
Great Boar

3:00 PM


I'm hungry please give me something to eat

( Leila )

Just wait and keep quiet while I prepare it.

I thought you where out hunting

I can't believe that you would go home empty handed, there are many monster in forest like ,Horn rabbit and redeer..

So why you couldn't even hunt at least one!

When I was buying vegetable I hear that monster have started acting again! That's why the merchant is not coming this past week.

If you don't hunt we have nothing to eat!!

I'm so hungry!! those damn frog's just have to get on my way, if not I would have brought the biggest hunt than father's record

( Alfren )

Hah 😆haha, that's just an excuse

it's still to early for you to beat my record in the village largest hunting competition

Hunting is not all about strength

If you continue to relay on your brute force it won't happen any time soon 😂 haha...

Honey !!! you laugh to much Leilei is sleeping so keep your voice down!


( Leila )

Your talking something about frog ..

What happened in the forest?

Zenno was fighting some toad until he passed out, when I found him he was about to fall asleep in the forest ...

Wai... you said that you won't tell me on mom , I even give you the sellable parts of today's hunt.

Ooh so you now know how to get your father shut his mouth so that I won't know 💢

Don't mom I have a reason!!,they are the reason why hunting is not doing well in our village if left alone ,those toads would eat all the monsters in the forest.

If that happened we have nothing to hunt..

No excuse!!!💥

Guuuaa..😵 as expected of mom your magic is far stronger than mine!

That was not magic I simply punch you in your stomach

I can't believe it! You almost fell asleep in the forest. What if monster attack you while sleeping!

( Cough )

Ahh.. I remember that father take some money on the stash And asked me to buy some sake because he was to drink with the other guards.

He also asked me not to tell mom..

Zenno!! you bigmo.. ahaha..⊙⁠﹏⁠⊙

wait Leila!!haha😨it's just a little drinking party for the new recruit


Hyaaa ...👼

Really 😤 both of you don't learn.

Also Zenno don't act like a kid forever ,other people work hard every day to survive

Your at an age where you have to think on your future

I'm thinking about it seriously, I already have what I want to do but l still lack many things that's why..

Arghh it hurts honey!!😫

If you're gonna have a talk let go of my hand first, it's gonna break ahh it hurts!!

Sorry I won't do it again promised

( Cough )

The food you're cooking is gonna burn so forgive me already.

[ Leila unhand Alfren and return to the kitchen to prepare for Zenno's dinner ]

Haah! I'm safe, Leila really need to work on controlling your self.


I was just joking ahahaha😅

You don't need to worry about Zenno he has vision of what he want to do, so it's okay.

So what do you want Zenno about what I said in the forest?

Do you want to go to capital to study?

Zenno the your dinner is ready so come and get it.

Yeah thanks mom^⁠_⁠^

[ Zenno start eating right away after taking his food from the kitchen ]

Hmm it's tasty

( Leila )

So what's this about going to capital?

Zenno want to become adventurer so I tell him to study at the academy to learn more.

It is the only facility in this country where you can learn.

( Leila )

That's true but as an ex- adventurer I don't recommend it. Zenno is strong so I don't have to worry about that part

The problem is that he's an idiot. Even if he's strong if he fell asleep in the forest again he's dead.

He's easy to read that's why many people will take advantage of his strength.

He believed people easily!

He fall for an obvious lie!

Being an adventurer you need to be ..

Ahh!!I know that mom you worry to much I can at least tell whose a good and a bad person.

💥 Who said that I was worried about you idiot. If you can tell good and bad then you won't fall for an obvious lie

Ouch that hurt mom don't heat me while I was eating. Hmm.. hmm...

That's because everyone lie even good person lie. I can't tell good person and bad just from lying.

It's useless then!!!😅

Ahahaha..it's okay Leila I have a good friend in the capital ,if Zenno go that man will sure to help you!

Wait I still haven't decided if I want to go or not! I'm still thinking about it!

I'm surprised that you're capable of that now ,time really changed a person

I'm gonna cry😭

Mom don't cry while making fun of me!!💢

You can't help it Zenno your mom was an adventurer like me so he's word is rough even when he's happy.

💥You shut up!!

Ouch that hurt honey! unlike with Zenno you're not holding back your power if it's me

( So adventurer's are

rough people after all!! )

[ While Zenno is eating and Alfren is getting beat up by Leila the door suddenly open and a person breathing heavily called out captain ]

( Leila )

Hey didn't your parents tell you to knock before you enter especially if it's other people's house.

[ The guard is also surprised. Alfren is getting beat by his wife and their son is eating like it not seeing anything.He can't say it but he's first thought was "this family is strange" ]

So.. sorry sis Leila but it was urgent message that captain need to know.

That giant boar have appear again!

Captain was to go at chieftains office to learn about the whole situation.

( Alfren )

Don't mind her

There's just a little problem in our discussion

I'll follow right away after changing so you can return first.


( Cough )

It can't be helped, if you still can't decided.

It's okay if you don't want to! You can became adventurer without going to academy. But there are many benefits that can only gained if you attend it. That's why I tell you about it, having perks will help you in the future!

The decision is your's!

( After that Alfren leave and go to the chieftain office leaving Zenno whose still eating in the table )

( Zenno )

Mmm.. thanks for the meal 😋

If you're done eating bring your plate here so I can wash it and if you have nothing to do after this then pitch some water

Ok ..


[ Chieftains office ]

( Alfren )

So the Great boar is out of the forest again!!. That's really a trouble for us!

The monsters in the forest is running away if it run out of food it will attack the village!!

Did you send request to the guild in Korpus city?

( Chieftain )

I already did this morning... But they can't come!

Why!! You explained the situation right so why they can't?

Because the kingdom is at war, the kingdom have paid the skilled adventures to take part in battle, what's left is guarding the city so they can't send adventurer. They only accept request in the villages near them!

War!! I never heard about that! What county?

It's not human but it's a demon general that leading an army. I hear that they burn and slaughtered all the village the see in their march!

Damn why now!! When they haven't done anything for last 50 years !

I'm still new appoint cheiftain of this village now this happened. I now understand what father said that " it's not easy"

What's our plan Alfren, you're my friend and captain of guard so I will be counting on you!

( Sigh )

So we're gonna do this with just our force haha sounds like impossible!

I'm sure you remember but that monster is the same one who appeared 14 years ago.

Even with help of adventurers all we managed is send it away, we couldn't kill it.

It's an B+class monster it's extremely strong and big, arrow's won't work because it's skin is thick.

At least a party of three rank-4 Corundum class adventurer adventurer would be able to defeat it! I'm Corundum class when I was adventurer but I'm already retired. Im not young anymore!

But Alfren! according to the guards who we're scouting it's den , the leg of the boar is injured. So I think we have a chance.


That's right..it must encounter a stronger monster in the forest and run away to the entrance to heal it's leg.

Hm if we give it to much time it will recover. So we have no other choice, but if we attack without plan, we're going to die.

First we need to plan our attack!

I will return in our base to came up with the plan for our attack tomorrow! please tell the villagers and have them ready to desert the village if we fail!

Leave that matters to me the chieftain! I'm counting on you captain

Okay 👍

[ After talking with the chief about the problems Alfren go to the base of the guards to plan their attack ]


6:00 PM

[ Zenno climb the largest tree in the village near their house while he sat in the branch at the top watching the sunset, The sky covered in golden red and he thinks about what's there as he watch ]

( Zenno )

What a beautiful color!

Everyone in the world share the same sky, when I think about that, this world seem small!

( An expression of excitement appear on his face )

But this is just a little part of this world's beauty, there are many more that I don't know, I'm sure that there's more to see beyond this horizon!

I'm sure that if I go to academy I will meet many people and learned.

Hmm I want to go but i don't want to leave this village!

Mom , dad, and Leilei. I want to become stronger but I also want to stay with them.

Ahh I can't decide what to do my head hurts!

( Crack )

Ahh this is gonna be hurt!!

( Zenno fall from the tree )

It hurts my butt is!!

Watching the sky from the ground is also good Idea

I can't decide what to do so I'll just train

My sword and magic

( Zipper )

[ After saying that word , a zipper appear and Zenno open it. It was like he opened the air from inside he take some books and a black sword with a dragon draw on it's scabbard ]

This magic is also good but It can't be used in fight. It allows me to open a space and I can put anything in it no matter it's size and weight.

This is the magic that I want to learn fire magic , Zenno said as he read!

If I use it with my sword I deal damage to my enemies both physical and magic.

( He take the sword and try to unsheathe it )

Ugh I still can't use it!

This sword is useless Even thought it looks strong and it's also heavier than other sword I used.

When I first used Item spaced magic this sword is already inside it, I don't know why.

But I can't unsheathe it. I thought I can do it now because I'm stronger. Even dad can't do it. when I show this to him! Mom Leila said that this is an magic sword, She was surprised because she never read about it in any books.

If I can't used it then it's useless, I'll just sell it if I ever have problem in money! But for now I'll put it back to my Item spaced.

It's okay I still have this sword that my father give me.

I'm counting on you partner!

I've been using this sword when I was 10. Father said that he used it when he was adventurer.

I'll activate My magic while swinging my sword I'm sure it will increase my magic. Haha two birds in one stone!!I'm genius

( After two minutes )

Gah! I'm spent in just a few minutes!

[ Sweat started to flow all over his body. He slapped his cheeks because he was losing his conscious. ]

It's not easy after all! I need time to get used to this. I'll take a break and do it again , I can't ask mom to teach me, she said that " All I can teach you is basic magic if you can't do it then I have nothing to teach you! You need to think about it on your own"

She said that but I think she's just not good at teaching hehe...

While dad!

Hah! 💢Magic I don't know anything about magic so don't ask me. You can used magic so it feels like you're making fun of me!

That's what he said..

Aah..the sun has completely set, I'm starting to get hungry again.

I'm gonna practice more bit and then head home.

{ At their house }

7:00 PM

Brother Zen let's play!

I'll play with you tomorrow, brother is tired. Tomorrow let's go to river and brother will teach you how to swim.

Yay! Mom brother Zen said he's gonna teach me how to swim, tomorrow we're going to river to play!

( Leila )

Good for you! Leilei

( Zenno )

Where is dad? Mom

He still hasn't returned since he left earlier. Judging from the reaction of that guard there must be some problem. He also mentioned about that boar.

Boar! If it's just boar even other guards can hunt it , Dad can handle them even if they attack in number.

If it's a normal boar Yes! But if it's the gaint boar 14 years ago. Then there's no one in this village who can defeat it!

It was 1 Year after your father found you, the attack of the monsters in this village is getting worse. Some villagers move to other village leaving their field and house.

With the Great boar appearing the village have lost hope and decided to leave the village.

That's when our party just happened to stopped on this village. Coming home from our quest, we decided to rest here. I was really surprised. I know you're father since he was adventurer but I didn't know that he live in this village. The village hired us to subjugate that monster, together with your father and my party. But we couldn't defeat it.

Ooh! Even you and dad together you couldn't defeat it it must be stronger than any monster I've meet so far!

Of course it is! You idiot! Don't even think of trying to fight it.

Hehehe🤭 I know!

It's already passed seven, your dad's seems gonna be late so Let's eat before him. Stop smirking and help put the plates Zenno.


( The three of them started eating )

( Leila )

So did you decided whether you're going to academy or not?

Dad! Asked me all of sudden. I want to become adventurer but I never considered attending academy before he mentioned it.

So I can't decide easily! I want to go but I don't want.. ( Zenno look downward and his voice is slowly getting smaller )

Arah! Don't tell me this little Zenno is getting scared. Are you afraid to live alone surrounded by people you don't know. Hehe you're still a kid after all you can't help it.

That's not it! I'm not afraid of leaving alone, I just don't want to leave this house!

Heh! So that's it ( Leila act unaffected but she was happy🤧 ) huh! what a whining kid it's only one year. If you graduate you can return anytime you want. If you let everything bother you. It won't end , Don't mind small matter and do what you really want!

where are you going! Is brother Zen going away, I don't want it mom! I want to play more with brother. ( Said Leilei with teary eyes )

It's okay my little girl! Your brother is just going away for a while. He will return to us. you can play with him when he returns.

I still haven't decided to leave or not! 🥲

( Does mom want me to leave this house that much )

[ As the three of them are eating they hear the sound of the door opening and someones footsteps closing to the table ]

I'm drained! ( The first words who came out of Alfren's mouth heading toward the table where his family is eating , with dark circles under his eyes )

Dad what happened? You look so tired Zenno asked to his father.

I'll get your food Alfren, we started eating because I know that you're gonna be late. I thought it would take more time planning for tomorrow! To kill the boar!


If it's that easy then I wouldn't be this troubled! 😟Without adventures our manpower is clearly lacking.

Here your food! But since you're home, you have planned the attack right! Do you think you can kill it? Leila asked as she put the food on the table

I won't know that until tomorrow. We're lucky that it's leg is hurt. If we can kill it then it will be the biggest hunt since this village is established.

So where is this great boar ? Dad!

Zenno asked his father with his eyes filled with excitement.

I won't tell you!

Knowing you I'm sure, you are thinking about fighting it. This monster is not like what you've face before, if you fight it for enjoyment you'll die.

Can't be helped! I'm gonna used my time tomorrow to decide what to do! I'm done eating so I'm going to my room.

( After saying that Zenno head to his room and rest on his bed )

I want to try fighting the great boar. It seems strong , but I promised Leilei to teach her how to swim. If I break our promise I'm sure she's gonna cry like there's no end. Sure moms gonna beat me up. Guh! just thinking about it scare me!

Yawn 🥱 I'm sleepy!


{ Next day }

6:00 AM

Haaah! What a great beginning for my day! I didn't have a dream last night, so today gotta be my lucky day.

Dad's gonna go boar hunting with the guards today so I can't go to the forest.

( When I go out of my room, my mom was already at kitchen preparing for breakfast and dad is swinging his sword outside of the house. I joined dad and do some push up as he was swinging his sword. )

( Alfren )

No matter how many times I see you do that it's still looks strange. He said as he laughed at Zenno.

You think so? I think it's working though. Because I've been doing this every morning, my stamina and muscle strength has improved more quickly. You should try it to dad!

I'm more comfortable when I'm swinging sword. Habit that I got since adventurer to wake my muscles, haha it like coffee in the morning!

I'm done! Exercising so I'm gonna swing my sword.

( As saying that Zenno take his sword and take up his form, he imagine an monster attacking him and swing his sword )

The breakfast is ready so both of you stop what that and eat first before it gets cold!

Voice of Leila coming from inside the house telling them to stop.

Both of them stopped swinging their sword and put it down then they sit in table to eat while they are eating Alfren remind Zenno not to go to forest because the gaint boar is walking around the forest looking for it's prey.

I know! I Will be playing at the river with Leilei so if something happens I'll take her and head home right away.

( Alfren )

I'm done eating so I will be going! If we defeat the great boar. I'll bring it's meat , it must be delicious it's a rare ingredients that you can only by in the capital. It's gonna be a feast!

( After saying that Alfren leave the house and head to their base )

9:00 AM

Alfren is discussing the plan to subdue the great boar with his subordinate they are standing in a table with the map surrounding the village. The location of the the great boar is west of the village middle part of the entrance of Sagar forest, it take 20 minutes to walk from the village to it's location. They set a camp near it's den to attack it.

Counting Alfren there are 14 of them who are preparing to attack the great boar, equipped with bow's and short sword

They begun their plan.

Leading the guards Alfren go to the den of great boar. The great boar did not notice them as they enter it's territory because it was eating a monster that it caught.

The giant monster have a big tusk, it's height is about 5 meter. Big mouth and brown bristle that cover it's entire body.

They shoot arrows from the forest, they target it's injured leg causing the great boar to let a loud grunts because of pain.

The boar stand and look around, it noticed the humans at the forest and rush toward them. Again the great boar let out a loud grunts, like to show it's anger. It enter the woods bitting to crumble anything that get on it's way.

Alfren order the guards to lead it to the place where to they set up a trap as they retreat.

( Alfren )

The injury of the boar is hurting it than we expected, it's movement is slow compared when we face it 14 years ago, we're lucky!

The trees that in the way of great boar is dropping to the ground as it walk , the boar almost is catching up to the guards but it suddenly couldn't move. The trees around the great boar has roped that connect them, making the tree stronger. They set a rope that connect to other tree, if other tree is brought down the ropes will stretch like a spider web.

Now!! Let's attack it all at once!!