

The whole place was in havoc.

She was surrounded by destruction, commotion, turmoil, and chaos.

Blood flowed through the ground like water in the river.

War cries and sobs sounded simultaneously leaving her disoriented.

She watched as the people she cared about fall to the ground.

Her wound pained her but the helplessness in her lover's eyes aggrieved her more.

The feeling of helplessness and anger consumed her.

Clutching her injured abdomen she ran towards the Altar amidst the chaos ignoring every single call and cry.

'The curse of Vera must be revoked' was the only thought that ran through her mind.

Standing at the top of the altar the sight that she saw steeled her determination.

Tears streaming down her face she picked up the Zilla- the dagger that instigated the whole destruction.

Clutching it tightly, she glanced a last look at her beloved ones before stabbing the dagger into her heart.

Her painful scream echoed through the whole place.

She twisted the dagger deeper into her heart bathing it in her blood.


The screams of her loved ones were the last thing she heard before her consciousness blacked out.

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