
A mistake

Eve looked at the man who stepped out of the passage. She was surprised seeing him here. The meeting from the last year came to her mind and she was confused. The place matches the same as last time.

Tom also looked at the young actress whom he last time met at last year's Golden globe awards. She won this time too, but unfortunately he wasn't present at the ceremony due to his busy filming schedule.

The only difference was that, the last time they met accidentally, while this time he saw the person and followed.

He greeted first with a smile: "Young lady, may I sit?"

Eve nodded and moved aside to make space. They have met two times, but both time at unexpected places. The awkwardness she felt last time has increased a lot. Calling it awkward may be wrong, it's more like a kind of instinct she's unable to identify yet.

Tom took the seat and sat comfortably. The weather is cold but still it felt pleasent here in open. He saw the girl's thoughtful and confused look, and said: "People call us stars and criticize us for having the most comfortable lives. But what they don't see the is the hard work an artist puts in his work.

To act while behaving like its real when everyone knows its fake is not a small thing. And most importantly, I believe keeping your sanity and truthfulness, despite having to deal with the fake smiles and people everyday is one of the hardest thing a person can ever do."

The person speaking didn't notice that while advising and counselling, he had gone off topic and started involving his personal life.

The last year Tom had spent in Britain filming Kubrick's film had changed his life. The trust and faith was broken and his marriage was now crumbling. Nicole and him have come to a point where a single pust might be enough to finish everything.

Eve who was lost in her own thoughts and problems, didn't notice anything and added: "And one can't expect his life to be stable and normal, no matter how hard one might try."

The harsh but real words directly hit the weak point of Tom, and he looked up in surprise. But seeing that Eve was still lost in her own thoughts, he smiled: "You have changed a lot since the last time we met."

Eve turned to the person beside her, and asked curiously: "How?"

Tom looked in the deep blue eyes of the girl: "You have become one years older, more mature when you were already enough, more tired, more burdened and.. " Tom paused and looked at the rest of the most beautiful face he had ever seen: "more beautiful than ever."

The atmosphere was pleasent and the influence of alcohol pushed the things further. The gap closed and the lips of two people melted into each other.

Eve was still lost thinking about the recent conversation and the remaining sanity was suppressed by alcohol. By the time she came back to senses, the kiss had already deepened with tongues intervened together. Eve was stunned and her mind went blank for a moment. But then she regained her senses, immediately pushed the man away and stood up.

Tom came back to his senses and and looked at the girl who stood up. There was a surprised and confused look on her face. In fact, he himself was surprisingly by what just happened. Tom opened his mouth to explain, but the girl spoke before him:

"I think I should go back."

Seeing the girl leaving, Tom also stood up and held her wrist to stop her: "Eve, wait a minute..."

Eve looked back at the man whom she just kissed: "What, Mr Cruise? It was just a mistake. There's no need to pursue it any further, and don't forget you are married." she feels like she was really out of her mind. Otherwise, how could she have kissed a married man even if he was the charming Tom Cruise.

Tom said: "No, it wasn't a mistake."

Eve sneered hearing the words which couldn't convince anyone: "I think you are under the influence of alcohol Mr Cruise, otherwise you wouldn't have said such a ridiculous thing remembering your Marital status.."

Eve went back leavinng the man who had sobered up and looked confused.

Back at the party, Leonardo saw Eve coming back. She seemed more tired than before she left. He went close to her: "Are you okay? You look really worn out."

Eve said: "I am just feeling a little unwell. I will be better after resting for a while. I am leaving." She can't stay in this place for one more second. The moments from earlier keep haunting her and she doesn't have the strenght to deal with things here.

Leonardo said: "Let me take you back."

Eve denied: "No, I will go back with Ryan. He's just outside." She needs some time alone to sort out her thoughts. Without waiting for Leo to say anything more, Eve left the place.

Tom came back to the venue, but he couldn't find the silhouette of the girl anywhere. On inquiring, Eve Thompson had already left.

Tom also left the place. He also needed some time to sort out his thoughts, feelings and problems."

No one in the venue noticed what happened in the back garden few moments ago and their absence didn't affect the ongoing celebratiion much. But it seems the last straw keeping the things intact had been broken.


P. S. According to the records, Tom Cruise was just a simple ordinary member of Scientology before the filming "Eyes wide shut" till 1999. The organization helped him solve his psychological issues and that's how he became a core member.

>> First I was going to let them cheat physically, but I changed it to cheating with hearts.

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