
Journalling in the MCU: Characters Can Read My Diary?

Crossing into the Marvel world, Zhou Cheng gains the ability to become stronger by writing a diary. However, Zhou Cheng doesn't realize that the diary he writes is not only visible to him. The entire world gradually starts to become strange. Tony: I am not Iron Man, stop calling me that! Captain America: Bucky, go turn yourself in, while there's still time! Thor: Father, you never told me I had a sister? Translated from: https://www.69shuba.com/book/52096.htm Future chapters at: https://www.patreon.com/FFAddict

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Chapter 32

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Joking! S.H.I.E.L.D. infiltrated by Hydra?

In fact, Black Widow is quite satisfied with her current life.

Although it's similar to her time in the Red Room.

She frequently undertakes rather dangerous and thrilling missions.

Some of these missions are even more perilous.

But for Black Widow, there is simply no comparison.

Previously, as the Red Room's Widow, she was just a cold-blooded, ruthless executioner, tasked with eliminating any obstacle for Dreykov.

All the killing, the blood on her hands, it was all just for Dreykov's personal gain.

It had nothing to do with justice— it could even be called evil.

But now?

Black Widow, along with Barton and the other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, are doing meaningful, right things.

They are making the world a better place!

That's why Black Widow feels her life has meaning now.

Even if it's more tiring, more arduous, more dangerous.

It could never be considered "miserable," right?

Even if it costs her life, it would be a worthy death.

It would be honorable!

So, how could it be miserable?

What exactly could her future hold?

[To be raised in the Red Room since childhood, to undergo training hellish as hell itself, and to survive.]

[To become a 'Widow' of the Red Room, living life on the edge of a knife.]

[And later, to destroy the Red Room with great difficulty, join S.H.I.E.L.D., seemingly changing her destiny.]

[But in fact, it was all for nothing.]

All for nothing?

Black Widow's brows furrow slightly.

Why would Zhou Cheng say such a thing?

Could the Red Room still exist?

That's simply impossible!

She and Barton blew up the entire base back then.

The Red Room's leader Dreykov is dead, and it's all over.

The Red Room was completely destroyed!

Indeed, the battle in Budapest was the most brutal and dangerous one she had ever experienced.

But yes, the Red Room was destroyed!


Destroying the Red Room was also Black Widow's pledge of allegiance to S.H.I.E.L.D., and S.H.I.E.L.D. did a "review" of it.

Everything was fine.

Why would the diary say it was all for nothing?

"Red Room?"

Tony Stark, however, sharply catches on to this term.


He immediately calls out for Jarvis.

Although he just called out a name, Jarvis, the super AI, naturally knows what his boss means.

He immediately starts a search and retrieval.

"Sir, regarding the Red Room described in the diary, I only found one."

"That was a spy training facility of the KGB during the former Soviet era."

Former Soviet?

Tony Stark feels somewhat surprised: "So, our Black Widow, she's originally Russian? A regular Soviet agent?"

The diary mentioned that Black Widow was a superhero and even an original Avenger.

Tony Stark had thought she might be someone like Wanda Maximoff, wielding some extraordinary power.

But it turns out.

She's just a regular agent?

Can a regular agent also become a superhero?

[The Red Room still stands as if nothing happened, and had even grown more formidable than before.]

[Black Widow worked her whole life for S.H.I.E.L.D. with the intent of atoning.]

[Atone for the sins she committed in the Red Room.]

[But in the end, she discovers that she has been unwittingly working for Hydra!]"This is just... absurd."

Natasha Romanoff couldn't help but sneer.

The Red Room not only intact but more powerful than before?

That's just nonsense.

As for working for Hydra, that's even more absurd.

Hydra had been destroyed long ago!

Who doesn't know that?

During World War II, it was obliterated by Captain America and his Howling Commandos.

Their leader, Red Skull, was killed by Captain America.

With Captain America's plane plummeting into the vast ocean, the infamous Hydra became history.

In such a case, how could she possibly work for Hydra?

Unless Hydra, like the Red Room, still very much exists?

Even infiltrated into S.H.I.E.L.D.?

The other side is even implying that her boss, Coulson, is an undercover agent for Hydra!

What an international joke.


What exactly is Zhou Cheng trying to tell her with this?

Why not speak directly instead of these annoying riddles?

"Hydra still exists?"

"Infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Compared to Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark had quite a bit more faith in this news.

He had been one of the "old guard" who owned the notebook for a long time.

"Really a bunch of bugs that just won't die."

However, Tony Stark only sighed this softly as an aside and nothing more.

He had no intention of interfering too much.

Even if S.H.I.E.L.D. was founded by his father, how does that relate to him, Tony Stark?

[However, in the end, Hydra was annihilated by Natasha Romanoff.]

[Of course, the Red Room can't be left out, it too was destroyed by her in the end.]

[It was a complete closure.]

[Just looking at this part, it's a powerful female lead's script, but too bad she still died after that.]

[Even the snap couldn't bring her back.]

[What a sharp cut.]

Natasha shook her head in resignation.

She became even more dismissive of the content in the notebook.

She had just been told she had been manipulated and played by two organizations, the Red Room and Hydra.

Then, in the blink of an eye, she supposedly destroyed them both?

Isn't this plot a bit too heavy-handed?

Are you writing a diary or an indulgent story?

 If Hydra was as powerful as stated in the notebook, able to infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D. and puppeteer even a Level 7 SHIELD operative like herself, what scale must they have reached?

Is that something a Level 7 SHIELD operative could resolve on her own?

The same goes for the Red Room.

The notebook mentioned it became more powerful than before, making it even more challenging to confront.

Of course.

Theoretically, it might not be impossible to succeed, but Natasha didn't care to delve further.

It was all grasping at straws.

What she found more interesting now was another piece of intelligence revealed by the other party.

She died!

As an operative who dealt with dangerous field missions, any job could mean death.

There was nothing to fuss about.

Natasha didn't mind.

But, what in the world is this snap?

This word popping up here is totally incongruous!

Even according to the notebook, in normal circumstances, death can be reversed with a "snap."

This truly confounded Natasha. How could snapping fingers do such a thing?

This snap mentioned here can't be the usual finger snapping, can it?


What is this mysterious and enigmatic "snap"?