
CH. 4 New Beginning

[So which world will Host choose?]

"System, while stay in one world, is it possible to travel to another?" asked Ryu as it would be a waste not traveling to another world. He wants to go to Shokugeki, but Toriko, One Piece, or Cultivation Chat Group is also tempting as there will be a lot of new experience for him.


[Yes, while Host is in one world.]

[There will be a mission to complete in the same world and another world]

[Host also can travel to another world]

[Don't worry Host, there is still a lot of Death Mission for Host]

Ryu was relieved after hearing the System explanation, but not the part which mention Death Mission. "System, Let's go to Shokugeki World." Ryu has made his decision.


[Transferring Host]

[Location: Shokugeki No Souma]

White light surrounds Ryu as he feels very warm. He looks at the kitchen in the Great Rift for the last time, tears slowly slide down his cheek. "This is goodbye," said Ryu, before disappearing along with the bright light.


Shokugeki No Souma

Location: Host Store

It has been a few days that Ryu has arrived at the store. He was happy the store was still there and everything was the same. He came back to the world, and it was two months before the "Totsuki Autumn Election: Preliminary Round". He knew that the battle would be on Curry as he was reading it now.

There was no customer, so Ryu took out the manga and start reading. Suddenly the bell rings, Ryu puts his book down and walk down from the living room. He was shocked as he saw an old man, it was Senzaemon Nakiri. The principal of Totsuki Culinary Academy. 'Why is he here?!' Ryu was screaming in his head as he never expects that Senzaemon Nakiri would come to his shop.

Senzaemon Nakiri look around the store and spotted Ryu. "You are the owner?" asked Senzaemon Nakiri. "Well, there is only one people in the shop." answer Ryu, while he was screaming in his head, 'Why did I say that!!!'. Senzaemon looks at Ryu and laughed, "Get me the Curry you made for Erina." said Senzaemon.

"Sure. Oh, find your table," said Ryu and went into the kitchen. After a few minutes, Ryu came out with the same curry as he did last time, except that he uses the Barbecow and add a tiny drop of Century Soup into the curry. He also didn't forget to add Melk Stardust. He placed the plate in front of Senzaemon and went back to his seat behind the counter.

After Ryu placed the plate in front of him, he could smell the intense yet light aroma of curry. Even his bodyguard was hungry after smelling the food. Somehow Ryu noticed and went in the kitchen. He took out two more plates and gave it to the bodyguard. "This two is on the House." said Ryu, "But that is not." Ryu pointed at the plate of curry in front of Senzaemon. He didn't mind Ryu and start eating the curry.


It was like when Erina and Hisako eat the curry, the flavor explodes in his mouth. He could taste the deep flavor of many kind ingredients that has combine in the curry, causing a new taste that he never tries before. He also could taste the flavor of the sea as there was a tiny scent of seafood. He could not identify which ingredient of the scent of seafood. His robe was removed without him knowing.

Senzaemon looks at his bodyguard as they had nothing left, there was only underwear. He looks at Ryu, who was reading a book and not caring about the surrounding. Senzaemon smiles and placed the money on the table. He walked out of the store as his bodyguard follow and left the store. Ryu didn't notice that Senzaemon has left the store until he hears the sound of the bell.

"Oh, he's gone." Ryu took the plate and went into the kitchen. Unknown to him, Senzaemon was in the car as he was riding it back to the academy. "What an interesting store." He never sees a store which not only ignoring the customer but also cooks delicious food. "He is perfect to be a teacher, no a principal.".

Time Skip - Next Day

Ryu was sitting in his chair behind the counter, and the door open. "Owner!" shouted a girl's voice. He looks up and saw Megumi, Ryoko, Yuki, Daigo, Shoji and the rest of the Polar Star Dorm. "Oh," said Ryu and continue reading his book. "Owner!" shouted Yuki as she was trying to get the attention from Ryu.

After several tries, Ryu gives up and went to their table. "What?!" slamming his hand on the table. "I want a pancake," said Yuki. "I want the same as last time," said Ryoko and Megumi. He nods and walks into the kitchen when Soma shouted, "We haven't order!". Ryu looks at him and gives a bit of pressure to Soma which causes him to flinch, "Wait." and went into the kitchen.

Soma was sitting still after catching the glare from Ryu. "Yukihira-kun, are you alright?" asked Megumi as she noticed that Yukihira face paled. "No, nothing," said Soma. After a few minutes, Ryu placed the pancake, crepe and the chocolate tower in front of the three girls. "Now you can order," said Ryu while looking at the boys of the Polar Star Dorm.

"I want creme brulee," said Zenji. "I want souffle" shouted both Shoji and Diago and start fighting. "I want the same as Yuki," said Shun. " Me too," said Satoshi. "I want the same as Megumi," said Soma and look at him. Ryu knows that Soma was looking at him, but he ignores him.


Ryu hits his fist on to Shoji and Diago head and calmed them down from fighting. He went to the kitchen and a few minutes later, he came out with several plates and placed it in front of them. The Polar Star Dorm student start eating the food. Ryu went and did the same as last time for the crepe. Megumi and Soma were looking as he lit the fire and pour the syrup.

After a few minutes, they finish eating the food and was preparing to go back. Souma walk to Ryu, "How did you cook them?" asked Souma as he was deeply interested in the crepe. There was a taste of sweetness and sourness that somehow combine and create a balanced taste.

Ryu didn't know what to answer Soma and remember something from Toriko World. "I listen to their voice," said Ryu and went into the kitchen, leaving Soma and the rest confused. "Listen to their voice?" Soma was very confused about what Ryu has said, but somehow it ignited a new passion and determination for him.


Time Skip - The Preliminary Round

Ryu was sitting his chair on the same spot behind the counter. It has been pleasing to him this few months, as Erina and Senzaemon eats here more often. He and Senzaemon also somehow become friend, while Soma keeps bothering him about the technique and what he said that day.

Ryu was sitting still like the usual customer stop coming to the store about a week. He knew that it was because of the Preliminary round.


Ryu looks up and found that it was Senzaemon, but it seems he was not here to eat. "Come with me," said Senzaemon. Ryu knew that it was something fun and excited, as Senzaemon was smiling. He went and change his clothes and went out with Senzaemon.

They got on the car, "Where are you taking me?" asked Ryu. "Preliminary Round," said Senzaemon. "Why?" Ryu looks at him. "I want you to be the judge for both groups."

Should Ryu be a judge or student that participate in the Preliminary Round?

MadamArccreators' thoughts
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