
The Battle of Darkness and the Land of Shining Stars

Azeroth, a World of Wonders, Where Unique and Epic Tales Unfold.

The Titans of the Pantheon once ventured to this land countless eons ago – Azeroth, a name meaning 'Land of Shining Stars' in their language. However, reality can be harsh, for when they arrived, they found signs of corruption within the unborn races and the taint of the Void.

Ancient Gods, numerous and sinister, scattered across the continent, with the most potent, Y'shaarj, at its heart. Thus began the War of Salvation, known also as the War of Darkness. But with Titans in short supply, they devised a familiar plan from other worlds: Create life.

Ulduar crafted subjugated Titans to lead their armies, and the expendable armies – the Iron Vrykul, Iron Dwarves (also known as Earthen), and Iron Giants. The Titans, not having the numbers themselves, rallied their forces and marched against the Ancient Gods. The dark forces had their pawns as well, the Qiraji, subjugated and twisted by the faceless ones.

The colossal conflict swept across the continent, under Titans' leadership, achieving ultimate victory. Yet, to their dismay, they found the Ancient Gods had deeply entrenched themselves within Azeroth, parasitically corrupting this pristine realm.

Aman'Thul, the Father of the Pantheon, devised a drastic solution: He wrenched the mightiest of the Ancient Gods, Y'shaarj (Y'shaarj: Oh damn, gonna die! splat), from the planet's core and annihilated it with the Pantheon's forces. However, the result was a wound in Azeroth's surface, delaying her awakening indefinitely.

Eonar and her creators, the Titans, worked feverishly, healing and saving Azeroth. The spilled divine blood congealed into a potent magic-laden lake, an Well of Eternity.

An'zhir responded to his creators' call, locking away the surviving Ancient Gods, lest Azeroth suffer further harm. These abominable beings were sealed underground in inescapable prisons.

The Pantheon left Azeroth, fortifying the world against Void incursions. An era of peace commenced as the subordinate Watchers vigilantly kept the seals and observed Azeroth's welfare.

However, they discovered native creatures called Dragon Aspects. But this was far from a good sign.

Galakrond, the Proto-Dragon Tyrant, posed a threat unparalleled by even the numerous Proto-Dragons, his immense size and power dwarving all. With brute strength and an uncanny cunning, Galakrond mercilessly preyed on other Proto-Dragons, living or dead.

Tyr, a Watcher, recognized the problem and enlisted five of the most resilient and intelligent Proto-Dragons to aid him in defeating Galakrond.

As Tyr and the dragons battled Galakrond, other Watchers joined the fight, albeit too late. Galakrond's malevolence proved insurmountable, sealing the Watchers' fate.

Yet, Tyr's winged allies displayed unyielding resolve, rejuvenating the Watchers and their dwindling hope.

Tyr ultimately slew Galakrond in the wilderness of Northrend, losing an arm in the process and forging a silver hand to replace it.

Afterward, Tyr proposed that the Dragon Aspects be blessed by the Pantheon, enhancing their abilities to protect Azeroth.

Elune, goddess of the moon, implored her creator Eonar for the same blessings. The Red Dragon Aspect, Alexstrasza, symbolizing Life Binder, would oversee life's cycles and guard its essence.

Elune also entreated Eonar, gifting Ysera, the Green Dragon Aspect, the power to weave dreams, uniting nature and dream into the Emerald Dream. This sanctified realm remains untouched, preserving Azeroth's primal state.

Keeper Thorim, beseeched his creator Norgannon, imbuing Malygos, the Blue Dragon Aspect, with arcane mastery. Malygos controlled the world's magic flow, preventing catastrophic sorcery.

At the same time, Thorim implored Aman'Thul for the power of the Timeless Sands, which he bestowed upon Nozdormu, the Bronze Dragon Aspect. Nozdormu's charge was to safeguard Azeroth's timelines, restoring order when disruptions occurred.

Lastly, the Guardian, Odyn, petitioned his maker, Khaz'goroth, bestowing a fraction of the Titanic power upon Neltharion, the Black Dragon Aspect. Neltharion, known as Earth-Warder, protected the earth's majesty.

With these blessings, the Proto-Dragons ascended into Dragon Aspects, separating from their kin and assuming new roles. The world continued to spin, nurturing life in serenity and prosperity.

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