
A Dream

The name's Jones.Detective Jones.I've became a Detective Cause I hated the Injustice , Crimes , and greed in this city.

The number of crimes here are uncountable as if it seems it's the center of every crime in this world.

I wish..that the crimes in this city would be gone..A crimeless city is a dream i want to achieve.

I hear a knocking and then say come in it's the chief. "Jones we have another case for you"

I Sigh "What is it Jones? You seem tired.i can give this case-" I immediately said "No Need. I'm fine.I'll do it myself"

Then said "What's this case bout chief? Drug dealing? Bank robbing?"

He then said "Some sketchy business down town. Probs unlicensed. and they be a bit suspension."

"I'll go there right away" Then he gave me the address.

I was about to reach my destination . when I got close to the place I had a weird Feeling.

I was reaching for the door when it opend on it's own "...Not weird at all."

Then I hear someone's voice "Ahhhhh~ Detective Jones I was expecting you~"

It was a man in red coat. He had a Weird hair. and he was drinking some tea.

I was shocked on how The hell did this man Know my name "How do you Know who i am?!"

"Please calm down~ I Know everything and everyone in this world Jones~"

"I Even Know your Desires."

"How can i believe you?"

"I am aware that Crimes disgust you."

I was so shocked "H-How the hell you Know Bout It?!JUST WHO ARE YOU?!!"

He then smiled "The name's Lucifer dear Jones~ you human Know me as Satan."


"Want proof?" He then snapped his Fingers then his true Form was Reviled.

It was so terrfiying for the human mind.I was scared.

"Believe me now~"

I just noded

"Here's my card~ give me a call if you want to have what you desire to have."

And then i was thrown out of that place.

Then it all disappeared.

I went back to the office to report. But how would i explain what i saw?

I decided not to tell what i saw and report this instead "There were no one there when i went there."

Then i went home and try to think about what i saw tonight.

I took a look at the card."What should i do...?"

I Put a lot of thinkin to this.

"I'll give him a call..."

After I Called the number..I heard a knocking right after the first ring..

"Must be him"

When i opend the door i saw him..But he had an strict face this time..Not the smiley face.

"Are you sure about your decision Jones?"

I noded

"Very well then.give me your soul and i give you what you desire."

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