

He smiled and put her in his embrace, "I love you."

Christine chuckled and eyed her boyfriend suspiciously, "Okay, so what do you really need?"

He smiled widely at her, "Well, it's like this. For the past five months you have been surprising me with a Friday getaway…" he started.

Christine scrunched her forehead. "And you don't like that?" she asked worriedly.

David kissed her forehead. "Of course I do. I had wonderful times with you..."

Christened pursed her lips, "I'm dying to hear the but- part…"

David chuckled, "But Friday had been Joe and mine's basketball tradition day. And… for the past months I had been cancelling on her at the last minute."

Christine gaped her mouth open, "WHAT?!!! Why didn't you tell me sooner?" she said and widened her eyes at him. "I don't want Joe to think that I'm a possessive girlfriend. I like her. I want to be friends with her. This Friday, you better show up to that Basketball game or I will be the one who'll get mad at you."

David hugged her in response, "Thanks…"

See? Christine is not your typical evil and jealous girlfriend type. I actually, honestly like her.

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