

Joocies is a big strong and very muscular man he is the heir to the ASK Kingdom, when Joocies takes the throne he will want to conquer the whole world and enslave all inferior races

Potasheshaye · Fantasy
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39 Chs


The wolves seem to have come to some sort of agreement since the wolves start walking towards the guards who are still lying unconscious on the ground. The wolves turn and walk in the opposite direction to Kyeongmin before disappearing amongst the tree line. Kyeongmin decides to follow the wolves, deciding not to let this opportunity slip by him.

Chapter 2

It is very difficult for Kyeongmin to see through the thick mist created by the rain that is currently pouring down. He can barely see five feet in front of him due to his poor visibility. It isn't long however before he comes across a clearing in the forest and quickly discovers that the wolves have stopped running, and instead are now standing around waiting for him.

Kyeongmin is still so frightened that he is unable to take another step forward. He stands frozen to the spot as he watches the wolves continue to stare intently at him, their eyes boring holes into his skin, threatening him.

Finally after what seems like an eternity, one of the wolves jumps forward to bite into a guard who lies unconscious a few feet away from Kyeongmin. The guard wakes up screaming in pain, obviously having been bitten earlier. He turns around and sees that the rest of the wolves have gathered around him and are ready to attack.

Kyeongmin's mind goes blank at seeing how many wolves there are surrounding him, and then he remembers something.

Kyeongmin: There are a lot of wolves here. They will probably kill the guards soon if we don't stop them soon!

He screams as loud as he can without the wolves getting irritated at him. The wolves pay no attention to the young man though and continue attacking the first guard who is still unconscious.

Suddenly, a voice rings out from behind the wolf pack. The voice sounds familiar, but Kyeongmin can't place it until a woman emerges from the fog with a gun and aims it straight at the first guard's forehead. The woman then shoots the gun multiple times, hitting the first guard, causing blood to fly everywhere and the man to scream in pain. She then runs towards another wolf in the crowd and grabs onto its neck.

"Wait!" Kyeongmin yells as he rushes towards the woman and grabs her arm, preventing her from shooting another gun.

She turns around, pulling her arm out of his grasp. "Let me go, son. This isn't your problem."

Kyeongmin shakes his head, "No! The guards aren't supposed to die, and neither am I! Please, let me help you! Please!"

She looks at Kyeongmin for a moment before nodding.

Kyeongmin pulls out his knife and walks over to the nearest guard who is still conscious. He slices the rope holding the guard's hand together and throws the knife over his shoulder towards the woman who has pulled out her own gun again. She catches it mid air and holds her weapon steady with both hands. Her hands begin to tremble as she points her gun at one of the wolves while trying to steady herself. Kyeongmin picks up another one of the guards legs and starts dragging him towards the woman, who just finishes her shot when he reaches her.

As Kyeongmin approaches her, she fires a bullet in the direction of the other wolves before pointing her gun at him, aiming it at his chest.

They stare intensely at each other, neither of them breaking eye contact, until suddenly the woman starts yelling,


Everyone stops talking and looks at her curiously, wondering what is wrong. She looks at Kyeongmin and yells again,


This causes the remaining four soldiers, who had just woken up from their sleep, to run in the direction of the girl. One of the soldiers, who is slightly shorter than all the others, grabs the gun from the woman and walks over to the girl, taking the girl by surprise.

The girl turns around as fast as she could and shoots a single bullet straight into the guy's heart. Everyone freezes before a horrified gasp breaks out through the crowd. The girl, whose name is Junhee, then turns around towards the man laying on the ground and drops to her knees.

She lets out a sob.

"I-I am sorry..." she says in between sobs, "...I didn't mean to... I did it... to save your life.... I'm so sorry...." She trails off as more sobs rack through her body. Soon, Junhee begins to shake violently before falling down on the ground, lifeless.

Silence settles over the crowd as everyone tries to process what happened. Finally, someone speaks up, breaking the silence.

The man who is lying unconscious states, "We have no choice... she is our last hope."

A man with white hair replies with a look of disgust on his face, "What is our choice? We have to abandon her. This girl is a traitor!"

Another man says, "But what about the boys?"

"Leave them. They should've known better than to go against the rules."