
4: Just in time

Beep.. beep... beep... was all I could heard, did the ambulance arrive in time to save me? No, I don't remember calling an ambulance, and no bystander would be able to see what was happening. Who is beside me?

I find the strength to open my eyes... beep... beep... beep... I saw Ms. Kyo beside me, I often see her with my father, she is a well-known medical staff, her exact occupation was completely unknown, as she changes time to time from what she cures. In her recorded status, patients had: 264,891, cured patients: exactly 264,891, from what I saw in an article. And besides Ms. Kyo...

"Beep. beep.. beep... ooohhhh! He opened his eyes!" Was none other than her annoying student... Hato Morishima (16), despite his annoying behaviour, he could be a really good assistance for Ms. Kyo, if... he only take Ms. Kyo seriously.

"Shori, do you know what your state was before I found you?"

"Uh I had a scratch on my chest? Hehe..."

"You idiot! Your inferior vena cava was pierced, needles were perfectly impaling the veins in your arms, two needles pierced your right cornea and lens! I could go on and on! What were you even thinking! Who did this to you!? Huh!? HUH!?" Ms. Kyo stopped speaking and looked at me, she found me covering my ears the entire time.

Suddenly, a strike was felt on my right cheek.

"Ow!" I yelped as Ms. Kyo slapped me.

"You're one stubborn child huh. Follow me." Ms. Kyo sighed and grabbed my wrist, she led me to the basement without me having a say.

Ms. Kyo opened the drawers that contained the files, in utter disbelief, the drawers were empty.

"Shori! Were you certain that there was something inside this drawer!?"

"Yes! I caught a glimpse of a stack of paper before I let go if its handle!

"Hato-kun! Call at Ms. Sato this instance!" Ms. Kyo shouted.

**Sato had arrived, along with a group of men wearing uniform.**

"Scatter and search for the area!" Ms. Sato ordered his men.

Sato Yoru (21), as Ms. Kyo introduced, she leads the defense organization of our winery? I never had knowledge that my father's winery had a defense organization, is my father's winery that important and confidential, were the question stuck in my head.

"Move it kiddo." Ms. Sato exclaimed coldly, I stepped aside and went to Ms. Kyo's presence.

"Soo... Who exactly are they, Ms. Kyo?"