
New projects

In Kevin Huvane's office, Caa building, Los Angeles.

Eve was sitting opposite Kevin, discussing about the next projects.

Although she refused Harvey saying she had no free schedule next year, but obviously it's a lie. Eve has not signed any other project after "Titanic".

Eve said: "Have you gotten any good scripts yet?"

Kevin replied: "Not much. You know your situation is quite complicated now. Except for Fox, no other big production house wants to contact you before "Titanic" releases."

He himself is quite helpless in this matter. Eve's situation is really difficult. She has recently won golden globe award and needs a good movie to stabilize her position. Getting too much fame without sufficient background is also a double edged sword, and Eve only has two movies in her account. Although superhit but they are not enough to make her reach the level of other big actresses like Julia Roberts or Meg Ryan.

Eve must give another hit to be able to truly become a leading actress. It wouldn't have been been difficult if she hadn't taken "Titanic", but now they cannot do anything about it. He just hopes that the damage the shipwreck will cause her will not be so huge and Eve would still be able to make a comeback with another good movie afterwards. Otherwise, if she doesn't have any insurance after "Titanic", then she might have to stay out of commercial movies for a while.

Big studios are also adopting wait and see policy, and will only open the door of big productions to Eve after seeing the results of "Titanic".

Eve didn't know what to say to Kevin. She can't tell him that "Titanic" will be a massive success, and even if she tells him, he won't believe her. After all, People only see the facts in front of their eyes. And obviously "Titanic's" prospects are negative.

Moving the thoughts out of her mind, Eve said: "Then we can choose movies from independent productions houses or simply from fox. It's not like there are not good independent movies made in Hollywood every year."

Kevin nodded. That's the only option left for them.

Kevin took out the prepared scripts from his drawer, and placed them in front of Eve.

Looking at the pile of scripts infront of her, Eve joked: "Wow, it's quite a lot."

Kevin was amused by the joke: "Big productions have stopped sending you the scripts, but others are still flocking."

Big six might have had adopted the wait and see policy, but small and independent productions are trying to take best advantage of it. Nothing is hidden in Hollywood. Eve's difficulty to not get good scripts is infact an opportunity for small productions. They might be able to get a chance to get the recently most popular actress work in their movies.

Eve agreed with Kevin's words and started looking at the scripts.

"Scream 2", the sequel to Scream was rejected immediately. She doesn't want to work in horror movies again for a while, otherwise her image will have a fix stereotype.

"Faculty" a horror movie with the same teen horror subject as Scream. She has already rejected scream, so there's no way she's taking a copy.

"Even After" is a good teen romantic movie and also belongs to Fox, but was rejected by Eve as she has already worked in Romeo and Juliet". She won't repeat teen subjects again.

"High Art", an independent small budget movie but content of nudity is high.

After looking at the whole lot of scripts, Eve finally found two movies she was satisfied with.

Kevin looked at the two scripts selected by Eve with the names "There's something wrong about Mary" and "Little voice" on them. Turning 3-4 pages of both scripts, Kevin nodded satisfyingly.

He said: "One literary and one commercial, a good choice. But you might be able to pick only one of them."


"They both are comedies and it's better to take only one such movie for a year. You can choose another subject for the second movie."

Eve thought for a while and replied: "Let's go with "There's something wrong with Mary"."

Kevin was surprised by Eve's choice. He thought she would pick the second one, as she has already done three commercial projects.

Eve saw the surprise in Kevin's eyes, and explained: "It's not that I don't want to work in literary art films. I am just leaving the spot for a better choice. I was infact here today to talk about this. I got a script sent to my personal email. The director was worried that you would reject the movie without even reading the script, so he sent me the script."

"Who" asked Kevin. He was quite surprised. He doesn't know when he had such reputation in the industry.

Eve replied: "Shekar Kapur, a new director in industry without any previous projects. Don't worry, I haven't decided to take the role, I am just here to discuss it with you first. The script's quite good."

Eve raised her hands in surrender before Kevin could say anything.

Kevin was helpless at Eve's action. He doesn't dislike new directors, but its just that they don't have a prior work experience and have better chances of screwing the projects. But he still read the script for Eve's sake.

Eve looked at Kevin who closed the script after reading only half of it, and waited for his opinion.

Kevin gave his answer: "There's no problem with the script, but I have to meet the director and producers to give a final answer."

Eve nodded. The rest is left for Kevin to decide, while she can work on the first one.


P.S. The usual Hollywood agent client relationships are not like this. Usually if artist is not popular, then the agents are dominant in most cases. While if artist is popular, then Agnet is the one in recessive situation.

>> Eve's case is different. Kevin has been her agent since she was 9 years old. So she has developed a perception that its Kevin's decision in the end. Eve is not like MC's in other fictions where mc is independent and mentally strong. She's basically has lived in Ivory tower since childhood without even realizing it, otherwise Hollywood is too cruel for someone like her to survive alone.

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