
Journey began from Azeroth: Head of Windrunner family

Oops! He was she. She transmigrated into the World of Warcraft, the most dangerous universe. What's more, she became a mother of four daughters surnamed Windrunner. You heard it. She was Lireesa Windrunner, a character who didn't even have a page. A proper cannon fodder for her daughters to become fierce warriors. If she wanted to live, she must change and strengthen herself, even if her daughters are all protagonists. What fate awaited, when Lireesa took part in Azeroth's History. What role would she play trying to stop all these disasters. Image source: Pinterest

PraiseElune · Video Games
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prowess of Book of Wisdom

Kilnar Goldensword wasn't famous to be known by everybody. But Lireesa was rarely one of them who deeply remembered her name. Even though she had no idea about her appearance or behavior, she somehow managed to attract attention.

It all began with a character named Finnall Goldensword. Not many people knew who she was. She was a female half-elf born out of a one-night stand between the two races—elf and human. Lireesa in the past life loved Finnall because her endeavor never stopped no matter how many obstacles lay ahead.

As a half-elf, she was looked down on by the same elves who she thought were morally good. And humans at the same time despised any elven features during the period of time she was born. She didn't care as long as she had her mother's backing who had raised her singlehandedly.

Unfortunately, one day a scourge invasion wrecked upon her home and killed her mother while she was away. Although her father who knew her identity later provided to help her escape into his sanctuary, she disagreed.

She founded her own group to fight a guerilla war behind enemies' lines, along with like-minded friends who supported her goals. Even if some elves or some humans frown upon her identity, she believed not all behaved the same way.

Her optimistic mind was what attracted Lireesa in her previous life. But Blizzard didn't pay any attention to this side character at all despite attracting many players' interests. They weren't expecting this small little cannon fodder to heighten the tension in the first place.

Perhaps many didn't care about her initial identity or know her at all. But most were familiar with the name Jaina Proudmoore, an archmage and one of the representatives in the Dalaran Council. Her father, Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, was actually the father of Finnall Goldensword, who met with Kilnar after she left Quel'Thalas for some reason.

This was also one reason why Lireesa hesitated to accept Kilnar, because she never wanted her favorite character to disappear. Later, she left it to destiny and the world's will. If Finnal were meant to come out, it would.

While Kilnar was jubilant, the high lady in front of her accepted to help, Alleria on the side sneered at her mother's proposal. Her mother could have helped if she wanted to right now. What did she imply by calling Kilnar to her hotel room?

Unless something under the agenda was going on, Alleria refused to deem Lireesa helped with real kindness. After all, Lireesa's prior drooling image couldn't convince her daughter at the moment.

Unaware her daughter was regarding her as a scumbag, Lireesa smiled and nodded to Kilnar's astonishment. The reason why she asked her to come later was that there wasn't any book, but she could create them tonight through magic with the help of the 'Book of Wisdom'.

"Milady forgave my unsightly behavior but your words really exhilarate my mood," Kilnar sat back in composure and replied properly. But her trembling hands betrayed herself.

"Don't worry. I won't judge you at all," Lireesa said, understanding Kilnar's situation, especially since a mage was driven to desperation merely due to her status. She was going to excel in it and Warcraft game had proven. She was only not given an opportunity to prove herself. "Instead, your behavior makes me thoroughly know more about your character and I'm relieved."

Lireesa continued: "If I miss a future great sorceress in front of me, I'll terribly regret my decision."

"You flattered too much, your ladyship." Kilnar blushed at Lireesa's remark, feeling the flatter was too boastful. "At most, quasi-legend is which my talent could reach."

Lireesa said nothing but Kilnar thought she agreed. In fact, she might have had the same belief before she gained 'The Book of Wisdom'. However, her treasure had shown various methods to achieve the renowned Legendary realm. Not to mention, Lireesa was going to provide her a direction and resources.

Legend was never a false level for Kilnar since Lireesa chose to help her. After some time, Kilnar realized she didn't know the identity of the woman in front and asked. "I apologized for my rudeness, milady. May I know your name?"

Alleria rolled her eyes at the question because Kilnar was trusting someone who she really didn't know. She scoffed at the idea of trusting intuition or preemptive judgment. Of course, since she hadn't really grown up, she didn't know whether these instincts were true though her experience in the battle told her to trust them.

What if someone Kilnar pled to help wasn't a good person? Naturally, Kilnar as a mage was easy to spot a liar and a genuine person. These were the basic abilities of a mage and the reasons why the mage profession was noble among others and heavily sought after. Not everything was absolute but roughly accurate.

Lireesa was aware of those abilities but hadn't told her daughters yet. "Let me introduce myself formally. I'm Lireesa Windrunner, Ranger-General of Quel'Thalas, the matriarch of Windrunner house."

Since elves had a natural talent for hearing, she couldn't speak out. Otherwise, she would never experience such feelings without requiring to pay attention to the formality. All of her introduction was spoken through 'Wind Whisper'.

Kilnar gasped covering her mouth with both hands as her eyes also widened. Her sapphire pupils dilated so much that it sucked Lireesa to momentary stillness. Lireesa smirked inwardly at her cuter reaction similar to a fan knowing a celebrity was actually near her.

"Oh, my Sunwell, I can't believe it. But aren't you suppose to be a ranger." Kilnar's expression was puzzled as everything about her guesses wasn't as she thought after expecting Lireesa to be a genuine Legendary Archmage.

"I'm first and foremost a ranger and also a mage. My double profession had reached that realm." Lireesa admitted clearing her doubts.

"Wow," Kilnar sighed in exasperation, marveling at Lireesa's talent while comparing it with herself. She felt like her talent was nothing.

Lireesa seemed to read through Kilnar's psychological conflict and said again. "Don't compare with me. My age is way older than yours. I studied those unrelated ones whenever I'm stuck at something."

"Milady, I'll regard this as a comforting word because I'm even unsure whether I'll feel hit by your words." Kilnar joked.

The two chatted for a while under the music of a tavern until Alleria beside Lireesa poked her finger at her mother, which attracted the two's gaze.

"This is my eldest daughter, Alleria Windrunner." Lireesa introduced her daughter after giving her an apologetic smile.

"First time meeting you, Miss Alleria." Kilnar greeted. "You've already achieved mid-level at such a young age."

Alleria wasn't surprised her levels were seen through by Kilnar. "Greeting to you Miss Kilnar."

Kilnar also wanted the best image in front of Alleria. The word 'eldest by Lireesa implied to her that Alleria would likely succeed Lireesa's position and could also become her future lord if she were to swear allegiance to the Windrunner.

Several minutes later, the two parties separated their path. Lireesa and Alleria continued strolling around under the night sky. Although the time was late, many people still came out and do their business in contrast to her fiefdom.

Lireesa had decided in her heart to raise her fiefdom standard and enriched the economy. Right now she had another concern which was Alleria not talking with her at the moment, since separating from Kilnar.

Alleria was obviously sulking and Lireesa had no idea. She nudged her daughter's waist with her elbows and raised her chin to ask. The only reply was Alleria's snort and her head turned away from Lireesa.

Lireesa: ???

What was this all about? Well, apart from drooling at Kilnar's dance and losing some composure, she was sure she did nothing wrong.

"What's the matter Alleria? If you don't talk about it, how would I know?"

"It's nothing," Alleria said after sighing.

Lireesa hugged Alleria's shoulder and brought her inside her embrace. Her chin rubbed against Alleria's to express the love and care from deep within her heart. She whispered inside Alleria's ear.

"No matter what happens in the future, my daughters, my children are my only first consideration. Okay? Nothing will ever be comparable; nothing else matters. Don't you trust your mother?"

Alleria's heart felt warmed hearing her mother's solemn promise. She squeezed her mother's knuckles gently. Her sulking was gone. The two shuffled around and bought goods that weren't available elsewhere.

It was until midnight; both were tired and returned to the hotel. After informing the staff about the possibility of a female visitor tomorrow, Lireesa entered their room while Alleria was already sleeping on her bed.

Perhaps she should look at her daughters more every now and then. All the stress and burden went away from their appearance. This must be the motherhood people talked about.

Today's meeting with the king was merely an introduction for tomorrow.

The next day would begin with a big battle of dialogue between 8 great noble houses. 2 traitors, Lireesa would like to see what their faces were. Even though it hadn't occurred yet, Lireesa had an extreme urge to tear them apart.

When Lireesa played the game during the Quel'Thalas fall campaign, she felt nothing. After staying in this world for a long time and encountering many interactions, Lireesa heart's surged to guard this fragile peace. If not for dire consequences she really couldn't handle, she would have already assassinated the traitors in the Silvermoon Council.

Lireesa gazed through the window to enjoy the night view. Worried about disturbing Alleria's sleep, she already laid a magic shield to isolate this room from the outside noise.

Lireesa grabbed her seat and sit near the window. While she silently entered the soul realm and flew toward the 'Book of Wisdom.' Lireesa saw her predecessor meditating in front of the titan gate. She still wasn't available for a chat.

Lireesa probed at her hand at the golden book and felt she could study any knowledge instantly. Her mind only had one purpose today—everything related to arcane sorcery. After downloading the data inside her brain, Lireesa suffered a slight pain from being too full.

A few minutes passed and the pain subsided. Lireesa scanned the knowledge inside and was satisfied. She thought she would never obtain a cheat but the treasure book, which was similar to a huge celestial supercomputer, had proven otherwise. Any methods or knowledge as long as they were presented from the world, she was familiar with, were all recorded here.

Arcane, Druidism, Shamanism, Divine practice, and any professions' secrets were available here. It was not wrong to say, Lireesa possessed a huge library. Although she wanted to learn more, her body couldn't withstand the huge loads of information.

Another day, she thought would try out. And every day her knowledge would grow. With this in mind, Lireesa was happy and returned to the material world.

After completely digesting arcane sorcery knowledge, she preceded to create her own guidebook. All the spells and terms of use would be written.

Her right hand raised and her left hand underneath, arcane energy gathered around her body. She wasn't using the mana inside but from the outside, as the capital was near the Sunwell, the mana in the air was denser than her fiefdom.

Blue lights with golden arrays formed on both hands as the energy started to shape into a book. Page after page until a thick blank book was created. Afterward, Lireesa changed the style of her hand and the book suspended in the air, faced toward Lireesa.

It slowly turned page after page, meanwhile, writings and symbols were imprinted on every page. Like a giant printer, Lireesa worked for more than half an hour until a thick book with mysterious runes reached her hand.

Grasping this book and scanning over the information inside, Lireesa curved her lips and her eyes shone. If she spent more time, this book might also transform into a piece of equipment too.

Lireesa lamented cheat was also something. It would take more than hundreds of years to garner such a large amount of knowledge without one. Now, Lireesa's disturbed mood from panicking about future dangers dissipated entirely from her heart.

Her starting point was already high; her aids were unimaginable. If she failed, she shouldn't even reincarnate.

I want to ask my reader.

How many of you reading are genuine Warcraft players or those who know the lore?

Comment me down below.

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