
Journey towards the Gods

Yang Xiaotian does not spend thousands of years trying to comprehend Dao. He does not wait for a sudden flash of opportunity to understand something. He does not waste time thinking about some mysterious "step" or some "minor dao or major dao or grand dao" nonsense. Instead, he finds inspiration in the embrace of nature and of course, in the embrace of beautiful women! Also, he uses his brain to comprehend the "mystery of heaven and earth" and he also understands that cultivation is an endless journey without any destination. He is a smart protagonist who does not act like a blackhole in front of women! He is a man of action! This is smut with hours of backstory, it contains hentai themes like MILF, Oyakodon, Futanari and so on. Reader discretion is advised regarding this filthy webnovel!

HarutoraRyu · Eastern
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35 Chs

Chapter 5

When Yang Xiaotian arrived at the training ground, he saw many students meditating, the majority of them are young girls and female teachers. Xu Xian's charm is infinite towards the opposite sex. There are also some male teachers as well as male students. Xu Xian is also here, he is meditating along with the others. Yang Xiaotian did not bother anyone, he took up a position, placed his wooden sword on the ground in front of him and began practicing Tai Ji. About 15 minutes later, everyone woke up from their meditation. All of them saw what Yang Xiaotian doing and began talking among themselves.

"What is he doing? Is this circus performance?"

"Nahh... this is probably a new form of dance he is learning."

"What kind of dance is this? It has no artistic appeal!"

Xu Xian walked over to the Yang Xiaotian and said: "Your hand and feet movement is not fluid and filled with flaws! Your breathing also has many problems!"

Then he began guiding Yang Xiaotian. This caused everyone present to feel baffled because they don't understand this new thing Yang Xiaotian is doing but it looks like Xu Xian knows about this. They wondered if this is a special Kung Fu technique.

The female teachers and students are especially jealous because Xu Xian is always helping out Yang Xiaotian. They try to get his attention all the time and even though he always helps them out, it seems like he helps Yang Xiaotian the most among them.

One of the female students named Shui Luanér walked over and asked: "Teacher, is this a new kind of Kung Fu? Can you also teach it to me?"

Shui Luanér is 15 this year. She is a great beauty and many male students are trying to woo her, even many teachers want to date her. She has a high-grade spiritual root and her cultivation talent is superb. She is already a high-level Body Tempering cultivator. Back when Yang Xiannu was here, Shui Luanér considered her to be a rival but Yang Xiannu never paid any attention to her. That is why she feels quite a bit antagonistic towards Yang Xiaotian.

"This is another set of Kung Fu technique that I am teaching Tian-er since he is very highly accomplished in Wushu technique. If you want to learn this, you will have to master Wushu to the same level as Tian-er." Xu Xian replied with a smile.

This reply irritated Shui Luanér very much. Not only Xu Xian is being very endearing towards Yang Xiaotian, but he is also implying that she, a high-level Body Tempering cultivator, is not as good as Yang Xiaotian who can not even cultivate.

"Teacher, he is not even a cultivator, how can he master Wushu at a higher level than me?" Shui Luanér asked. It is not only her question, it is also the question in many people's minds here.

"Aiii.." Xu Xian sighed and said: "I keep telling all of you that practicing Kung Fu is not the same as cultivating Qi. Kung Fu training is meant to harmonize your body, mind and soul. And then at its peak, you can harmonize yourself with the aura of heaven and earth and take support from this aura. Whereas Qi cultivation is absorbing the Qi of heaven and earth and using it in battle or other things. Even though you are now training in Kung Fu, you actually should have practiced it long before you began cultivating Qi."

"You have already absorbed a lot of external Qi into your body. There is nothing inherently wrong with it. However, the aura of heaven and earth not only nurtures humans but also countless other life forms. So, the Qi of heaven and earth should not be directly absorbed into the human body without moderation. Even if you absorb the Qi, you should only keep the purest form of it that can integrate into the human structure and the rest should be returned to heaven and earth."

"That is where Kung Fu training comes to play. After you harmonize yourself with the aura of heaven and earth, you can easily sense the purest of energy and absorb only it into your body. This increases your cultivation speed at any stage of cultivation by several hundred times. Not only that, once you reach Half Saint stage, you will be able to very quickly become a Saint. Why? Because the entirety of Half Saint stage is about cleansing the impurity within your Qi Sea, your body and soul. If you only absorb the purest of Qi from the beginning, there will be no need for cleansing at that time and you will directly soar to the sky and become Saints!"

"Now you should know why Tian-er can master Wushu at a higher level than you are, right?"

Xu Xian looked at everyone as he said the last sentence.

Shui Luanér is the one who opened her mouth to answer: "Yes teacher. He can not cultivate, so he has never absorbed Qi. Thus he can easily practice kung fu while the Qi in our body is hampering our progress."

She paused for a while and said again: "What a pity that all of this accomplishment is for naught. He will never be able to cultivate. What a waste."

She then turned around and began walking towards the others. Yang Xiaotian shook his head and smiled. Shui Luanér was expecting a retort from him but since he did not retort, she became even more angry and glared at Yang Xiaotian.

Xu Xian dryly coughed and said: "Alright, if you are done with your morning training, you can go back to freshen up, eat breakfast and then go to your respective classes two hours later!"

"Teacher, I want to practice sword for a while and don't want to go to class today." Yang Xiaotian said.

"Hmm...it's ok. You have already learned all this school can teach you anyways. You should apply for scholar examination to get your certificate." Xu Xian replied.

Other students are quite shocked hearing this but the teachers who are present at the scene already know about Yang Xiaotian's academic accomplishment and are not at all surprised that Xu Xian suggested that he take the scholar examination.

"I will do as you say teacher. I will apply for the examination at noon today. I want to take economy and business studies as a major for the examination. Is it ok?" Yang Xiaotian said.

"You are best at it so that is what you should do. However, you can also take separate examinations for each of art, music and cartography indicating them as major. It will cost you more though." Xu Xian suggested.

"Ahh... I see, then I will do that!" Yang Xiaotian replied.

This conversation shocked both the students and teachers. Taking a scholar examination with 4 majors is unheard of. It is already hard enough to pass one major and another minor to become a scholar, yet he wants to take 4 majors? Many of them just snorted in disdain and made harsh comments in a hushed tone. Shui Luanér has been especially harsh and she did not even hush her tone as she let everyone hear her thoughts. As usual, Yang Xiaotian ignored her and began practicing sword.

Soon Xu Xian and everyone left the training ground and only Yang Xiaotian continued to practice the sword. After two hours of practice, he returned to his lodging and took a bath. At noon, he went to the academy's main building and applied for the scholar examination. This did not shock anyone in the office, which shocked them is the fact that he is applying for 4 majors.

Although they grumbled, they still let him fill in the forms for examination. He will be able to take the examination 6 months later. After all of this is done, he returned to the training ground and continued to practice Tai Ji. He practiced until evening, then again returned to his lodging, changed clothes and took bath. Then he decided to go eat in the eating hall for lodging students and teachers.

Arriving at the eating hall, he saw several female teachers and students are surrounding Xu Xian. The one taking the lead is Shui Luanér. This girl has been trying to impress Xu Xian for quite some time, she refused to go to the capital to try out for one of the major sects of capital because she wants to woo Xu Xian. Yang Xiaotian shook his head and said in his heart "Girl, you are probably a million years too late for that!"

"Teacher, can you check this ability scroll for me? My grandpa bought it for me from capital but I have not been able to learn the ability from it." Shui Luanér handed over a scroll to Xu Xian and said.

Xu Xian looked at the scroll and said: "There are some ability scrolls that are only activated after dropping blood on it. You should give it a try."

"Dropping blood?" Shui Luanér said with a frown.

"Are you afraid of a little bit of pain? How will you pass Mortal Shedding if you are afraid of even this bit of pain?" Xu Xian almost mocked her. Shui Luanér took back the scroll with a cute pout.

At this time Xu Xian saw Yang Xiaotian walking over and shouted: "Tian-er, bring me some rice, shrimp noodles, vegetable and pork mix salad."

"Yes teacher." Yang Xiaotian replied and immediately ran to the kitchen counter to buy food for himself and Xu Xian.

The females around Xu Xian glared at Yang Xiaotian with jealousy. They all feel that since Xu Xian and Yang Xiaotian are unable to cultivate, Xu Xian feels closer to Yang Xiaotian and wants to take care of him. This made many of them wish that they were not cultivators. Although many of them are not cultivators too, they all understand that Xu Xian can not openly cross some lines with them. The whole situation makes them feel very frustrated.

Soon enough Yang Xiaotian brought the foods, the women dispersed. Shui Luanér snorted with disdain as she passed by Yang Xiaotian. Yang Xiaotian just sat down in front of Xu Xian and they began eating. While eating Xu Xian advised him about Tai Ji practice. Yang Xiaotian no longer wonders why Xu Xian knows so much, he is already certain that he is indeed the Immortal Xu Xian from the story of the white snake. After they are finished eating, they bade each other goodbye and Yang Xiaotian returned to his lodging. After returning, he looked at the Tai Ji book seriously. He recalled the blood dropping method spoken by Xu Xian.

"It can't be, right?" Yang Xiaotian thought. He hesitated for a while and then said to himself: "Oh what's the harm! It is just a little pinch!"

He took out a blade, cut his finger lightly, it stung a bit but nothing more. He pressed that finger with his other hand and let out a bit of a blood and then dropped blood on the first page of Tai Ji book. Nothing happened, so he let out a bit more blood and dropped on the page again. Still nothing happened.

"Aii.. how could such great thing happen out of sheer coincidence?" he shook his head. But suddenly his head began to spin. He thought: "What? How can losing a few drops of blood makes me this weak!"

But suddenly his gaze fell on the Tai Ji book and his eyes became wide. He saw the letters of the book have begun shining and this is the last thing he saw before passing out.

At the same time in Xu Xian's front yard, Xu Xian is sitting on a chair and caressing the white scale. He suddenly raised his head and looked towards the direction of Yang Xiaotian's lodging, He muttered with smile: "Tian-er, it seems like you have found your opportunity and took it!"

At Yang Xiaotian's lodging, he is passed out on the floor. All kinds of information began appearing in his mind. He learned that he is living in a small world in the Eternal Dao Omniverse, there are countless universes, as well as countless time and space realms. There are realms of actual gods and demons, beings who mortals can never get close to. He learned about Gods, Buddha, Asura and much more. The main thing is that he learned about "Chí". This is not Qi but Chí, the vital energy, the very essence of all life. He learned that all living beings are born with endless Chí. However, 99.99% of living beings are unable to harmonize with their Chí. Therefore, Chí flows out of them and returns to Eternal Dao, causing living beings to die.

However, there are ways to harmonize with one's Chí. Tai Ji is one of them. By harmonizing oneself with the aura of heaven and earth, one can let the aura of heaven and earth stimulate one's Chí or essence. With continuous stimulation, one can finally connect with one's essence and then can slowly harmonize with it. One will continue to lose one's essence, such is the way of Eternal Dao but one can replenish one's essence in various ways.

For example, after harmonizing with the aura of heaven and earth and then harmonizing with one's own essence, one will be able to sense the Origin Qi of the world one lives in. This Origin Qi can replenish one's essence. But one must achieve acknowledgment of the spirit of the world.

Each cultivation planet has a spirit, this spirit may be born with the world or may have merged with the world later. It may die with the world or decide to abandon the world before the world's death. These world spirits can absorb the most primal energy of Eternal Dao and produce Origin Qi. So one must work hard to gain acknowledgment of the world spirits. It is very hard to cultivate Chí but it is possible.

He also learned a dual cultivation technique called Harmony of Yin and Yang. He learned that the Tai Ji symbol is actually the symbol of Yin and Yang, more specifically the harmony of Yin and Yang. This method truly fascinated him. He wondered in his mind whether or not he will be able to cultivate this way with Mu Meiér.

Gradually all the information that the book has to offer has been integrated into his mind. It took until dawn for the whole process to finish. He woke up and found out that his pants are soaked with some sticky liquid. He knows exactly what it is. He already learned about puberty and sex from the new sex education curriculum added by Xu Xian to the school.

"I am only ten! Isn't it too early for me? And why during this process of enlightenment?" he thought to himself.

He doesn't realize that the process has stimulated his Chí, causing his body to go through a slight elevation in quality. It heightened his growth and brought about his puberty a bit early. He sighed, changed his clothes and put them together with the previous ones he changed. Normal students have to wash their own clothes and there are tools for washing in their bathrooms. For someone like Yang Xiaotian who is living in a single lodging room, clothes would be cleaned by school workers. But he felt embarrassed thinking about his pants soaked in his semen and decided to clean them himself. After cleaning the cloths and leaving them to dry up, he left for the training ground.