
The Beginning

The ringed mountains region, in the middle and third ring there lies a lake, the lake was surrounded by a forest on all sides, except for a small clearing on the west, which was close to the cliff that separated the third and second ring. A small hut can be seen in the clearing, next to it was the silhouette of an extremely handsome young man chopping wood to refill the storage.

After finishing his task the young man wiped the sweat on his forehead with a towel that mysteriously appeared out of nowhere.

He looked around and smiled in satisfaction after seeing the fruits of his hard work. Turning his head he calmly walked to a big tree stump and sat on it whilst admiring the view Infront of him, the calm lake, the swaying trees, and the chirping birds created a scene not unlike that of paradise in the mind of the observer.

Michael appreciated the view for a while and soon was lost in his thoughts

"Hmm, it's almost there"

Michael had a secret, he wasn't a human per se, as he had no parents, he was an abnormality, an entity that was conceived and born by the universe it self, a child of the universe.

The mystery surrounding his birth will be uncovered in the future.

Michael from a very young age was extremely in tune with nature and because of that he discovered something very interesting, he could sense a certain fluctuation in the surroundings, after a while the fluctuations only increased in strength, the variation and the speed of said fluctuations didn't escape Michael's notice, and he deduced that since it's slowly reaching a certain threshold, there will be a change, what that change was remained a mystery to him, but he was excited and couldn't wait to find out.

It's odd really, why was he excited instead of being nervous and preparing if things went downhill after the change, he didn't know the answer to that, but whenever his thoughts reached this conclusion, it felt like Centauri itself was reassuring him that it's going to be okay, and he trusted Centauri, the planet that he was currently on.

Michael closed his eyes and did some calculations based on the information he knows about the situation he was in.

"three days… no, two"

Startled out of his thoughts Michael opened his eyes to see a huge mouth filled with rows of sharp teeth.

"What the ummph mmmohph"

Slapping the tiger that swallowed his head whole while shouting in a muffled voice, Michael was struggling for a while to get out of the tiger's maw but to no avail, he slowly tapped the tigers head in defeat.

Noticing that Michael gave up the tiger opened her mouth and released him.

Gasping for breath the first words that came out of Michael's mouth were,

" At the very least brush your fucking teeth dude goddammit"

Michael wiped the saliva covering his entire head with the same towel he used earlier.

Opening his eyes the first thing that came in to view was a gigantic tiger, and if you looked very carefully, you could almost see the smirk on her face.

"This is funny to you huh?"

Looking with fake anger at the tiger posing in front of him as if she didn't do anything wrong just moments ago, Michael jumped on the tiger's back and they started wrestling with each other.

Grabbing on to Amber's scruff to stabilize himself Michael tried to bite Amber's ears in retaliation but, unfortunately for him she was expecting this, so she started jumping around like horse while trying to bite his leg, while Michael of course didn't want lose his legs so he started maneuvering around on the tight space on her back.

after a while, all that could be heard is the sound of panting as Michael was leaning on Amber's side trying to catch his breath after the intense fight that they had.

"You've gotten stronger haven't you amber?"

In response to his question Amber faintly nodded.

"Interesting, does it have to do with the odd sensation of nature I've been feeling for a while?"

Michael pondered for a bit before sighing, "oh well, I'm going to find out in a couple of days anyway"

Standing up and going towards the hut Michael felt a little sleepy after the intense workout, opening the door of the hut, the interior came into view. on the left was a table and two chairs, while on the right next to a glass window was a comfy looking sofa. next to it was a shelf filled to the brim with books, the sofa seemed like an excellent spot to read and enjoy the breeze in the evening.

Michael continued until he reached the door at the far right, opening it a queen sized bed could be seen as well as a cupboard and two small bedside tables.

Michael looked around and smiled at the tidy bedroom. after jumping on the bed he felt a mountainous pressure on his chest which caused him to open his eyes and cough, it seemed Amber was afraid of being alone, which was odd for such a big tiger.

"just don't shit the bed please"

Amber looked confused for a second while Michael chuckled at the joke that no one on the planet he's on would understand.

My first step into the terrifying abyss of writing, Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter, And thank you for reading <3.

Don't forget to add to Library to see the next Chapters, Cheers.

Mokajecreators' thoughts