
Journey of the Gods

In the land of Alderney there exists many wonders of man and nature, however none are more divine than the gods. Beings born with the ability to collect faith to perform miracles for the mortals. However life isn't as simple as it seems for a newborn god who wishes to be mortal.

Acid_Ash · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The god I'll worship

After rereading the interface Jacob was shocked to find the changes. The blessing section was unlocked when a god accepts someone as a follower, but when had Jacob shown any devotion.

He once prayed to Arsenia hoping he had talent to become a priest but was downcast when he found out he was rejected. After the test he and his family were quickly shooed away by an attendant and Jacob vowed never to get involved in religion again.

But today for some unknown reason a god has blessed him. Of course the blessing is weak and the name is unknown which suggests its a deity or a high god playing with him.

But even so an extra intelligence was useful.

Each stat has its own unique effect that corresponds to every person.

Strength increases ones ability to attack, as well as improving ones health and how much one can carry.

Perception increases ones awareness and attention to details.

Endurance increases ones physique, defence and health.

Charisma increases ones charm, judgement and leadership skills.

Intelligence increases ones memory, mana and comprehension.

Agility increases ones reaction, speed and attack.

Luck is the most mysterious stat it says to not only increase ones chance for a greater attack but also it allows one to follow a better fate. For example a miner with higher luck is more likely to start mining in a direction with gems, a farmer is more likely to plant his crops in a place with better weather and nutrients, a merchant is likely to find another merchant selling a rare item at a lower price.

Jacob doesn't really fully understand Luck either.

However the shock soon wore of and he started to take the blessing as a passing thought of a god or an accident. He is still just a kid from a bullied, insignificant noble family.

Jacob returned to his toy soldiers on the floor not realising at this moment he was being watched.

The deity did not understand Jacobs reaction to its reward for its first follower.

The deity had looked at the boy and already basically understood the boys situation so it thought the boy would be happy for the extra stat.

It did not think it would be ignored.

But just before the deity got angry it noticed what Jacob was playing and lost its thoughts. It noticed how Jacob was using the finely crafted toy soldiers to simulate a war between two armies.

The blue army was on the defensive hold up behind makeshift castle walls as it shot bows and arrows at an approaching red army.

The red army however held shields that blocked the arrows and road on horses around the castle. The two armies reached a stalemate.

Suddenly there was a betrayal inside the blue army as one of the soldiers stabbed the another to death revealing himself to be an enemy spy and slowly opening the gate.

The enemy soldiers were charging towards the entrance as the drawbridge lowers and the portcullis lifts.

But failure was not an option as a miracle happened a stray arrow hit the enemy spy as the army was charging through the gate. The portcullis fell crushing the entering enemy soldiers to death.

Blue soldiers enters the chaos through a side door with javelins and spiked the enemy forces the enemy soldiers were trapped, and who was part of the soldiers it was an enemy prince who the blues demanded for ransom.

Jacob looked at his toys in shock.

He had stopped playing 5 minutes ago but the toys were still moving as if an invisible entity was controlling them for him. But despite this ghost story, he could not turn his eyes away.

He was enjoying the tale of a defeated enemy that was playing out in front of him so he decided to grab the red king and fall into the game.


After an hour of playing games with Jacob the deity had started to notice something, it was beginning to feel tired and weak, in confusion it looked at his status a gasped in horror.

It was already low on divinity to begin with but it then blessed Jacob consuming most of it and performed a miracle by moving the toys on its own.

The deity was dangerously low on Divinity.

But its faith reserves have also been on the lower end. By fulfilling some of Jacobs wish, it had gained an extra 50 faith but it was still short 15 faith to condense another divinity.

It knew that it royally screwed up.

To continue being it will continuously expend faith, so in less than 5 minutes it would no longer be able to support itself.

Once it ran out of faith the deity would fall, of course it won't die, it still a god but falling is worse than death to a god. They would become a broken shell of itself repeating major events in its life being nothing more than a story being told over and over again. A record stuck on repeat getting more and more twisted and distorted each repeat.

But what worries the deity the most is what will happen to its friend, most of its memories consist of it playing with Jacob. So once it falls it will become Jacobs prison an eternal loop of torture that will not allow him to die properly. If he dies he'll just be revived in the next loop with a damaged soul, his deaths would get worse and worse forcing Jacob into insanity.

Guilt is the emotion the deity felt and it hated it.

On Jacobs end he was starting to get tired, it was already dark outside and he should be getting to bed. as if the entity could sense his tiredness the entity stops playing with him.

It made him wonder if maybe there is some good in this world. he remembered the prince that he had met once and how the prince had thanked his father for saving his life.

The prince even came to the slums personally to thank and reward them, there was no look of disdain on the princes face as he looked at the poor people around. He even smiled at the kids staring behind a stall in the street.

countless other people came to mind when he needed help there were good people to help him who didn't care if he was poor or smelled. And this entity was one of them.

But who was he?

Then it clicked. This entity was a god, a god who recently blessed him who came into his life to play with him when he wished for a friend. A friendly god.

Immediately Jacob started to pray to this god, Thank you, my friend.

As if fate itself wanted the deity to live a prayer arrived directly to the deity with pure faith full of gratefulness and compassion. The faith had barely any taint inside of it, this was enough for the god to condense a divinity.

In fact there's more than enough divinity to last an idle god a decade.

The deity decided to condense all of it into divinity and leave it for now, it won't be making any miracles for the time being.

Outside the window the two heard nocking and saw a black crow pecking at the wooden shutters used as windows. Glass is too expensive in Plymouth as only lightning strikes and magicians can create glass. Although magicians aren't a rarity in Catalan but there are very few magicians in Plymouth the magicians that are born here move out as soon as they can sense mana.

Now all that remains is a royal aide who works with the city lord, the head priest in the temple of Arsenia, the bishop in the cathedral of Abraxes and the vice leader of the adventurer guild branch.

Just four powerful people who don't have time to care about making glass for the few lesser nobles in the city.

The crow was just a coincidence but the young, tired mind of Jacobs had seen too many strange things today and was already asking too many questions.

Jacob started to believe that the crow was the deity coming down in mortal form to thank Jacob for his prayer, he began to pray harder.

Thank you, God. I know I don't usually pray to gods as most gods just ignore this city altogether, But you are different to all the others you are compassionate, caring and approachable. You're more like a friend to me than my god, so I send this prayer as a thank you.

Most people pray to gods for a miracle but I won't ask for one, all I ask is for you to play with me every now and then. Its been painful this last year since my dad became a noble as my mother won't allow me to see my old friends as it affects her noble image and all the noble kids bully me.

But I don't care because someday I know I will leave this city and begin my adventure that is when my story will begin and someday my legends as I become the kingdoms hero.

I know its selfish but I ask you to watch over me as I complete my dreams.

Thank you, Crow.

Jacob Flicks