
Journey To Become A True God

Ye Chen was an honest and hardworking man, but he caught his girlfriend who was having an affair with a wealthy second generation, because of his sadness he decided to return to his hometown to calm down, while on his way he met a god cultivator and ended up being his student . After that his life began to change, on the right and left arms holding the Beautiful girl, from the start of the School flower, rich young women, beautiful teachers, beauty Ceo, famous beauty stars, beautiful goddesses. one by one the women came to him

DarkForces · Eastern
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3327 Chs

Sage God's Wind veins (1)

Ye Chen and Xue Suyin went to the treasure warehouse that belonged to the Spring Palace, on the way to the treasure warehouse, Ye Chen saw that there were countless women from the Spring Palace on guard around this place.

Women were on guard against those who wanted to steal the treasure that was in the warehouse

When Ye Chen and Xue Suyin walked, these women lowered their heads and paid their respects to Xue Suyin and Ye Chen.

These women certainly salute the Spring Palace mistress, they fear if the law does not give the glory to Spring Palace Mistress.

Xue Suyin didn't care about these women at all, she was focused on enjoying the feelings in Ye Chen's arms, she forgot everything around her.

Women who are in love are weird, they can ignore everything around them because of the love they have.

In the instant that Ye Chen arrived in front of the enormous gate, this gate was at least 5 meters high by 3 meters wide.