Please have a look here as well, before starting with the chapters ... What do we know about dreamlands? How much we know about there? Does this place actually exist somewhere virtually or perhaps through any other dimension? What are the stages of a dream? What are the phases in any stage of a dreamland? What does mean by pastime here? What is future dream time here? Can an individual has full control on his dreams, it's phases and in different stages of his dreamlands? Is this connected to the reality, somewhere/somehow? Is Jo in trouble? Is Jo's dreamland in trouble? or maybe, his all dreamlands are in trouble, is it so?? Why so many times, Jo is not able to see or we can say, to know the complete thing, what just happened n what not? Why do these weird things happen with Jo? Does Jo have any idea of that? Are these dreamlands gonna effect the reality? Who is Jo, actually? Is there any connection among all of these lands? Why these different situations, different circumstances and sometimes incompleteness, we find here? Come on in into another world of our Jo ... and get to know about all of this...let's come into another verse ...and remember, this is just only volume 1 ...there is also much more. what's gonna come for you to live in there(to live into your imagination) ...
For the short, we will be calling our main character "Jo" not by his full name "Joshwa", Alright,…
Okay, so…
In the beginning, Jo found himself in a small hospital, for his treatment which was going on and the doctor was at the end, prescribing about the things, what to eat – what to not, n etc. etc. …
In the next scene, he was in his grandpa's home and he was having fun and the lunch with his grandpa and the uncles …
They were talking about weather, monsoon, climate change n all…and we don't know what next happened there ..but …
All of a sudden, here, it comes the next scene … Jo found himself in his home…
Although, this home and the surroundings, the environment were different from the reality …, here, he was talking to his sibling and suddenly the phone started ringing and they received the call…
It was their mom, yeah "MoM", the most honest, beautiful, intelligent, full of patience, and we don't have words to describe the beauty of the "MoM" in every aspect of life …
Anyway, in the next scene, in the same place, Jo was alone at home and just waking up and looks outside near from his balcony, it was raining (beautifully raining), one sparrow was in her balcony, trying to escape from the rain and not to be wet …
Jo heard something, came to his balcony and looked down, and saw his younger brother just came at home with mom on his(younger brother's) scooty…
He tried to remember and think,"do we have any scooty or any other vehicle" 🤔 …
Well, he was just wondering …
We know, it was a dream, and who knows what happens next, it can be terrible , it can be horrible …But
It's gonna be awesome …
It was 1st dreamland of our Jo…
This is ShivamTheGreat…and
I am awesome …