
Chapter 7 - Training begins

Shinko body flickered back to their apartment and Kai stayed in her embrace as he continued to cry. Shinko could only speak to him softly and try and reassure him. As she released him from her embrace Kai looked at her with wide eyes full of tears and asked "Why would they try and take me away from you Imouto, I don't want to leave you ever."

Shinko smiled gently at him and said "Don't you worry little Kai they will never take you from me, I won't let it happen you can trust your Imouto ok?". Kai smiled at her and nodded his head 'My aneki is the best ninja in the village she will make me super strong so that I can protect her too' he thought.

Shinko smiled at him and said "why don't you go grab Naruto and we can start your training ok?". Kai jumped out of her arms and sprinted for the door "I will be back in no time just you wait Imouto" he shouted as he left the apartment. Shinko could only smile at how quick his mood flipped. She thought 'The matron was right he and I are exactly what we need in our lives right now.'

Kai ran through the village straight towards the playground where he found Naruto already sitting waiting for him with a wide smile. "Let's go Naruto-chan Imouto is ready to start training us" he shouted. Naruto immediately got to his feet and chased after him unknown to them at the time their interaction was seen by a short blonde girl who had a curious look in her eyes at the white haired boy. She had seen him in the playground before but never talked to him. He seemed nice so she promised herself she will introduce herself next time.

When the two boys returned to the apartment they were greeted by a smiling Shinko. Shinko had already placed privacy seals throughout the house as she knew they would be on the councils radar now. "Come here Naruto, let me help you awaken your chakra and then we can find out what your affinity is and start training. Naruto looked confused at the mention of affinities but nodded his head and sat in front of Shinko.

Shinko had him assume the lotus position and knelt at his back. She then took her hands and placed them on his back one behind his heart and the other behind his core and pushed her Chakra in to him. "Feel that Naruto? You now know what Chakra feels like I want you to feel inside yourself as my Chakra spreads around your body, follow it and it will lead you to where your Chakra is located" said Shinko. Naruto closed his eyes and followed the flow of Chakra until he reached his core and felt a different kind of Chakra, this Chakra felt comfortable and welcoming to him.

Shinko could see he found his Chakra and said in a slow melodic way "That feeling of comfort is your Chakra now grab it and pull it out of your core and let it run through your body. Naruto followed Shinko's words and grabbed the ball of Chakra and pulled.

"Ok now the important part Naruto, you need to rotate it and let it flow counter clockwise as that is the direction your hair falls" she said. Naruto again followed her advice and rotated his Chakra counter clockwise and allowed it to flow through his body. A massive surge of Chakra exploded out and Naruto smiled as he felt his Chakra run freely.

"Great work Naruto, you have massive chakra reserves which means for training we are going to focus on Chakra control so that you can utilize your Chakra best" said Shinko. She turned and saw a sour looking Kai and felt confused. Don't worry otouto you too have insane chakra reserves for your age you have a long way to go before your peak so it will continue to grow even more so since I am having you train so young" she said warmly.

Kai shook his head and said "thats not why I am annoyed Imouto, why didn't kaachan do what you did for me, instead she had me meditate and it was way harder and took longer than this". Shinko didn't know whether to laugh or cry at her little brothers words.

"Otouto, having you meditate and unlock your own chakra is better as it trains you to identify chakra from the start, as a result you will have a massive boost when using chakra as you can meditate and did everything yourself. The Matron did you a favor and the fact you unlocked it yourself so young only shows how talented you are" she said.

Kai felt better at this explanation and ran over and hugged Naruto "congrats Naruto-chan now we can become strong ninja together" he said. Naruto returned the hug happily not used to such affection from others and nodded his head.

Shinko pulled their attention and said "ok Naruto come here and push your chakra into the paper it will tell us what your element affinity is. Usually people have one element affinity but some have more like Kai here. You will thrive with your affinity but that does not stop you learning other elements they are just more difficult to learn".

Shinko continued to explain what happens to the Chakra paper with each element. When she was done explaining she gave the paper to Naruto. Naruto pushed his Chakra into the paper and it immediately cut in half and one piece turned to ashes. Shinko wasn't surprised as he contained the nine tails inside him and inherited wind from his father.

Naruto jumped up in excitement at the result seeing he had two elements. He turned to Kai and asked "what elements do you have?" Kai smiled at him and said he has Wind, Lightning and Fire element affinities. Naruto had stars in his eyes because his friend had three different element affinies.

Shinko took them outside and said "As you guys are still really young I wont be teaching you any jutsu until you reach the academy. We will focus on chakra control and strengthening your bodies to prepare them for the future." The boys looked sad they wouldn't be thought any jutsu yet but were happy they were getting trained anyway.

Shinko then thought them some stretches so that they could improve their flexibility which would be important for Taijutsu. The two kids were panting from the vigorous stretching but were stamina freaks and kept going. After they finished the stretches Shinko took them through a light workout to activate their muscles before teaching them basic Taijustsu moves.

Shinko was taken aback at their natural fighting instincts as they grasped the moves quickly but were totally different kinds of fighters. Naruto is unpredictable and constantly changes his attacks whereas Kai is methodical and always uses as little movement as necessary for the most efficient fighting style.

Kai especially picked up the moves quickly and only had to see the move once before he could perfectly recreate it. It seems he would be a close combat freak in the future. Naruto while getting the movements slower was much more unpredictable and seemed to have no rhyme or reason behind his choices but allowed his instincts to completely take over and would be scary to fight in the future.

To use layman's terms Naruto was a power fighter that packed a lot of energy behind his attacks whereas Kai seemed like a counter fighter who looked to finish a fight as quickly as possible. However it could be seen in their eyes they loved to battle and would be freaks in the future.

After they finished their Taijutsu training Shinko made them all a healthy meal and then after a rest taught them the basics of chakra control with leaf training. This training method is done by placing a leaf over an individual's forehead and having them direct all their chakra onto the leaf, using it as a focal point.

Kai proved a natural at this and even with his large chakra reserves with his previous meditation training was able to do the exercise almost immediately. However Naruto proved to find this extremely difficult as he had even larger reserves that was growing faster than Kai's.

Thanks to Shinko's dedicated training and his friends determination he refused to give up and managed by the end of the day to do it with one leaf although at this point Kai had several leaves on his body. Naruto though didn't take this with envy and it instead turned to determination to match his friend.

Shinko smiled to herself as she thought 'they will be spectacular rivals and friends in the future. I am afraid Konoha will sink their claws into him as he will not abandon his friend but all I can do is protect him and help him grow strong while keeping in mind the village that demands loyalty from him is not loyal to him.'

After they finished for the day, Shinko decided to treat her cute students to ramen and finally Naruto was in his element as he praised Ichiraku Ramen as the food of the gods and challenged Kai to an eating contest. He went on to utterly destroy Kai with 7 bowls to 2. Kai didn't accept his defeat gracefully and said he would win next time.

After the ramen Naruto left to go home sad to leave but happy as he felt he found a family for the first time.

Yo. Once again I lost track of the amount of words sorry. Expect a time skip to the academy next chapter. I hope your enjoying reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. As always leave your thoughts below.

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