
Journeying through rwby along with Arc

In the very far future a young man known as the greatest swordsman and the wisest instructor in the whole world. Challenge by someone unknown he accepted and met his challenger. A NUKE! which exploded killing him. He then transmigrates to the world of one of his most guilty pleasures rwby. But unfortunately for him his soul did not transfer and take over the body but was instead trapped inside the mind of one of the characters he hated the most 'Jaune Arc'. Follow his journey teaching the disappointment and saving the world

Vulox_Lun28 · Others
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Chapter 5: enlightenment

In a white void a blonde baby ass wuss was bawling his eyes out in anguish infront of a beyond gorgeous young man with dark blue hair and red eyes. Who was sitting in a lavish throne.

The blondie cried when he laid his eyes at the absolute peak of gorgeousness infront of him. And realize that his face looks like trash compared to mine. He cried out in jealous knowing that I was above his very existence.

'That scenario would actually be better than what I am seeing right now'

Jaune: *Sniff*... Mommy... *Sniff*... I... *Sniff*... I'm... *Sniff* sorry... Looking at jaune who is crying in his knees while in his sides in a ball form. I couldn't help but question if this guy really left to become a huntsman.

His been like this for hours already.

Sighing I got up from my throne and walked to the crybaby.

Looking at jaunes state I couldn't help but clicked my tongue.

Zain: HEY!!! Get it together you piece of wasted character development!!!

Jaune flinched at the volume of my voice and looked at me.

Jaune: Huh?

Zain: Your not dead dumbass. I said as jaune upon hearing my words looks at me confused.

Jaune: *Sniff*... What do you mean?

I looked at the pitiful side character and explained.

Zain: I am saying that I lied about you dying. And just said it too crush your pathetic idealistic dream. You entered here through your dreams moron.

Upon my words jaune stopped crying and begins calm down.

Jaune: *Sniff*... So what your saying is... I'm not dead?

Zain: Yes, your pathetic wasted screen time is not over, unfortunately.

Upon the realization that he was not dead jaune begins to cry out of joy.

Seeing this I couldn't help but cringe.

Zain: OK! Stop crying!

Jaune flinched at the volume of my voice and slowly stops crying.

Zain: You done crying?

Jaune: *Sniff*... Yes. He nodded.

Zain: Okay thats good lets get straight to the point.

Jaune: Huh?

Zain: Jaune let me tell you something meaningful. I said to jaune with a calm and understanding voice.

Upon hearing my beautiful, calm and understanding words jaune puts his attention to what I am about to say.

Clearing my throat and taking a deep breath. I enlighten jaune with truthful and meaningful words.


I roared at the jaune. Who upon hearing my words had an expression like he received a massive 'fuck you' from an angel.

Looking at the further crushed teen I couln't help but furrow my brows.

Zain: Let me ask you this Jaune Arc. Why are you training?

Jaune: Eh?... We-Well I am t-training to become a huntsman. Jaune answered still shocked of having a beautiful voice roared insults at you.

Zain: Why do you wan't to be a huntsman? I asked the fool who was filled with achievable but idealistic and naive goal.

I know jaune's character or lack there of. And I already know what his gonna say. His probably gonna say something align the words 'I want to be a huntsman be a hero' or something like that.

Jaune: I want to become a huntsman to save people from evil and protect the innocent like my great grandfather.

Oh look and behold I was right. To celebrate my correct guess. I kick jaune in the stomach sending him flying.

'Maybe I should've hold back there'. I thought to myself as I try to figure out my strength.

'Huh now that I thought of it do I still have my strength and do I have aura?' I thought to myself but shook my head. 'Questions for later focus on whats infront of you'.

Freeing myself from my thoughts I looked at jaune who was desperately gasping for air. 'I definitely should have held back' having that thought I walked towards jaune.

Zain: Jaune let me ask what exactly does a huntsman do? I asked the gasping jaune.

After finally breathing normally jaune glares at me.

Jaune: Why did you kick me!? He roared with fury. I responded by smiling and explaining.

Zain: Because it felt right kicking a naive noob.

Jaunes glare became more filled with rage.

Jaune: What do you mean it felt right!? Do you enjoy the suffering of people!?

Zain: To people people like you believe in fairy tales and the stories of of heroes who always save the people and defeat the villains.

Zain: To people like you who think the world is mostly black and white. And is divided by factions of good and evil.

Zain: And to people like you who follow the path of others without truly knowing what they truly have done or the actions they have taken to that path of theirs.

Zain: To people like that I enjoy crushing that stupid and naive belief of theirs into tiny sharp shards which I will use to shred that foolish dream of theirs. And I truly feel satisfied when they finally realize that their foolish and magical dream is nothing more than a nightmarish reality.

My words struck jaune who couldn't process my words.

I know jaune's dreams are realistic and achievable but those dreams of his are naive and are driven by fictional half truth stories.

Jaune tries to process my what I said but before he can truly process my words.

Zain: I will ask again Jaune Arc what does a huntsman do? I asked again this time wanting an answer other wise I would kick him again.

Jaune finally knocking out of his thought process answers.

Jaune: A huntsman is warrior who hunts and kills-

Zain: Thats right jaune A huntsman is someone who hunts and kills. Before jaune could finish I cut him off.

Before he could say something else. I crouch down to his level and looked him dead in the eye.

Zain: Now let me ask you this Jaune. You want to become a huntsman correct?

Jaune stayed looking at my cold blood red eyes and nodded.

Zain: Then let me ask you this simple question jaune.

Zain: Are you capable of taking the lives of others?