3 Knowing the Situation

Dundorma { Day }

The sun was shining the next day in the city of Dundorma. Bustling streets were full of people in the market. We can see one of our three clowns running through the streets. With him was his palico buddy hanging on for dear life. " Slow down meowster, what's with the hustle this morning? " Chibi said while clutching on the Blue's arm. " No time to lose Chibi, I wanna see if they'll be arriving today. We promised each other that we'll meet each other when we all get registered to be hunters. I'm gonna wait at the gate to see if they arrive, I'll wait the entire day if I have to. " Blue said as they were nearing the gates. " Hope we won't have to wait for a long time meowster, we still have to get your weapons and armor at the blacksmith. " Chibi said as she took out a dried fish and began snacking on it. " I hope so too buddy, I hope so too. "

Inside a Caravan { Day }

" C'mon Zira, why are you being so jumpy? It's just a caravan, no need to be paranoid. " Said Zora as he was trying to calm Zira by stroking her fur. " BUT MEOWSTER! Caravans are always targets of big monsters! It's a wonder why caravans are still a thing after all the monsters that attack them. " Zira said as she was trying to make herself smaller. " That's why we have hunters that accompany caravans Zira, it's our job as hunters. Besides aren't you excited about seeing Chibi and Jiro? " "I am, but the monsters!" " We'll be fine, this is one of the safest routes. Plus we've been on this route so many times now, nothing ever really happens here. " " You just jinxed it meowster. "

" Don't worry Zira, if something does attack the caravan, and I assure you nothing will, I'll protect us. After all, what's the point of me training at the academy for then. " " Ok meowster, make sure to protect us ok? And also be careful. " With that last sentence, Zira curled up on her meowster trying to calm herself from these troubling thoughts. Zora started slowly stroking Zira's fur in an attempt to calm her down.

On an Airship in the Sky { Day }

" Come on Jiro, you can't be eating all the time, now come and help move my stuff, we're gonna be arriving at the port soon. " Khaled said as he was carrying a crate of his stuff down the deck of the airship. Jiro, as mentioned was scarfing down on a piece of fish he had brought with them when they boarded the ship. As he swallowed the last bite, he gulped and said " Oh don't be such a stickler Khaled, we have plenty of time to do that. " " Oh really? The captain just told me when I asked that we'll be arriving less than an hour from now, and I still have a lot of luggage to move. Now come on and help me carry these crates. " " Alright meowster, right after this last snack. " Khaled sighed as continued carrying his stuff as he left his gluttonous palico to eat. Where he gets the fish he's always eating was a mystery but he doesn't seem to be running out of it soon enough.

" Ughhh, what am I gonna do with that cat" Khaled sighed.

Dundorma { Day }

Back at Dundorma Blu was still waiting at the gates for his two friends, wanting to know if they've registered to be hunters. As they were waiting, a gong can be heard in the distance. This was the hunting gong, this gong was only used for when an urgent quest was happening and that skilled hunters are called to action. " What do you think could have had happened Chibi? Some monster must be on a rampage or something. " Blu said while lifting up his partner palico so that she doesn't get trampled by the running crowd. " I don't know meowster, it must be something important, it must be if they're ringing the urgent bell." " Look at all those hunters, you think we could be like them someday buddy? " Blu then went to a shop stall to avoid the hunters running their way towards the guildhall. *sigh* " You think I'll be an awesome hunter one day? It was our dream, the three of us become G-rank hunters. " " You'll make one-day meowster, one day. You just have to work hard on that goal. " Chibi said as she hugged Blu's neck to comfort him.

Meanwhile at the Guildhall

A huge wyverian could be seen towering over the large crowd of hunters. This was the guild master for the guildhall in Dundorma. He looked at the hunters, some were talking amongst themselves while others were looking at him with curious intent, wanting to know why they were called here. He let out a sigh and took a deep breath. " HUNTERS! Settle down. " he bellowed. " I have gathered you all here for we have a grave situation on our hands. " This sudden announcement surprised most if not all of the hunters. Continuing on the guild master said " An unknown force has been spreading throughout the lands, this strange energy has been causing some of the elder dragons to move. This is not similar to the elder crossing I can assure you that. " this caused more confusion for the hunters. Elder dragons moving, what sort of energy could cause the most powerful types of monsters to move. It was known that these types of monsters would only move if they were either threatened by a Black Dragon or were in low health and needed to recover. " Not only elder dragons, but also monsters like Deviljho or Rajang seem to fear this energy, we have our most skilled researchers about to leave and investigate. All that we need are skilled hunters to accompany and protect them. The payment will be determined by how many monsters you slay and with the standard procedure. "

" The guild marms will register you if want to take the quest. I advise that only those confident with their skills join this investigation. " With that last announcement, the hunters went toward the quest counter to register for said investigation. As this was going on the guild master was looking towards the horizon, wondering if this energy could spell destruction for their way of life or not.
