
Chapter 5 - Brief About Multiverse

Sharky's insatiable curiosity led him to eagerly venture into the intriguing world of Goblins and Dwarves. Each race held its own wonders and mysteries, captivating his imagination.

Professor Paradox began by providing a vivid description of the Goblin race, painting a picture of their unique characteristics. "Goblins are known for their astonishingly high reproductive rate, making them prolific in numbers. However, their lives are dramatically shorter than humans. While a human child reaches maturity by the age of approximately 14, a 14-year-old Goblin breathes their final breath of life."

The professor went on to describe the Goblin society and its remarkable underground cities. "These industrious beings create sprawling underground cities, delving deep into the earth. Within these intricate underground networks, you'll find hidden chambers, tunnels, and caves. These cities are marvels of engineering, built to support their vast population, which multiplies at an astonishing pace."

Eager to learn more about their physical characteristics, Sharky asked, "So, Professor, what do Goblins look like? Are there any unique traits that set them apart?"

Professor Paradox continued to paint a clear picture. "Goblins are typically shorter than humans, characterized by a distinct greenish or grayish skin tone. They have sharp, pointy ears and often possess large, expressive eyes. While physical appearances can vary among Goblins, these traits are quite common among them."

The professor then delved into the unique talents of the Goblin race. "One of the most remarkable aspects of Goblin society is their aptitude for engineering and technology. They exhibit an inherent talent for inventing gadgets and gizmos, specializing in mechanical and alchemical creations. A key feature of Goblin society is the Alchemy Colossus, colossal mechanical constructs ranging from 10 to 50 meters in size."

Sharky's curiosity was piqued further. "Professor, do Goblins possess any special abilities or powers?"

"Indeed, they do," Professor Paradox responded. "Goblins possess an extraordinary affinity for metal and engineering. Their villages often resemble underground sci-fi cities."

The professor continued to provide intriguing insights into Goblin society and their social structures. "Some Goblins develop an exceptional connection to the magical arts, particularly earth-based magic. This enables them to manipulate the earth itself. Those who gain proficiency in earth magic can meld with the ground, becoming one with the earth to move silently and remain hidden from view. These accomplished Goblins earn the title of Goblin chieftains, extending their relatively short lives from around 14 years to 35-40 years."

"Typically, when a Goblin gains mastery over earth magic and can create Earth Golems, they ascend to the position of Goblin Kings, with a lifespan of at least 80-90 years. These leaders are responsible for governing Goblin communities and maintaining harmony among their kind."

The professor shared one more layer of Goblin society, "Those who distance themselves from the political hierarchy and focus solely on mastering earth magic are known as Goblin Shamans. They have an even longer lifespan, living between 200-250 years. A Goblin city can give birth to only one Goblin Shaman, making them exceptionally rare. Yet, the students of Goblin Shamans can go on to become Shamans themselves."

Sharky was captivated by the intricate layers of Goblin society and the dynamics between its members. "Professor, how do Goblins interact with other races like humans and Elves?"

Professor Paradox shed light on the varied relationships between Goblins and other races. "The interactions between Goblins and other races are quite diverse due to the reputation of Goblins being among the most voracious and shrewd of the Beast Multiverse. In the Beast Multiverse, there's a proverb: 'When you do business with a Goblin, proceed with caution, or they'll sell you in the market and count the profits. However, those who can navigate this challenge can gain access to Goblin's extraordinary sci-fi technology."

Sharky was engrossed in the discussion but couldn't help but wonder about the challenges faced by the Goblin race. "Professor, do their short lifespans present unique challenges for Goblins?"

Professor Paradox nodded thoughtfully and continued, "Indeed, their brief lifespans present a range of challenges. Goblins place great importance on preserving their history and culture, knowing that their individual lives are fleeting. They've developed intricate systems for recording their knowledge, ensuring that each generation benefits from the wisdom of their predecessors. Additionally, many Goblins dedicate their lives to acquiring knowledge in the domain of earth magic."

As the conversation on Goblins concluded, Sharky had gained a profound understanding of yet another intriguing facet of the diverse Beast Multiverse.

Sharky's insatiable curiosity led him to embark on a thrilling exploration of the fascinating world of Dwarves. "Certainly, Professor. I'm eager to delve deeper into the realm of Dwarves," he said, excitement evident in his voice as he anticipated uncovering the secrets of this new aspect of the Beast Multiverse.

Professor Paradox, a renowned expert on mythical creatures, began to share his knowledge with Sharky. "Dwarves are revered throughout the realms for their exceptional craftsmanship and their unparalleled Blacksmith skills. Dwarves typically possess a stout and stocky build, their bodies strong and muscular. Rugged features adorn their faces, including bushy eyebrows that frame their piercing eyes. Thick, magnificent beards cascade down their chins, and their robust limbs speak of their tireless dedication to their demanding work as skilled craftsmen, builders, miners, and Blacksmiths," he began, his eyes gleaming with enthusiasm.

Eager to learn more about the Dwarves' extraordinary abilities, Sharky encouraged the professor to elaborate. "Professor, you mentioned that Dwarves have exceptional mining skills and are skilled Blacksmiths. Could you tell me more about that?"

A smile played upon the professor's lips as he delved deeper into the topic. "Indeed, Sharky. Dwarves possess an extraordinary affinity for mining rare metals and minerals from the depths of the earth. Their expertise in Blacksmithing is unrivaled, and their creations are truly awe-inspiring. Legends speak of the Blacksmith Dwarves who have mastered their craft to such a degree that they gain control over fire and metal magic. These remarkable individuals are known as Village Heads, revered for their mastery of both the forge and the elements."

Sharky's eyes widened in amazement as the professor's words stirred his imagination. The conversation naturally flowed to the Dwarves' societal structure and way of life. "Professor, I'm curious about how Dwarves organize themselves. Do they have a specific social structure or hierarchy?"

Professor Paradox nodded, his eyes twinkling with wisdom. "Dwarven society is typically organized into villages, each led by a Village Head. These Village Heads are the pinnacle of Blacksmithing skill, having honed their craft to perfection. But as their knowledge and abilities advance, so does their control over fire and metal magic. Those who attain the rank of Chieftain, through their unmatched mastery, oversee ten villages. And when a Dwarf reaches the pinnacle of their craft and becomes a Grandmaster Blacksmith, they ascend to the title of Dwarven King. These Kings create weapons so formidable they can slay dragons, and their armor is both exquisite and impervious, with even the flames of a Phoenix unable to scorch it."

A knowing smile graced the professor's face as he shared a captivating tale. "There is a legend that foretells the birth of a Blacksmith God among the Dwarves, a being who will rise to rule over other races with unmatched power and wisdom. Furthermore, the Dwarves have a proverb that resonates with their warrior spirit: 'Not every Dwarf is a Blacksmith, but every Blacksmith is a formidable warrior'."

Sharky's mind buzzed with excitement, and he couldn't help but wonder about the interactions between Dwarven clans and other races within the vast Beast Multiverse. "Professor, how do the Dwarven clans interact with one another, as well as with the other races in the Beast Multiverse?"

Professor Paradox's eyes sparkled with knowledge as he shed light on the Dwarves' relationships. "Dwarven clans maintain close ties through trade, exchanging their unique creations and resources. This cooperative spirit strengthens Dwarven society as a whole. When it comes to interactions with other races, Dwarves are highly regarded for their unwavering honesty and reliability, making them sought-after trade partners. Their exceptional craftsmanship, be it weapons or armor, is revered by many races, who hold great admiration for the Dwarves' creations."

As their conversation drew to a close, Sharky felt a renewed sense of wonder about the world of Dwarves and their remarkable place within the Beast Multiverse. Armed with newfound knowledge, he eagerly anticipated further adventures that would bring him closer to the heart of this extraordinary realm.

As the conversation about the remarkable Dwarves and their marvels continued, Sharky couldn't help but contemplate a pressing question. "Professor, with all these powerful races like Titans, Giants, Elves, Druids, Goblins, and Dwarves, why have humans come to dominate the Beast Universe? Especially when Goblins, for example, have such an astonishingly high reproduction rate."

Professor Paradox nodded, understanding Sharky's curiosity. He began to explain, "It's a complex matter, Sharky. While the other races you mentioned, like Titans, Giants, Elves, and Druids, have incredible powers and long lifespans, humans possess unique qualities that have allowed them to flourish and ultimately dominate the Beast Universe."

The Professor Further Clarified, "If you've not forgotten, I have told you this Universe is known as the Beast Universe. Do you know why this Universe is known as the Beast Universe and why humans dominate?"

"Yes, Professor, I'd like to know," Sharky responded.

Professor Paradox continued to provide insights into the dynamics of the Beast Universe. "The main reason this universe is known as the Beast Universe is that humans have a unique system for harnessing the powers of magical creatures. When a human befriends and tames a magical beast, their powers combine. For instance, if a human befriends a powerful Space Phoenix, they gain the ability to fly into space. If they befriend the Time Turtle, they can navigate through time. And if they form a bond with a Void Dragon, they can create their own void, enabling them to travel freely."

Sharky was fascinated by this explanation and asked, "So, humans essentially become powerful by forming bonds with these magical creatures, gaining their abilities?"

"Yes, exactly," Professor Paradox confirmed. "Humans have established a profound connection with the magical creatures in the Beast Universe, and by doing so, they've become the dominant species. Their ability to bond with and harness the powers of these creatures has given them an edge."

He went on to explain, "Humans have honed the art of taming and connecting with magical beasts over centuries. The process is not easy, and the bond requires a deep understanding and connection between the human and the creature. The more powerful the creature, the more formidable the human becomes. That's why humans have been able to rise above the other powerful races in the Beast Universe."

Sharky understood the significance of this unique bond between humans and magical creatures in shaping the dominance of the human race. "It's amazing how the bonds between humans and magical creatures have shaped the Beast Universe. It's no wonder humans are dominant here."

Professor Paradox nodded with a knowing smile. "Indeed, Sharky. This unique and symbiotic relationship has allowed humans to establish their place at the top of the Beast Universe and maintain a harmonious existence with the other remarkable races."

"As you know, Dragons, Phoenixes, and Vermilion Birds once ruled over the other beasts. They were not easily tamed by humans. Dragons, in particular, are born with a sense of pride and arrogance. They often view humans as insignificant and unworthy of their powers. In some corners of the Beast Universe, humans have been treated as slaves to Dragons. The exception to this rule is the Green Dragon, known for its affinity with grass-related powers and its peaceful nature. Even so, they are not readily available for humans to tame."

"When it comes to Phoenixes, they are known for their beauty and immortality. Even the weakest of the Fire Phoenixes do not readily bond with humans. Space Phoenixes, the strongest among them, are nearly impossible to tame."

"There's a saying that if a male human can tame a female Phoenix, or a female human can tame a male Phoenix, they not only gain incredible powers but also a beautiful life companion. When Phoenixes transform into their humanoid form, their beauty is unparalleled. Even Elven Queens and Kings feel a sense of inferiority in their presence."

"And the Rare Turtle, don't even get me started on them. Finding a Magical Power Turtle is like searching for a needle in a haystack. They are so difficult to find, they play with time like this is their second nature. They are not capable of playing more with time like me, but still they also have different abilities."

"Professor, you've shared an abundance of captivating information about humans and their unique role in the Beast Universe," Sharky acknowledged with gratitude. "But I'm still intrigued by the hierarchy among humans. How do they determine who can bond with these powerful creatures?"

Professor Paradox continued to shed light on this intriguing aspect of the human-dominant Beast Universe. "The hierarchy among humans is determined by their ability to form bonds with powerful creatures. It's not based on titles or bloodlines but on the strength of the bond and the abilities it bestows. Humans who excel in forging these connections are highly respected and often regarded as leaders in their own right."

He further explained, "To establish these bonds, humans must undergo rigorous training and rituals. It's not simply a matter of capturing a magical creature; it's about developing a genuine connection with it. Those who succeed in bonding with more formidable creatures, such as Dragons, Phoenixes, or powerful magical beings, attain elevated status and authority."

The professor emphasized, "Human societies in the Beast Universe are founded on merit, where individuals earn their place through exceptional skills and understanding in bonding with magical creatures. It's a world where personal potential and meritocracy play significant roles, shaping the hierarchy."

Sharky absorbed the knowledge and contemplated the implications of such a hierarchy. "So, it's the strength of the bond that matters, not one's background or lineage. That's quite different from many other societies I've encountered."

Professor Paradox nodded, acknowledging Sharky's observation. "Indeed, Sharky. Although meritocracy and individual potential are crucial factors, hierarchy is an intrinsic part of human beings in this universe."

"Depending on the percentage of magical beast power harnessed, humans are given specific titles and positions. For instance, a human who tames a magical beast and taps into 0-5 percent of its power is known as a Student Tamer and becomes the Village Head of their respective village."

"As they progress and harness 5-10 percent of a magical beast's power, they are recognized as Apprentice Tamers and rise to the role of Town Head in their town."

"When humans are capable of harnessing 10-25 percent of a magical beast's power, they earn the title of Tamer and become the City Master of a city."

"Upon reaching a formidable milestone and wielding 25-40 percent of a magical beast's power, humans are acknowledged as Advanced Tamers. They are bestowed with the position of County Master, gaining authority over their private county and even having their own personal army of ten soldiers."

"As they continue to strengthen their bond and harness 40-60 percent of a magical beast's power, they ascend to the rank of Master Tamer. At this stage, they are granted the title of Baron and hold sway over the lives of two to three cities. They are even permitted to maintain a private army of ten soldiers."

"Upon achieving the remarkable feat of harnessing 60-80 percent of a magical beast's power, they are hailed as Advanced Master Tamers and earn the prestigious title of Viscount. They can now command a private army of 100 soldiers."

"Those who can harness 80-90 percent of a magical beast's power are revered as Peak Master Tamers and bestowed with the title of Earl. They are granted the authority to lead 1,000 soldiers in their private army."

"Moving further up the hierarchy, those who can harness 90-95 percent of a magical beast's power are celebrated as Grand Master Tamers. They rise to the rank of Marquis and can command a private army of 10,000 troops."

"At the pinnacle of this hierarchy are the Advance Grand Masters, who possess the extraordinary ability to harness 95-100 percent of a magical beast's power. They are recognized as Dukes, commanding immense respect and authority, and are permitted to maintain a private army of 100,000 soldiers."

Professor Paradox concluded, "This unique hierarchy in the Beast Universe, shaped by the incredible bonds humans form with magical creatures, has allowed humans to dominate and thrive. It's a testament to the extraordinary potential that lies within the human spirit."

As Sharky absorbed this intricate system of hierarchy, he marveled at the intricate web of connections between humans and the creatures that elevated them to such illustrious positions. The Beast Universe continued to unravel its secrets, captivating his imagination and fueling his thirst for further exploration.

Professor Paradox's focus shifted to another intriguing branch of the Universal Tree. "As we've discussed the Beast Multiverse, it's time to explore another branch," he said.

"In this Multiverse, it's especially known for the Ninja Multiverse. Within this Multiverse, there are distinct universes divided by what is known as the Jujutsu Kaisen Universe. Each universe features its own set of Ninja with unique powers."

The professor delved into a few specific universes within the Ninja Multiverse. "There's the Hokage Universe, where Tailed Beasts exist, and their students learn the art of Ninja techniques, aspiring to become Hokage."

"Then there's the Zombie Ninja Universe, where humans use their Ninja skills to battle zombies. These zombies contain magical orbs that enhance the humans' Ninja abilities," Professor Paradox continued, pointing out various leaves on the Universal Tree.

"And just like that, every universe within the Ninja Multiverse possesses its own set of Ninja techniques and unique powers."

Next, Professor Paradox directed his attention to another branch on the Universal Tree. "Now, let's explore the Power Rangers Multiverse. In this multiverse, heroes harness their powers through special Power Rangers devices to protect the Earth from bizarre alien threats."

"Each universe within the Power Rangers Multiverse features its own distinct team of Power Rangers. For instance, there's Power Rangers Time Force, who come from the future to defeat enemies with time-based powers. Power Rangers SPD utilizes futuristic technology to battle aliens in their universe. Power Rangers Mystic Force harnesses magical powers to fend off otherworldly creatures."

"Power Rangers Jungle Fury taps into animal powers unique to their universe, while Power Rangers Dino Thunder harnesses the might of dinosaurs. Power Rangers Ninja Force draws upon Ninja skills to combat threats in their universe."

Professor Paradox went on, "In each universe, the Power Rangers team forms their own Megazord to face off against aliens, magical creatures, and bizarre threats."

He then pointed towards another branch, indicating a new area of interest. "Now, let's explore the Bleach Multiverse."

"In this Multiverse, there are various creatures, including Hollows, Arrancars, Ghosts, and Shinigami. Each universe contains its own unique set of these entities," Professor Paradox continued.

He offered an example from one of the universes. "In the Death Note Universe, Shinigami possess Death Note Books, which enable them to take the lives of humans."

"The central control of this Multiverse is the Bleach Universe," he explained. "In this universe, the story goes that if someone dies and doesn't proceed to the Soul Society, they become Hollows, whose primary goal is to consume the souls in the human world. When Hollows become more powerful, they can transform into Arrancars, each possessing unique abilities."

"To maintain balance in the human world, the Soul Society trains good souls to become Shinigami fighters. These Shinigami venture into the human world to combat Hollows using their special weapons called Shikai. If they need even more power, their Shikai can evolve into a Bankai, which is used to defeat Arrancars."

Professor Paradox then shifted his focus to another branch on the Universal Tree. "Now, let's explore the Parasite Multiverse."

"In this Multiverse, you'll find various creatures, including zombies, ghouls, death soldiers, undead beings, werewolves, and vampires. Each universe within this Multiverse features its own set of bizarre creatures and heroes. In this universe humans were dominated by parasite being, there is no one was care about this Multiverse. This is really a cruelty of this Universe."

Professor Paradox continued, "The DC Multiverse is a vast and intricate collection of universes within the DC Universe. It's a realm filled with superheroes, supervillains, and a wide array of powerful characters."

He elaborated, "In this Multiverse, you'll find iconic figures like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, and many more, each with their unique set of superhuman abilities and a rich backstory."

Professor Paradox explained the complexity of the DC Multiverse, saying, "What makes the DC Multiverse so captivating is its interconnected universes. There isn't just one version of each superhero; there are multiple, each with its own variations and distinct storyline."

"To manage this intricate web of universes, DC introduced the concept of the 'Multiverse,' where each universe exists independently, often with its own set of heroes and villains," he continued.

Sharky was intrigued and asked, "So, there are many different versions of these superheroes and supervillains across these universes?"

"Exactly," Professor Paradox affirmed. "For instance, in one universe, you might have a Superman who is a benevolent protector of Earth, while in another, he could be a dictator. It's a fascinating exploration of how different circumstances and choices can shape the same character in various ways."

"The DC Multiverse also includes Elseworlds, which are alternate universes with their own unique takes on the characters," Professor Paradox added. "Some of the most famous DC stories come from Elseworlds, where classic characters find themselves in entirely different situations and settings."

Sharky felt a newfound appreciation for the DC Multiverse and its rich storytelling potential. "Thank you, Professor. It's incredible to learn about these diverse universes within the DC Multiverse."

"You're welcome, Sharky," Professor Paradox said with a smile. "There's always more to explore, and the DC Multiverse is a fantastic place to dive into the world of superheroes and supervillains."

As the chapter on the Multiverse concluded, Sharky's curiosity about the multiverse expanded, eager to learn more about the mysteries and wonders it held.


If you are wondering, why I am so much focused on explaining the Beasts Multiverse, then the reason is, I have written another story, and that story is focused on the Beasts Multiverse, specifically the Beasts Universe. The story is named "Ruler of Beasts Multiverse". Now, the story continues.

Sharky_Monstercreators' thoughts
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