

Chapter 1 - Norris

"Brother give it up, you can't win" Darius coerced the bleeding jackson, Jackson's red eyes burned with anger looking up at Darius while in a boxing stance. "You bastard, you killed her!" Jackson yelled out of anger, before impulsively lunging at Darius who easily dodged the punch, before swinging his bat at Jackson's face. Jackson, using his fighting instincts brang his hands up to his face, successfully blocking the blow. Unfortunately he couldn't fight any longer.

Falling to the ground, Jackson strenuously looked up at Darius once more, imprinting his face into his mind. *snap* Snapping his finger's Darius's men started to retreat from the alley way they had cornered Jackson. His kidney and other vital organs were severely damaged, it was a miracle he was able to survive so long.

"In the end, men can only rely on violence to settle their differences. So be it" Jackson muttered, coughing up a blot of blood. 'If only I had another chance,' Jackson thought to himself before fatigue loomed over his body. 'It seems death is near. I tried my best Lily…I'm sorry' These were jackson's last thoughts before dying.

"Norris-sama!" An angelic looking figure cried out, the 2 distinctive wings behind his back beat methodically giving off the sense of beauty. This existence was called an angel. "What!?" A man in golden armor with a special halo floating on top of his head while sporting golden armor responded to the troubled man's cries. "That guy…h-he failed!" His eyes were on the verge of popping out of his eyes. To an outsider such new's would have seemed like nothing but this new's was the feather that broke the camel's back per se.

As soon as the word's touched his ear's the golden armored man slowly turned his head. Being a staggering 6'7 the man towered over the troubled man who was a mere 5'11. HIs glare penetrated the poor man's soul, vein's began to grow on the man's forehead bulging out of anger as well. "We're all dead." The man said plainly as if he had accepted his fate. He sat back down on his throne while putting his elbow on the arm rest while putting his hand on his cheek, forming a thinking expression.

They were in the temple of god. The man in golden armor was not god but since god was dead he had to take lead to keep heaven in complete control. The reason the news they heard was so devastating was because the person that was said to have failed was in fact jackson. You see, Jackson was the main character. The heaven's give the protagonist unimaginable luck and in return the protagonist is supposed to help the heaven's.

Like how if you plant a seed and help it grow, it'll give you fruit in return. It was a very common tactic but in the end he failed and died. Thinking of this the golden armored man contemplated what to do next before suddenly having an idea. "What if we turn him into the villain?" The armored man's mouth grew into an evil arc. "Yes that could work!" The troubled man pondered for a second before responding. In the end instead of benefiting from the main character's victory's they'd benefit off of the villain's pain and suffering.

Normally they wouldn't have to resort to such tactics since they were perceived as the good guys but in the end that was what must be done. For the sake of the heaven's sacrificing 1 person is worth it. The ends justify the means. "Quickly, bring his soul to me, I'll embed him with my curse." Norris spoke with a smile, he was in a good mood now. "I'll be right back then" The troubled man bowed and left, quickly trying to snatch Jackson's soul.

(5 minutes later)

"Hear you go Norris-sama" The troubled man stated, handing over jackson's soul to Norris, Norris a few words before instantly causing jackson's soul to disappear.

"Norman wake up! The zombies are here again!" Rebecca clammored. The other people that were apart of her shelter were a few meters from her fighting off the zombies, it seems they had found out there shelter spot and attacked them there. Hearing the soft voice of a woman Jackson who is now named Norman arose from his slumber.

"What? Zombies!?" Norman exclaimed. Before getting out of his sleeping bag quickly and standing up. His new figure towered over Rebecca who was a mere 5'7 although that was tall for a girl to Norman that was tiny like an ant. Norman stood at a staggering 6'3. Turning a corner a figure came from the shadow's. "You guys we've got to go! Henry's been bit already" Teska hollered. Hearing this Norman quickly carried Rebecca into his arms and followed Tesla

Making out of the shelter they were greeted with a wave of zombies, In front of these zombies were 6 or 7 people they were the fighter's of there group. A man in a green hood's sword instantly combust into flames, slashing into the air a heat wave took form instantly taking down the 3 zombies in front of him.

Putting Rebecca down Norman watched the fight in awe, Rebecca noticing Norman's gaze smiled lightly. "That's Randolph, our leader. Don't you forget it" Rebecca stated, before walking off to the side to where Teska was. In the end there group consisted of 9 people. Norman, Rebecca, Tesla and the 6 fighter's. In the end all Rebecca and the others could do was see them fight and stand by and let them protect there asses.

Instantly memory's gushed into Norman's brain like a water-fall. Holding his head in pain, Norman let out a small roar. No one took notice of this since everyone was watching the fight with the zombies. [Curse of Norris Activated] Instantly a robotic like voice resounded through Norman's ear's leaving abit jaw smacked. Who would have thought system's were real huh.

"System Panel" Norman muttered under his breath. Instantly a blue panel appeared in front of him.

Name - Norman Oswlat

Age - 15

Health - 232/232

Strength - 24

Speed - 34

Skill's - Norris's Curse (Passive) lvl MAX, Villain's Mindset (Passive) lvl MAX, Teleportation (Active) lvl 1

Looking at his status panel Norman wanted to know more about the teleportation ability so he concentrated on it.

[Teleportation - You can teleport anywhere you want. Just say Teleport]

(Use 0/10 times to level up)

Before Norman could finish contemplating. Teska punched Norman in the face causing Norman to hold his nose in pain. Looking down at Teska with red eyes, Norman quickly went to the left before launching a left swing at Teska's nose. Teska successfully blocked the punch, but the sheer force of it knocked him back a few steps. Seeing as Teska was holding his hands to his face to block his punch Norman punched him in his torso with an upper-cut like punch causing Teska to hold his stomach in pain.

Instantly an evil smile grew on Teska's face. Before Norman could figure out what was going on he felt pain in the lower part of his back, turning around slowly he only saw a red silhouette reminding him of Rebecca before doing anything else, Norman died.

I wrote this first chapter on a whim without any thought or planning. So it's obviously going to be trash. I just re-read it and the grammar is like sheeesh absolute dog-shit

(Although I did have an idea of how I wanted to novel to be)

Fuketsucreators' thoughts
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