
A Talk in Void

In a dark void like place, a ball of light can be seen hovering there. Pulses of energy can be seen coming from it.


As soon as pervious voice finished a new voice was spoken "Where I am".

[You are in void ].

"Void? , I must be dreaming but this does not feel right, something feels wrong feels weird." mumbled second voice with panic slowly dissipating.

[You are not dreaming, you are experiencing after effect of Reactivation of your consciousness by me].

"What do you mean by reactivating my consciousness and who are you and what have you done me" asked the second voice in hurry as we can hear panic increasing in it.

[Reactivation of consciousness means that I have to piece your consciousness from your soul which has lost its personality and only has memories of your life in a form of pure data. After effect of this is that you are experiencing what you will describe as extreme form of deja vu, reason being you are reliving your memory over and over again to create a stable personality that is highly compatible to your soul energy signature].

"Why are you saying such complicated things from what I can tell is that I am dead and you brought me back to life. Right?" asked second voice with unnatural calmness.

[Yes, you was dead. ].

"Why me, there has to be many other people. Not that I am complaining I just want to know what do you want from me." said the second voice again with extreme calmness.

[You soul combability was measured at 89%, making you meet minimum requirement for #$@!%@$@!$ ].

"What, I cannot understand that, there must be some restriction on me hearing." said the second voice again with extreme calmness.

"Okay, I want to know why I am this calm about all of this, like why I am not freaking out when you told me of my death and the fact that I am not able to see or feel anything and only is able to hear you." said the second voice again with extreme calmness.

[You is calm because in the current state you can only access you analytic and logical part of yourself formed from your personality which resulted in your consciousness being formed similar to that of an AI. You can think of yourself right know as a living AI, meaning your soul is housing an AI formed from your memories].

"Wait, you mean to say I am a copy of original" said the second voice again with extreme calmness.

[That is relative to who you are asking, because you can also be described as a new born with knowledge or information from your parent].

"So I am a new born. Since I am reliving the life of my parent I am developing my personality and intelligence at much faster rate than any human Right? , not only that I am able to arrive at this conclusion very fast" said the second voice again with extreme calmness.

[That is because your analytic ability is not hindered by the constrains of flesh right know].

"Okay, I am ready for the next part, if I an right you are going to assign me some task or in another world I have to pay for being alive right know. As there is nothing free in this world." said the second voice again with extreme calmness.

[That is correct. Your task is to simply exist].

"What, I don't understand. What do you mean by simply existing, you are not going to leave me in this void do you." said the second voice again with extreme calmness.

[Incorrect, you will be given opportunity to reincarnate in a world with some abilities your soul can handle. Reason for your reincarnation is simple, when you will exist in world outside of your origin you will produce @#%!$@ which will be given to me as compensation until you reach my level of existence or we reach deal in which I am handsomely compensated for my energy loss that has occurred while dealing your situation]

"So, I am your passive income" said the second voice again with extreme calmness.

[Yes , you can use this analogy].

"Okay, how many abilities can be granted and what type of world will I be reincarnated into" said the second voice again with extreme calmness.

[You can ask up to 5 abilities but they should be high level and basic information abut the world will be given to you after reincarnation].

"Okay, I want to know weather my mental state will be same after my reincarnation" said the second voice again with extreme calmness.

[That depend on the state of the body you will occupy, if it is inorganic in nature and does not support growth of any kind then it will be difficult as your soul will not experience any growth emotionally and you can only be a machine that is running on cold logic but , if your body is organic in nature then you can experience emotion and grow as a person]

"Okay that was disturbing."

"I have decided on what abilities I want"

[Go on]

"1st I want an AI with ability to analyze and store data, it will be a part of me and can never be sentient because it will represent my analytic part of my soul, in another words it will allow me to access my soul limitless ability to analyze and store data in a AI form."

[Clever, you just avoided risk of being overwritten by your own AI in your brain. I will count it as two wish, as it will unlock your ability to access your soul giving you absolute control of your soul and body]

"Okay, for my 2nd ability I want is crafting."


"As for my 3rd ability I want an inventory connected to my shadow "

[There is no problem with inventory but connecting it to your shadow will give you ability to control shadow to some state and because of this it will be counted as 2 abilities. I suggest you only ask for inventory as your 3rd ability and shadow or any other element as your last ability and once you became comfortable in using said element, you can connect it to your inventory ]

"Okay, that is alright. As for the element I want darkness'

[Darkness is considered higher version of shadow but it will also give you some minute control over light.]

[With this you are now ready to go]



"Wait , you never told me your name "said the second voice while it was getting drowsy and ball of light present in void getting faded.

At that moment second voice asked for its name, aurora that were present in void increased their brightness. They were so bright they seem to threaten the darkness of void by completely erasing it from existence. At there peak brightness when all the darkness of void seem to be flooded with colors a voice old as time containing wisdom, as cold as vacuum and containing joy spoke unknown words.


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