
Journey to Obscure

Hello guys, I got bored reading those reincarnation and transmigration novels, so I decided to write something new for myself and for others. Hope you like it. The first volume will is all about how Rudra(MC)got his skills. You can consider the first volume as prologue ( Biggest ever.) for the upcoming volume 2. You can directly start reading volume 2 if you are a fan of academy arc but you will miss out on the details of character of mc. Volume 2 My first day at the academy. I saw a commoner beating up a noble. A girls next to me handed me some popcorn without even looking at me. I ignored her and went straight for my class, but another group of students blocked my way. They were staring at a silhouette of a girl sleeping peacefully on one of the towers of academy building. With all my will power I ignored them. I somehow made my to the class, I went straight into a corner seat and sat down. Curiously I looked around the class to get a better view of the students who will be my classmates. Guess what, I found the same commoner and noble sitting in the same class as me. The girl who slept on one of the towers of academy was somehow present on the first bench still asleep. The popcorn girl was sitting in another corner with a bored look. I sighed and looked around to find a normal student, but my luck is worse than I thought. Every single one of my classmates had a screw loose in their head. "I wanna quit." English is not my native language, so there might( must) be some mistake, please inform me through comments. Text me on Discord if you have any advice or opinion Discord- Ether7#2296 And lastly, of course, cover page is not mine. If you want me to remove it( Which I am sure no one is interested in) I will remove it.

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Just like usual, I was walking with the group Evan, Ethne, Erika and Snow. Today's lecture made almost everyone in the class sleep except Snow. She seems to be interested in Mecha and stuff.

Our Weapon training class has gone by like usual resulting in me getting beaten up again. I think I should build a small cottage for myself in the Medical ward since I am gonna be their regular customer.

Steel and James approached us from opposite as we were walking back to dormitories. Both of them wrapped their hands on my shoulder like we were childhood buddies.

" Hey guys, mind if I borrow Rudra for a bit."

" Sure."

" Enjoy your time newbie."

" Have fun cadet."

Evan, Ethne and Erika displayed green signal for kicking me out. Snow just kept staring at Steele and James without speaking a word.

" Vice president, please don't stare at us like that. We are just going for some site seeing nothing else."

James nudged Steele to agree with him.

" Yes! Yes! just sight seeing."

Why are they so nervous in front of her?


Snow didn't speak anything, but her stare spoke all that she was definitely angry.

" You should go with them Rudra, you may be able to see the new side of the world."

' What's that supposed to mean?'

Snow's stare still didn't drop, she was getting angrier by the minute.

" How about sending Erika to watch over them."

Evan suggested.

" Yeah, no problem."

" That's a great idea."

Evan, Ethne and Erika kept persuading Snow to let me go, to which she reluctantly agreed. I was confused as to why they were acting like that again.

" Please come back safely."

Snow said in her usual tone before leaving.

' .....I fell even more uneasy since you said that.'

I don't have much to do except training, so let's see if there are any interesting things.

" Let's go."

Me, Erika, Steele and James walked towards the exit gate of the academy.

" Hey James, where are we going?"

I was curious as to what caused all that fuss.

" Rudra, are you good at fist fighting?"

" What?"

" Are you good at fist fighting or not? Just answer me."

" Yes, I am good at it."

During my school days, I was considered as one the best fist fighter in school. After all, I was a part of a delinquent group.

" That's great then we have two fighters now. I will make sure to win back all the money I lost."

" What are you talking about?"

" Just come with me for now. I guarantee that you will enjoy it."

I just followed behind him while observing my surroundings. We passed through the bustling streets of 'Sie' market. The 'Sie' market is divided into two Districts, the larger one in the East is called as 'Hunting District' which has designated shops for potions, weapons and other stuff for hunting. The smaller one in the West is called as Entertainment District which has cafes, bakery, movie theatres, music stores, book stores, and other entertainments.

We walked through the 'Hunting District' for a good hour before arriving at our destination. An abandoned store in a back alley opposite to the ' Adventurer's Guild office. James opened the door of the store which revealed a staircase leading down. After climbing down the stairs, we arrived before another dark door.

James pushed open the door to revel a beautiful dark scenery illuminated by small stars hanging around the sky. Fireflies like creature hovered in the air across the whole area around.

" Welcome to the Underworld!"

James dramatically raised both of his hands in the air and shouted out loud attracting the unnecessary attention. But I didn't care much as I was lost in the beautiful scene in front of me.

" Surprised! Stop acting like a country bum, you are embarrasing us."

" Shut up or I will go back."

These bastards never leave a chance to add a snarky comment.

" Okay okay, don't take it seriously dude."

" Can you tell me now, why are we here?"

I asked impatiently. Many scenarios ran in my mind like stealing stuff, fighting gangs, rare treasures, evil bosses and secret stuff.

" First let me tell you about three important rules of the underworld.

1. You can not fight outside the Battle Arena.

2. You can not cause inconvenience to the fighters who are patrolling the area.

3. Order of the Overseer is absolute.

If you break any one of the rules you will be executed on the spot. But except the above you can do anything."

" ....I see."

" As for why are we here? We are going to the Fist fighting section in the battle arena. You said that you are a good fighter right, then help me earn some points."

James said with a mischievous smile while his eyeballs literally looked like dollar signs.

" ...So basically I am like a money tree."

" Yup."

An instant and blatant reply.

" I am going back."

I had enough of this shit. I am not a slave who will work for free, but-

" Are you sure? I will split half of my winning with you and participants who won the match can steal points from the opponent, but of course you will have to sign a contract."

Ahh... there you have it.

" You should have said that before, now let's go kick some asses."

We walked through the streets of underworld which unlike the 'Sie' market were scares in student. James explained the whole map of underworld to me as we walked through the streets.

Underworld is divided in three parts, first is Battle Arena where we are headed to, the second is the office of Overseer and the third is the black market where things are traded illegally.

We arrived at the Battle Arena and entered both my and Steele's name as a participant while James and Erika visited the betting counter to calculate the things though the latter is with him just for fun.


Overseer's office.

" Welcome Grand Duke Azeroth."

The Overseer bowed down his head to welcome the Grand Duke of Reedreeda Galaxy. Although he is an Overseer of this area which conducts illegal business, he didn't feel even a bit nervous.

" Hmm..... it seems like the illegal business is blooming nowadays huh."

Grand Duke Azeroth walked in graceful manner, his tone calm and an expressionless face. He sat down on the couch while staring at the Overseer.

" May I ask why the newly appointed Grand Duke is roaming around Underworld instead of staying in the castle."

The Overseer lifted his head and spoke in a sarcastic manner.

" Stop with the formalities, just talk casually to me. We are friends, aren't we? I remember this is the same place where we first met during the academy days."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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