
Journey of a Lifetime: John Hurd and Mary

John Hurd boards the ship, Griffin, in 1634 with his boss and mentor, William Hutchinson to the New England Colonies. He is 22 years old, single and had 4 more years of serving until he was free. He has no financial ties and decides to come with William to start a new life, find a girl to marry, start his own tailor shop, and live without religious persecution. He meets the girl of his dreams on the ship a nurse named Mary. They promise to see each other again when their service contracts are over. They do just that. They court, marry, become inhabitants. He becomes a freeman, and a member of the church. They have children, deal with deaths, stresses, and difficulties, but one thing remains is their sweet love, devotion and faith in a faithful God. Follow them as they bravely embark of the journey of a lifetime. One that changes their lives forever. This book also covers their children and marriages, the births of their grandchildren, connection, customers, neighbors and their last days on earth. All information comes from factual documents, maps, records, church records, articles about the time period, and three books. The love stories and conversations are fictional, but dates of events are real. Some adult content in this book. Sexual content is not explicit or smut, and between married couples.

JLKHurd1 · History
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Chapter 3 Arrival and Settling

Boston, Massachusetts, September 1634

I walked off the ship with my master, William, and his wife Anne Hutchinson, plus 11 of their children, servants, cattle, and chests full of items.

I helped the others carry all chests to their provided accommodations. The homes were rustic and small. They had to live in it until a bigger home could be built.

The leaders of the colony made sure they counted the passengers. The leaders noticed that there were only 40 passengers listed. The other 160 people were servants or people posing as servants. These people were unable to pay for their fare, and they wanted a new life. The leaders allowed them to stay and made them servants for settlers that needed extra hands. They also discussed the challenges (like short growing seasons), diseases, dangers (Native Americans), and what to expect during their first winter.

When we arrived in our temporary home, I cut wood, made a fire, tended the animals, and helped with farming.

I made sure William had his affairs in order, so he could continue being a merchant. William became wealthier moving to the colonies. I did many business-related tasks for him including errands. William also required me to attend church services on Sunday, and I agreed.

The whole colony of men worked together to build the house including me and other servants. These tasks took months to finish. Life started to become routine.

After some time, William became Chief Magistrate of the colony, but many governing members were having issues with his wife, Anne, who started preaching against some of the Puritan teachings. These officials had to work with the Crown's taxation, land grants, citizenship and passing laws. These officials were appointed by the church, and they pass laws based on the church's doctrinal influence.

I was a witness to Anne's influence on William, but I did not voice my opinion. Many men identified William as a respected merchant, but he was wholly guided by his wife. I felt it was not his place, and I minded my own business.

I observed the situation with care because my agreement was almost over. I also knew that what Anne was preaching would be blasphemy to the church. She was very radical and felt led by the Holy Spirit, and I knew that there was a possibility that I would be freed earlier than I planned.

I even thought of Mary all the time. I asked myself, 'I wonder how she is doing at the Heaton's? Is she well? Is she thinking about me?' We finally bumped into each other a while ago. Now we walk every week. I asked her on our walk, "Do you think about me?"

She answered, "I have not stopped thinking about you since we got off the ship. I ask about you in my head. I even dream about you at night. Sometimes the dreams can get naughty," as she said this, she turned three shades of pink.

I thought it was adorable. I longed to court her and kiss her because I have fallen hard for her, but because we were not free yet. It was very difficult. If we courted before our contracts ended, we would be disciplined harshly. I had to figure out what to do about that. She would not be done her service contract yet.

William did keep his promise, and he allowed me to make money on the side, so I could save it to open and run my own shop. I became very popular because of my sewing abilities. I was told that I was astute with a needle, and that the quality of my work was in high demand.

I did finish my contract early because I paid off my debt I owed for my fare, and I continued with his duties until Anne and her family were banished from Boston in 1638. She was charged as a heretic because of the Antinomian Controversy. Prior to her trial, William gave me a choice, "You can either leave with us if she is convicted, or I will give you your freedom early, and you can stay here."

I made my choice right away. I told him, "I decided I will not go with you because I would like my freedom, and a temporary dwelling because I fell in love, and I want to court and marry her."

William looked astonished and asked, " What? When? Who?"

I answered, "Well, since you have been so busy lately, I have not been able to tell you, so I will answer all your questions now. It all started when..."


The banishment was in Early 1638.  John and Mary married in late 1638, and their first born was in 1639.  I will try to spin this story covering a 1-2 years span from meeting, courting to wedding.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.  

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