
Acquisition of Skills

Whack, Whack.

The sound of fighting between two people rang in a hall and everyone was looking in that direction as the one who was fighting was a child of around 9 years, and he was fighting with another child of around 13-14 years.

Well, they were not fighting but practicing in Taekwondo.

But the power behind the kick of a 9-year-old boy was amazing and it didn't lose out to the other boy and even exceeded it.

After some time there appeared a gap in the older kid's defense and the younger kid used that opportunity to do a front kick at the other guy's chest and kicked him backward around 2-3 meters.

After that, the guy who was kicked didn't stand up and just lay there.

"And the winner is Akimitsu Fujiwara"

The judge announced after checking the condition of the 13-year-old kid.

Yes, the person who just won was our MC Akimitsu.

(Aki Pov)


'Well, that's pretty easy, guess I am improving faster thanks to my skills.'

Well, it's been around four years since the day when we met the Suzutsuki family.

There's a lot that happened in the past few years.

Chika started going to school and is now in the 4th grade.

Mother as a diplomat, goes to several countries, and takes Chika with her sometimes now.

Chika recently showed an interest in piano and started learning it.

And sometimes even drag me with her to learn piano with her, and thanks to that I also learned piano a bit.

Moeha is also able to go to school now.

She is now in 1st grade and is becoming more cuter and everyone in the family dotes on her a lot.

Toyomi onee-chan is now in 2nd year of middle school, she is becoming a bit aloof these days as if in a daze, well must be puberty I guess.

Well, that's enough about my family, let me tell you about my relationship with Kanade and Subaru.

Well, we are also becoming closer, as they always come to our house to play with me and my sister's.

Kanade recently became a bit naughty and kept teasing me while Subaru kept stopping her.

I think her sadistic personality has started becoming active now.

Guess that's about it, I am currently in a Taekwondo Gym right now.

I started learning about various Combat Sports to acquire different skills.

When I got my system I only had three skills which were 'Photographic Memory', 'Body Potential', and 'Talent'.

But when I was an infant and didn't know Japanese much and the people around me kept talking in Japanese, at that time I wanted to know what they were saying and kept observing them and as time went by, one day I got a skill named 'Observation'.

When I got that skill I started thinking about what type of skills I could acquire from this system and when I started reading, I got another skill 'Fast Reading'.

After that, I thought at that time that I could also acquire different types of skills easily in the future.

At the time when my parents told me to go to school, then I showed them my talents and my Intelligence.

After that, they didn't force me to go to school and hired a home tutor for me.

I was satisfied with that, but I also wanted to learn combat skills, So I told them about it, and at that time they said.

"When you will be around 8 years old, then we will allow you to join a martial arts gym."

I agreed, but that doesn't mean that I can't practice various art forms which I already learned from the books, now is it?

After that, I started learning things related to Technology, as it is the technology that will rule the world in a few years.


I thought as a screen appeared before me.

Name: Akimitsu Fujiwara (Aki)

Title: None


Strength: 25 (12-13 is average for a 9-year-old)

Speed: 27 (14-15 is average)

Vitality: 25 (11-12 is average)

Charm: 26 (10-11 is average)

Intelligence: 80 (16-17 is average)

Skills: Photographic Memory (Ex), Body Potential (SSS), Talent (SSS), Fast Reading (B), Observation (B+), Technical Skills (B), Taekwondo (C+), Boxing (C), MMA(Mixed Martial Arts) (B), Piano (B)

Quests: None (Will be given when the time comes.)

Shop: *Locked* (Will be opened when the host is 15 years old)

Shop Points (SP): 0

Hmm...My stats are increasing nicely, I can somehow guess, that when I become a teenager I can increase my stat much faster.

As for my current child's body which is in the developing phase, If I put too much pressure on it then there can be some problems that can probably affect my Body Potential.

Well, it doesn't matter much, as I already have stats with which I can probably defeat an adult.

And my charm is also increasing nicely,

'Wait, is that why girls around the gym kept looking at me?' Hey hey wait, don't look at me, I am not interested in shota relationship.

'Let's go home now."

I thought as I began walking towards the changing room.

After taking a shower and changing back clothes I left the Dojang (Taekwondo Gym) and started heading towards home in a car.

As I reached home and went in, someone called for me.

"Aki, come here fast"

It was Chika who called for me,

"What happened, Chika?"I asked and started walking towards her.

She didn't say anything, grabbed my wrist, and started pulling me toward her room.

"Wait Chika, don't run so fast or you will trip."

She turned her head and showed me her tongue and kept pulling me.

After entering her room she showed me a board game.

I began inspecting the game and asked,

"Is this a new board game?"

She raised her non-existent chest and replied,

"Yes, and I thought to play it with you first"

"How did mom agree to buy it for you?"

I looked toward her, and she averted my gaze.

I squinted my eyes and asked, "Did you again use my name, and told mom that I told you to buy it for me?"

She didn't say anything and gave me some chocolates.

'Is it a bribe? You really are a politician's daughter.'

I thought but didn't say anything and started eating the chocolate.

After that, we played the game for a while and kept talking to each other.

After some time, mom called us for dinner and we went to have dinner.

First of all let me thank you guys, because today webnovel sent me a notice that my novel is appearing on the Fresh Novel list today..

Thank you for supporting and reading my novel.

I hope that I write this for a long time and keep getting new ideas.

Directionlesscreators' thoughts
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