
Journey towards the Gods

Yang Xiaotian does not spend thousands of years trying to comprehend Dao. He does not wait for a sudden flash of opportunity to understand something. He does not waste time thinking about some mysterious "step" or some "minor dao or major dao or grand dao" nonsense. Instead, he finds inspiration in the embrace of nature and of course, in the embrace of beautiful women! Also, he uses his brain to comprehend the "mystery of heaven and earth" and he also understands that cultivation is an endless journey without any destination. He is a smart protagonist who does not act like a blackhole in front of women! He is a man of action! This is smut with hours of backstory, it contains hentai themes like MILF, Oyakodon, Futanari and so on. Reader discretion is advised regarding this filthy webnovel!

HarutoraRyu · Eastern
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35 Chs

Chapter 20

After a while, Yang Xiaotian said goodbye and left for doctor Sun's store. As he left the bank, Tang Bao returned to his office but before he could speak, the shadowy figure raised his hand, indicating him to keep quiet. Then he took out a talisman and pasted it on the table.

"Your majesty, is it necessary to use a precious sound insulation talisman here?" Tang Bao asked.

"That boy is not normal. His soul power is just too strong. I am pretty sure he will be able to hear our conversation from several hundred meters away. Having such soul power without a soul space, even Half Saints will have trouble suppressing him with aura!" the shadowy man said.

He is indeed right, Yang Xiaotian is indeed trying to eavesdrop on them but he felt disappointed when suddenly he could no longer pick up any sound from that position. So he quickened his pace and moved quickly towards doctor Sun's store.

After arriving at the store, he was actually greeted by Qin Feiér, she ran over and directly jumped at him excitedly: "Big brother Tian!"

Yang Xiaotian caught her in a hug and placed her in his arms. At this time Qin Ming ran over and lightly yelled: "Feiér you can not run like that, you are not well!"

"I am fine! I am a goddess now! Ha ha ha!" Qin Feiér laughed loudly.

Yang Xiaotian was already shocked enough when Qin Feiér jumped at him and now she is talking and laughing loudly. He is completely and utterly shocked. Qin Ming looked at him with a pleading look.

Yang Xiaotian nodded at her and began speaking: "Feiér I am glad that you are feeling better but you still need rest and medicine."

"I know! Big brother Tian's treatment will surely heal me! I know all about it! A beautiful big sister came into my dreams last night! She was a goddess! She was so beautiful and amazing! She said that she is big brother Tian's friend and that if I follow your instructions, not only my sickness will go away but I will also be able to become a goddess like her!" Qin Feiér said.

Yang Xiaotian looked at her in shock. The patients all around began laughing hearing this innocent girl's words.

"It's true!" Qin Feiér said with force.

"Alright, let's go in and talk about this big sister." Yang Xiaotian said and moved towards the inner area of the store.

There is a courtyard behind the store and a house next to it. Doctor Sun lives in this house. Qin Feiér is meditating every morning in this courtyard.

"Xiaotian, I will tell grandpa Sun that you are here. Feiér, behave." Qin Ming left after saying this.

Yang Xiaotian looked at Qin Feiér who is still in his arms. She smiled at him sweetly and hugged his neck and laid her head on his shoulder. He asked softly: "Feiér, what did you see in your dreams? Do you remember?"

"Mmm... I was on a beautiful mountain, there were clouds everywhere. I was scared at first but then the big sister Goddess appeared and told me many stories. She said she is big brother's close friend. Big brother do you know the big sister Goddess?" Qin Feiér looked at him with bright eyes as she asked.

Yang Xiaotian felt shocked to the core. It is that Deva! That Deva has actually taken interest in Qin Feiér! He got back to his senses and asked again: "What else did the big sister Goddess say?"

"She said that you are the best! She said you will surely cure me and I must listen to you. She said that if I meditate as you teach me, then I will also become a goddess like her! Is it true big brother?" Qin Feiér asked in astonishment again.

"Are you meditating as I have instructed?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

"Yes, I can completely enter meditation without any other thought and continue for a long time. I only see the Yin-Yang symbol in my mind rotating, splitting, joining back again, becoming cats, dogs, people. One time, it split into two, one became mom and one became big brother Tian and then..." Qin Feiér stopped looking at this and looked shyly at Yang Xiaotian.

He is already shocked beyond comparison. The imagination of a child is outstanding. Splitting the Yin-Yang symbol and transforming it into many shapes, this is high-level soul cultivation! Even he barely manages to keep himself immersed in the rotation and this girl is creating stuff freely and without breaking out of meditation! No wonder she has suddenly become so intelligent. Her soul power has increased, allowing her to take more control over her brain.

At this time his thought suddenly returned to the fact that her Yin-Yang symbol transformed into his shape. He asked: "What happened then?"

Qin Feiér showed a sly smile and said: "Big brother Tian and mom kissed!"

Yang Xiaotian became completely dumbfounded. He kept looking at the girl with his mouth wide open. He is completely unable to say a single word. His thoughts returned to him when he heard footsteps. Qin Ming has brought along doctor Sun to the courtyard.

"Xiaotian, there was a problem. Feiér vomited blood, puss and a lot of mucus." doctor Sun said immediately after arriving.

But before Yang Xiaotian could say anything Qin Feiér said loudly: "But those are just bad things that are making me sick! It is good that I vomited them!"

Yang Xiaotian gave her a deep look. It seems her intelligence has increased quite a bit more than he imagined. He said: "Let's test. Feiér, we will perform acupuncture on you like last time. Are you ready?"

"Yes! Brother's treatment is the best!" Qin Feiér again hugged Yang Xiaotian's neck and this time planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Brat, I am the one making medicine for you and you say brother is the best!" doctor Sun said with fake anger.

"Brother is the best but grandpa is the bestest!" Qin Feiér said with a big smile.

"Alright, alright, if even a little girl like you can flatter me, I will have to buy a plot in the graveyard!" doctor Sun shook his head and said jokingly.

"No! Grandpa will not die! Grandpa will become a godly doctor! The big sister goddess said it! So long as you practice medicine as brother suggested, you will surely become a godly doctor! Number one in the world!" Qin Feiér said very confidently.

Yang Xiaotian cursed in his heart: "Damn Deva! Do you really have to say so much to a little girl? I understand that she is too cute and adorable but did you really have to?"

"Fine fine, I will be a godly doctor. Now let's go back in and start your treatment!" doctor Sun said with sigh.

After they got back in, they again performed the diagnostic procedure from last time. But this time, the three of them observed in shock that her movement of the lung is much more vibrant, her breathing is much more clear and the blockage they felt last time is more than half cleared.

"This...this.." doctor Sun began stuttering.

"Feiér.." Qin Ming sobbed in happiness.

"The treatment is working great. Let's continue this way for a month more and I am sure Feiér will completely recover!" Yang Xiaotian said happily.

"Of course, I will recover! Big sister goddess said I will recover and become a goddess! Big brother Tian, you must teach me your cultivation so that I can become a goddess. You should also teach cultivation to mom." Qin Feiér stuck her tongue out as she said the last sentence.

Yang Xiaotian felt a headache and rubbed his forehead. If this continues, this girl might completely embarrass him in front of Qin Ming very soon. He showed a dry smile and said: "What about this, you teach your mother how to meditate. If she can become as good as you in meditation, I will teach you both cultivation!"

"You promise?" Qin Feiér very cutely asked.

"Yes." Yang Xiaotian said.

"Pinky promise?" Qin Feiér raised her pinky finger towards Yang Xiaotian.

Yang Xiaotian locked pinky finger with her and said with a smile: "Pinky promise!"

"Ok, it is a pinky promise! If you forget, Feiér will forever disappear!" Qin Feiér looked at Yang Xiaotian with a look that caused him to feel his heart twist.

"No no, I will never forget!" Yang Xiaotian immediately picked up Qin Feiér in his arms and kissed her cheek.

"Mom, I will teach you meditation from now on. You have to learn or Feiér will cry every day!" Qin Feiér said with a teary look.

"Ok ok, I will learn meditation for my Feiér." Qin Ming said tearfully.

Doctor Sun kept watching the scene play out in front of him without interrupting. At this point, he is thinking of going to the Yang family to propose a marriage between Qin Ming and Yang Xiaotian. But he immediately shook his head and removed that thought from his mind, it is best to let nature take its course.

Yang Xiaotian's regular days passed by as usual. Seven days later, he is meditating quite late at night and suddenly he heard knocking on the door. He sensed who it is, Rouér has come again. He became a little happy and then suddenly shook his head and said in his heart: "Meiér.. Meiér.. I love Meiér!"

He opened the door and Rouér directly entered without speaking. She immediately took off her stealth clothes and sat down on the bed just as she entered. She is still wearing her previous clothes under the suit but this time she is wearing undergarments. Seeing her like this, Yang Xiaotian can not help but gulp down a mouthful of saliva.

"I have already made some improvement and my body has been improved by my Chí." without any greetings or whatsoever, Rouér began talking.

"How do you know?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

"I took a dump and everything was just black! I peed and it was black! I vomited black gooey things! Also, my Qi Sea feels like it has been emptied out almost 30%! You are right! This cultivation truly removes all kinds of impurity from the body!" Rouér said without showing any embarrassment.

Yang Xiaotian felt a bit shocked hearing her talk about this kind of stuff so nonchalantly but then he recalled how foul-mouthed this woman usually is and shook his head.

"Let me take a look." Yang Xiaotian approached the bed and extended his hand towards Rouér. She also extended her left hand towards him.

As Yang Xiaotian sensed her pulse, he found out that her body has indeed been refined by Chí. Moreover, it has been done multiple times. It is no wonder she released so much impurity. He really did not expect this to happen so fast. On one side, Qin Feiér has already met the Deva and her soul cultivation can be said to be progressing on par with his own and here Rouér has refined her body with Chí multiple times.

"What is going on? Why is it so easy for them?" Yang Xiaotian thought in his mind.

"Now it is time to keep your promise!" Rouér said sternly.

Yang Xiaotian recalled the promise and shook his head with a dry smile.

"Why? Are you trying to go back on your words?" Rouér asked while looking at Yang Xiaotian intently.

"Not at all. I am just thinking how easy it is for you to cultivate Tai Ji." Yang Xiaotian said.

"Hmph.. naturally! I am a great talent!" Rouér very proudly said.

Yang Xiaotian suddenly thought of something and asked: "The Tai Ji symbol, what kind of shape does it take in your mind? Can you change it on your own?"

"I let my thought wander around and it takes different shapes based on my thoughts. One time it even ..." saying up to this point Rouér shut her mouth, her face became a bit red.

"She must have thought of something embarrassing and it took shape! What is up with women?" Yang Xiaotian shook his head.

"So what was that energy? Tell me!" Rouér patted her hand on the bed, indicating that Yang Xiaotian should also get up and sit down on the bed.

Yang Xiaotian sighed and got up on the bed. He sat opposite to Rouér and began talking about Deva energy. Hearing his explanation, Rouér's eyes opened wide in shock. She never heard of these Deva before and now she is learning that these Deva are watching her all the time? Her thoughts suddenly returned to last night when she was in bed and her face flushed red for a moment. She also suddenly realized something about Yang Xiaotian.

"No wonder his eyes are so mesmerizing! They were charming to begin with but now that he has begun refining them with Deva energy, they have become even more deadly!" Rouér thought. Naturally, she is wrong about one thing, Yang Xiaotian is not only using Deva energy to refine his eyes, but he is also using Chí merged together with his own soul power.

The changes in her expression were caught by Yang Xiaotian. However, he did not comment on them. He has decided not to talk about anything improper in case they cause some misunderstanding to occur.

"You must be very careful when summoning a Deva. Be very careful of their traps! If you fall too deep, you might lose your soul and die!" Yang Xiaotian warned.

"Alright, I understand. I will be focused!" Rouér said and began meditating. Yang Xiaotian also began meditating.