

In the middle of the night, a comet was seen by a toaist master Zhengzhou.The toaist master followed the comet but it was to fast for him.While in another family a woman was having difficulty give birth and the comet was heading straight for the house.Immediately the comet landed, the woman put to bed and gave up the ghost.Master Zheng came at the exact moment, the father was happy when he heard the cry of a baby but when he got inside he was filled with sadness for the loss of his wife and the fact that the baby was a girl.A strange smell then began to be released from the baby girl's body began to attract a lot of monsters and it also kills flowers as it spreads. Master Zheng had to create a force field around the house to protect her. Her father as a thank you asked the master to name her, the master named her Han Qain Gu (flower Bones) .

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